` ✿ raspberry field roleplay. freshly (re)opened : accepting. previously patbingsu rp! (っ- ‸ -)っ ♥


Raspberry Field roleplay is the new edition of the older verison ' patbingsu roleplay '! Before moving to OBS, many orignal members left, this is where they can come back! Patbingsu roleplay was one of the biggest roleplays back then, and we shall do the same with the new one! Old members, new members are welcomed. no one will get left out, i promise!~ The reason we changed it to Raspberry Field roleplay is because two of the original head admins are not joining with us anymore : the very first Sungyeol & Jia / Hyunseung. PBS is not PBS without them, right? i'm still hoping you guys would join T A T so yeah, come and join us for a memory you never want to delete! < 3 p.s : i hope you guys would not say "it's different now" and "it has changed" or stuch ( stuffs + such. oyEAH e u e ). yes, things might have changed, this might not like the old pbs. but why not create a whole new world family, a whole new memories?
+ Rules! - read them carefully! // + Subscribing is a must, you want to keep up with updates! Upvotes are loved, why not do it? It's free! // + One account per soul. Yeaap. Why do you even want to talk to yourself? // + Respect everyone, that includes not bashing. If we find out you're being rude to anyone, sorry. Goodbye. and, no face-chasers allowed! >:u any face-chasers, bashers and such will get my angry face. >:u // + ooc? We like talking to other people about our lifes, but please don't do it so much! If you are! Use brackets please! Or go to dm. // + timeline, please keep it pg-15! We have young roleplayers! // + the password is your favourite ice cream flavor. // + This is a semi-closed roleplay  It means you can talk & follow people outside the roleplay, but not being a couple with them. If they mean so much to you, bring them over!// + Active? If you're not active for 4 days, you'll get kicked out. And hiatuses last 1 month, semi-hiatuses last 2 weeks! // + Relationships? For old members, you can be in a relationship as soon as you join, if you're in one already. But for everyone else, 2 days and 200 tweets. and Yuri are not allowed, sorry. But bromance and sismance is strongly encouraged! c8
+ How to join! // + Subscribe first! // + Check the masterlist for your desired character. Check the wishlist too! // + Comment who you want to be with your timezone! We want to get to know you better! // + Wait for an admin to argee for you to make an account, then you'll have 3 days to make your acc. and yes we accept recycled accounts, but clear your following list only. But delete as many tweets as possible!// + The username format is rfname or rf_name; ex - @rfnaeun or @rf_youngjae ; jailed accounts should be @rf_somethingreleatedtoyourcharacter for example ; @rf_naeunnie or @rf_sonnaeun! Decorate your account, but put this as your bio. o/ // + Mention the base to get vertified! // + Please don't tweet before getting vertified,  even though I know the feeling. orz .// + After getting vertified, tweet as much as you want! Introduce yourself if you want! // + Have fun! And follow all the rules! // + I kid the real password is your favourite ballad, it can't be the same as the person below you.



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Hi~ I was the previous Juniel of PBS. Can I change my character to Shin Jihoon? :3

pw: BTOB - Star :)
may i reserve aoa's seolhyun?
+ taeyeon's closer.

not sure if anyone remembers me but hey, i was pbs' tia, hehe.
can I reserve INFINITE's L?
password : Davichi
And uh, I was PBS' ex-Himchan, B-bomb, Taec, Jaehyo and OBS' ex-Sungyeol, Daehyun and Chen.
Dis iz Yukwon, lmao no but you get what I mean and may I reserve EXO's Baekhyun?

+ Epik High's Run. Not even sure if Run is a ballad though.
Chapter 1: ah, hello o/
can i reserve rania's t-ae?
i was LE before o u o
Cries. When did this happen. ; u ;
Can you reserve Miss A's Suzy for me?
I was PBS' first J-Da.
AlwaysHungry #8
Chapter 1: I told you I wanna reserve Bbomb :D remember to add me in alright?