Birthday, and the suprise.

Please let Her Like Me!


Psshh.. Risa wouldnt kill me becouse I told a little white lie. Even If she does I'll just a little bit and she will act all girly and blush again. Neh~! She is So cute. ~ >_<




< 2 days Later > Time skip.

Risa's POV

GAh?! I'm gonna go crazy. The last two days have been crazy boring. School was the same as always, than when I come home I eat do homework than go to bed. " Why has my life turned to this?! " I said yelling.

I sighed. I checked my phone and saw zero text messages and calls. I frowned. Even Joon didnt give me a happy birthday text. I only got a 3 this morning from a few friends back home. " I'm such a loner. "

I slowly crawled to a corner of the bedroom and sat there. My phone suddenly wrung and I took my time to answer. " Deppressed and in a corner speaking. " I said.

" Why exactly are you deppresed on your birthday? " I was a bit shocked. " Jay you remembered? " I asked

" It hurts that you doubted me. " He said while chuckling.

" It hurts that you forgot my present " I said laughing too.

" Well. I gotta go, everyone's waiting for me. Dont do anything stupid!~ " he said before hanging up.

That was my line. " Yoseob - ah You said you'd be back today. " I frowned again, and I actually thought that we could finnaly go on our first date. Gues thats not happening. I gues I can try to call him. I quickly punched in his number and waited.

Yoseob's POV

My phone started vibrating and I gave a quick glance at the caller ID. " Kikwang, Risa just called me what should I do? " I asked

" Pick up idiot. Dont ignore your own girlfriend " He said while setting up the chairs.

sighed. " Hello? "

" Yoseob!.. um, whats up? " She asked

" Oh just getting some work done. I'm coming back at 7 pm tonight. " I said. trying to act my best.

" Oh. Okay, well anything else you have to say? " She asked. I saw Joon over to me and wispered in my ear. " If she's giving you hints on what today is just hang up the phone. "

" Nothing I can think of.. Haha.. IGottaGoBYE! " I said before hanging up. I just hanged up on my girlfriend and didnt even say a proper goodbye. " Joon your Ruining my life!! " I yelled out. I looked at him and he only smirked. " You might be a over protective boyfriend, but i will always be the over protetive brother. "

I pouted. Everyone was busy preparing for the party. The only part I had was being away and keeping away from Risa, and so far I'm doing a very bad job at it. " I'm gonna get some fresh air. "

I quickly walked out of the hotel and took a deep breath. Risa - yah. What are you up to right now?

Risa's POV

Okay. So, he hung up on me. Should I be worried? No of cource not he's just busy with his celebrity life and all. I stared at my phone for a few more seconds before setting it down. " Fine. Apparently I'm gonna spend my Birthday alone. " I said before grabbing my bag and leaving the house. I walked around the city for a few blocks and bought a cup of coffee.

As I walked down the street someone bumped into me and I ended up on the floor with my coffee spilt all over my cloths. " I-i'm so sorry " I looked up to the voice and saw that it was a guy. I got up and brushed off some dust. " Its fine " I said while grabbing my bag off the floor. " Is there anyway I can help? " He asked

" Its nothing just a coffee spill thats all " I said while looking at the stain on my shirt.

" Here " He said while taking off his jacket and putting it on me. " You can keep the jacket since its a valuable item now " He said, smiling.

" Valuable? How so? " I asked

" Ah.. I gues you dont know who I am. " He said while scratching his head.

" No I think I would remember a guy with pink hair " I said laughing a bit.

" Well in anycase, let me introduce myself. I'm Ljoe, pleasure to meet you. " He said holdinding out his hand. I shook it. " I'm Risa. Nice to meet you."

" Well I have to go. See you soon Risa - yah " See you soon? I wonder what he ment by that.

I saw him turn and walked away. I did the same and started to walk home until my phone rang. " HellOo? "

" Risa? "

I looked at the caller ID and was really happy when I saw Yoseob's name " Yoseob- ah are you about to board the plane? " I asked

" Risa, nows not the time for that I need you to pick up some paper's for me at the Carlton hotel. Just leave them in my bed room when get home "

" Um.. Sure.. Okay.. " I said before ending the call. I sighed. Thats all he had to say to me?

I stopped a taxi and told him to drive me to the Carlton hotel. I quickly made my way to the entrance and stepped in. " Excuse me, miss? I came here to get Yoseob's paper's can you point me out to wich room its in? " I asked

" Can i get your name? " She asked

" Park Risa. "

" ID? "

I quickly pulled it out and she gave a quick glance before giving it back. " Its in the main room to your left, you cant miss it. " She said

I nodded and quickly walked to the room. I sighed before turning the knob. " Dark.. " I said trying to find a light.

Suddenly all the lights came on and I stared at the people Jumping out. " Suprise! " They all screamed out. I stared in awe as I looked around the room to see everyone there.

My eyes grew even wider when I saw Yoseob walking toward me. I started walking towards him and the walking soon turned into a run. I gave a small jump and both my arms were wrapped around his neck. He embraced me and I heard him whisper " Happy birthday Babe " In my ear. It only made me blush more since he said it in English. " Your such a jerk, you lied to me didnt you? " I said pouting a bit. He gently setted me back down.

" Uwa, but I did it because I love you " He said childishly.

" Okay Enough with the lovey doveyness! Everyone Enjoy The birthday Party! " Joon yelled out.

Everybody started spreading out and started doing exactly that enjoying themselfs. I just smiled but I think I almost cried when I saw my family coming towards me. My hands covered my mouth as they finally reached me. " Mom, Dad, Ryu! " I said before giving them all a hug.

" We've missed you so much! " My mom said.

" I've missed you guys too " I said back

" We really wanted to be here for you 20th birthday " My dad said.

I looked back to Yoseob. " Mom, dad I want to introduce you to boyfriend. " I said while walking right next to him. I grabbed his hand and we walked towards them again. " His name's Yang Yo Seob " I said.

He gave a quick bow. " Nice to meet you "

" Neh~ What a lovely, handsome young man you got here " My mom said.

" Risa has told me about you many time's during our calls. You must be very speical to her " My dad said to while giving him a handshake and a warm smile.

" Yes well We're going to go get something to eat first. I'll talk to you later okay Honey. " She said

I nodded and they both walked away. I looked down to my younger brother. It suprised me how tall he has gotten. He's 5 years younger than me ' offically ' and he's only an inch shorter.

I heard him sigh and he opened his arms out. I smiled and walked up and hugged him. " Yeah, well I've missed my annoying, funny, at advise sister. " He said.

" and i've missed my anoyying yet smart, with a tint of stupid of a brother " I said back. we both let go and I saw him stare at Yoseob. " I dont approve of this relationship " He said before turning his body and headed to my parents.

I looked at Yoseob again and saw he was dumbfounded. " Sorry, even though he doesnt act like it he's rather over protective. " I said.

" Uwa~ Why doesnt he approve of this relationship?! " He said while panicking.

I chuckled a bit, but smiled again when I saw how he was dressed. He had a black jeans on a white shirt with a black tie and a black jacket. He also looked equally adorbale with black hair. I saw him stop panicking and look at me. " What are you looking at? " He asked

I walked up to him and gave a gently yank to his tie. He bended down and I gave Him a light kiss on the lips. " You look great. Very mature. " I said smiling.

" Thanks. " He said while smiling back. I saw him look at me and gave a small frown. " who's jacket are you wearing? " He asked

" I'm not really sure actually. Someone bumped into and I spilled coffee all over myself. So he offered me his jacket. I think his name was... Ljoe?" I said

his faced calmed down a bit. " I see. " He took my hand and pulled me over to a room. He gently pushed me in and closed the door behind us. " take the jacket off " he said. " Huh? "

He sighed and gently took the jacket off. " I wanted to give you something.. " He said taking a box out from behind a closet. He gave it to me and I slowly opened it.

I looked at the cute stuffed bunny in my hand. " Neh~ Its really cute. Thanks I love it. " I said giving him a quick hug. I held the bunny against his face, and gave a quick giggle. " Its almost cuter than You Yoseob. " I said

I saw him pout. " Its true, Because your not cute looking. Your rather handsome actually " I said, smiling.

he blushed. " Oh yeah one more thing. " He took out a small box, once I opened it I smiled. " I'll love only you. " I said reading the necklace. He took the necklace from my hands. " Can you lift up your hair? " He asked

I did and he placed the necklace around my neck. I turned around to look at him. " Look now we match " he said pulling out his own pair hiding inside his shirt.

He slowly leaned in and kissed me. While his tongue asked for entrance. I hesitated at first, but accepted. A minute passed by and we stopped, since we both needed some air.

I saw him chuckle. " We frenched kissed " He said.

" Dont remind me " I said covering my face from the blush.

" Uwa~ Almost forgot, my stylist came just in case for a situation like this. I'll call her over. "

I saw him left the room and a few minutes later a girl walked in. " Okay this wont take long " She said

30~ Minutes Later

" Okay I'm done " She said

I looked in the mirror. My hair was curled and I had a white dress, about 2 inche's shorter from knee length. That ruffled on the bottem edge. " My work here is done " She said before leaving the room. I gave a small frown. I didnt even get a chance to say thank you. I sighed I walked up to the door and opened it stepping out.

Everyone was still dancing, eating, and socializing. I tried to find Yoseob but It felt impossible since there was so many people here. I walked outside to the outside pool and dance floor. No one was there exept for a girl.

She suddenly turned around, and I think she was as shocked as I was.


" IU? I didnt know you were here. "








Mmkay. Chap 14 Done! Hope you liked this chap. I'll be updating soon. I wanna say thanks to another subscriber helloolove. SO yups Thanks. I'm happy with all the nice comments I'm also happy that you guys are very supportive of my new story and my current one. So yeah thats really it. Thanks for reading~ JA~ NE!

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Update soon~
OMO Your Back! Finnalyy! I love the new chapter it was a bit sad but<br />
It was good ^^ Well played! Update SOON!
Arghh!! Yoseob you BABO!!! <br />
<br />
Update soon!! <3333333
Ok I was listening to I Shouldn't Have Said It by MBLAQ, and combined with tthis story, I started to cryyy like seriously!!!! And that lady at the counter was so smart, I like her hahaha ANY_WAY<br />
UPDATE SOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-erish
jesscandy421 #5
Omo!!!!! No don't break up!!!!!!! *tears up* WAE?!!!!!!!! *sobs*they will get back together! HWAITING! ㅠ.ㅠ
What the?! They broke up????????? Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Ugh!! Tears rolling down on my cheeks and my costumers might think I'm crazy...arghh!!<br />
<br />
Update soon~~
oh oh oh oh oh oh h oh oh oh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm crying. THATS TOO SAD!!!!!!!!!!! UGH! I Want you to update again! AnD sooner!!!! I want to know what happenes next!!!!!!! There's no way that they're just gonna break up like that, right??
Update soon!!!!!