Chapter One

You're My Oasis [Semi-Hiatus]


10:03 PM. Eunchul took a peek at her digital wristwatch, it was a glow-in-the-dark G-Shock and it was one of her favourites. The cool summer breeze blew against her milky white skin, and that, was one of what she liked about Seoul.



"Unnie-ah." I complained under my breathe, though there was no one around to actually hear me. Yes, isn't it obvious that I'm waiting for someone? Or what would you think I was doing down there on the street with two handful and most importantly, HEAVY groceries bags? Waiting for some drunkard to attack me then?


I'm no athlete so don't expect me to hold any longer onto these two groceries bags, I can't believe unnie actually made me go but her groceries, she even had to request the supermarket. Then the little device in my sweater pocket finally vibrated, quickly extending on of my hands into the pocket, I answered the phone without checking the caller.




"Eunchul-ah!" The other side exclaimed.




"Look, unnie's going to be a bit more late, I don't know why but the producer's keeping me behind, he said something about a collaboration single and he wants to talk to me about it, anyways," she kept on talking, "Just wait for a while, arraseo? Find a bench nearby."


"Arraseo." And she hung up. Idols. I guess she was really in a hurry. Well, I believe Seoul's a safe place, at least safer than where I came from.


After finding a comfortable resting spot aka bench nearby, I put down the groceries next to me and pulled out my iPod, music's a big part of my life although I don't major in music or anything music-related, but hey, I just clicked in with the swaying melody and the truthful lyrics, and I enjoy music.



Far down in the alley in the next block, the man made a low grunt and weakily stood up then got help from a streetlamp to stand still, making a barely audible groan as the headache rushed up his poor head, blurring his sight. Staggering, he walked on the street with an unsteady pace, kicking whatever was in his way - cans, pebbles, trash, even innocent plants, also throwing away the last Whisky bottle he had in hand, the sound of glass shattering was heards.


Eunchul jerked at the faint glass shattering sound, various thoughts popped in her mind, buglary? Arguement? Fight? Accident? She shrugged and pushed her glasses up her well-sculpted nose.


The man's sight was getting clearer and clearer as he walked up the unusually quiet street. Then, rage flared inside as he caught eye of the very familiar-looking girl, sitting on a bench, lost in her deep thoughts.


"Yah! Kim JiYul!" He growled and Eunchul jumped at the sudden entrance of a voice, "How dare you come back here?!" The man kept on and started to walk near her, he wobbled in his steps. Oh he's drunk alright, very drunk, Eunchul thought. She glanced around, trying to find the JiYul he was referring to.


"Stop looking around!" The man was getting closer, Eunchul could have just smelled the pungent Whisky odour on him, "I know it's you! Putting on glasses is a bad disguise!"


Eunchul turned to look at him, by the time she finished observing the drunk man from head to toe, her glasses were swept off her face down onto the ground, hearing the cracking of glass from her glasses, she frowned, that costed her a whole month's salary of her part-time job back in Busan!


By the time the man steadied himself in front of 'JiYul', he was already blinded by the scene that his girlfriend, no, ex-girlfriend has been cheating on him for one big fat year and he was totally oblivious about it, thinking that he was the happiest man on earth then. Bull, he reminded himself.


"Back to apologize?" He snarled.


Eunchul's face darkened, "You must have recognized the wrong person, sir." And grabbed the groceries, attempting to leave.


"Not so fast." The man gripped on Eunchul's wrist, squeezing it tightly as if he wanted to crush it into little pieces, making her wince in pain. "Face me you ." He spat.


"I said I am not the person you're looking for, and for your information, mister, I. AM. NOT. A. ." Eunchul retorted as her volume raised and tried to break free from the tight grip.


The man's face flushed red with pure anger and spat back, "Quit lying! I had enough of your lies! I love you this, I love you that, bull! When are you going to actually be honest for once?!"


Eunchul sneered, "I don't know what you're talking about and I believe I'm not the one you're looking for." Wondering herself why was she still being polite with someone like this, he humiliated her for goodness' sake! EUnchul flung his hand away and bent down to pick up her glasses, at least she could still wear it. Standing back up, she adjust her glasses then a hand slapped over cheek, making her glasses go flying off again.


"Eunchul?!" A woman's voice ringed in her stinging ear, she could feel her left cheek burning like hell. Sunhwa ran towards the two who were still facing each other, recognizing the girl who just got slapped, and immediately recognizing her drunk labelmate as well, "Daehyun?!"





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