play dead

infinite jurisdiction

Sunggyu's Apartment.
7:35am. Wednesday.

"We're late," Sunggyu stated for the third time, and Woohyun looked up from the bed.

Three times was usually Sunggyu's limit. Either he would get angry, or he'd give in. He'd given in last night to Woohyun. At the front door when Woohyun arrived without calling, when it was getting late and Sunggyu wanted to go to bed, just as Sunggyu was falling asleep and said he was too tired to do anything. He'd give in three times. Woohyun knew he was pushing his luck, but still he smiled happily from Sunggyu's bed, and turned his head as he followed Sunggyu who was walking back and forth across the room. There was a stressed look on Sunggyu's face as he pulled the tie around and began to tie it up.

"Get out of bed, we have-- you have to go home and get ready," Sunggyu said as he kicked the end of the mattress with his foot to make sure Woohyun was paying attention. "I still have to tell you off if you arrive late, I'm your boss."

"Oh, I like this roleplay. I like when you scold me," Woohyun returned n a low tone as he closed his eyes and pretended that he was going back to sleep. 

There was a frustrated noise from Sunggyu before he kicked the bed again. "Stop playing around. You have to go get ready."

"Alright, I'll go," Woohyun murmured, his eyes still closed and his body not moving an inch. He liked Sunggyu's bed, it smelled like Sunggyu and Sunggyu smelled nice. "Can I come over tonight?"

"No," was Sunggyu's response, and Woohyun's eyes flickered open.

"What? Why? I want to come over and see you! You said we aren't allowed to sleep together at work, and your bed is nice," Woohyun protested as he found Sunggyu coming towards him, and soon the other males knees were on the bed. "Woah, wait, what are you doing?"

The thud that came when Woohyun's body connected with the floor sounded heavy and painful. Woohyun groaned as he fought with the blankets wrapped around his body so he could sit up, and he saw the back of Sunggyu who was standing up from the other side of the bed. He'd definitely hit his quota with Sunggyu for the day, and it'd only just started. A heavy sigh came from Woohyun who slowly laid back down on the floor, the wood was smooth under his and he squeezed his eyes shut. He really didn't want to move yet.


"Alright, I'm going," Woohyun exhaled in a weighted manner as soon as he heard Sunggyu start to say his name again. "You're no fun, Captain."



105th Precinct.
7:56am. Wednesday.

Myungsoo stared at the paperwork in front of him in a dull manner. The only tip he'd been given was that he'd done it wrong, followed by the captain, Sunggyu handing the paperwork back and told him to fix it. There wasn't even the usual scribbles of marker on what he had to fix, and that left Myungsoo with no idea where to even start. His eyes flickered over the department. Ho Won and Dongwoo were standing against the far wall having a quiet discussion. There was no sign of Sunggyu, Woohyun or Sungyeol yet. That left Sungjong, the rookie, who was hidden behind a wall of case files. He'd done that every morning since he'd arrived--go through old case files on his own. Myungsoo had yet to work out what it achieved, but it was peculiar.

The twenty-one year old tapped his pen on the paperwork as he realized the sheer embarrassment that would come from having to ask a rookie how to fill in simple forms. Sunggyu must have believed in him enough to fix it, so he would.

"You forgot to put your badge number and the date, and you wrote the case file in the wrong way," a voice explained in the middle of Myungsoo's intense staring session with the paper.

He turned his head to see his partner, Sungyeol. Coffee in hand, glasses on and in a nice suit. On the first day they'd met, Myungsoo had thought Sungyeol as the chic, less words and more action kind of detective, but the longer he'd spent with Sungyeol, the more he'd seen the other delight as he super glued various objects to Ho Won's desk, and started childish bets with Woohyun. The longer Myungsoo spent with Sungyeol, the more he realized Sungyeol was a elementary school boy who thought his job was fun. Not that Myungsoo could judge. He'd worked there too long to still be getting the paperwork wrong.

"Oh, yeah," Myungsoo nodded his head as he realized Sungyeol was right. "Kamsahamnida."

"Speak casually," Sungyeol told Myungsoo once again.

Although Myungsoo nodded, his eyes were focused on Sungjong who'd got up from his seat and was carrying a file over to Ho Won. The two were partners, and as much as that meant Ho Won was supposed to help Sungjong, Myungsoo couldn't help but wish he'd be asked. Once, at least.

"Sunbae-nim, I found something," Sungjong said with a manner of hesitation as he came up to Ho Won and Dongwoo.

Ho Won dropped his hand from Dongwoo's cheek, rubbing his fingers together to get rid of the weird piece of fluff that had been bothering him the whole time he was talking to Dongwoo. The older male always had something on his face. There was a shift in Ho Won's weight as he turned his body and leaned back into the windowsill to face Sungjong, his partner. Ho Won's eyes flickered from the boys face, to the case file in his hands. Sungjong was always finding new leads and seeking out answers; he seemed to either want to prove himself or he really liked grunt work.

"What is it?" Ho Won tilted his head as he tried to read some of the text inside the file. 

Sungjong glanced between Ho Won and Dongwoo, before he tried to focus on what he had found. Ho Won and Dongwoo's dates had been a topic around the department, and Sungjong had see the two together plenty to say it was true. The two older males were definitely close, and Sungjong often felt like a third wheel when he interrupted them.

"Ah, this, here," Sungjong began to hand the file over when someone abruptly announced himself.

"Everyone in the briefing room, I want an update," Sunggyu's voice cut over the room, and everyone's eyes landed on him as he focused on Dongwoo. "Except Dongwoo. When Woohyun gets in, you two are going over to 'M' National Bank. The bank robbery this morning has fallen into our jurisdiction. They want you over there as soon as possible."

A chorus of agreements came as from the detectives as they began to move.

"Tell me about the lead after the brief," Ho Won told Sungjong as he patted the boys shoulder, and Sungjong nodded his head.




105th Precinct.
8:13am. Wednesday.
Briefing room.

Dongwoo stood in the back of the briefing room as Sunggyu stood in his place at the front, and called Ho Won and Sungjong up to run over their current primary case. It wasn't particularly unusual for Woohyun to run late, and Dongwoo never was bothered when he did. The time allowed Dongwoo to feed the pet dragon in the phone application he had, and try to work out how he was going to get over the latest hurdle in the coding of his newest hacking program. They were supposed to make life easier, but he kept hitting brickwalls and errors. An amused smile came to Dongwoo's lips as he played the game with his dragon and listened to the briefing.

There was an anxious moment as Sungjong stuck up the last of the pictures of the crime scene, and nodded to Ho Won.

"This is the murder case that happened in the neighbourhood alley. Around 6am last Thursday morning, a man going to work noticed someone slumped against a wall, called out and approached the body. This man," Ho Won pointed to the photograph of the dead man's head from the autopsy shots, "is still unidentified. But we do know he was killed in the late hours of 10pm to 12am, with three fatal puncture wounds in the neck. The death was exsanguination--blood loss--and he had a cocktail of drugs in his system."

Sungjong took a breath before he saw Ho Won nod to him.

"The murder weapon is thought to be a screwdriver, or something like that. We have canvassed the area and no one saw anything, or heard anything suspicious. But we plan to go out again with the photo and see if we can find a lead on his identity, and with the new information about the time of death, and the fact that there is not enough blood on the scene," Sungjong glanced at crime scene photographs and pointed towards some of the stores nearby. "We plan to look into cars that passed through the area at that time, and go through more video footage."

"Have you considered going to the missing persons for the identity?" Sunggyu posed the question, and the two detectives nodded together.

"We have been going through them and no one matches. We asked to be notified if anyone reports someone who looks like the man missing," Ho Won answered as he noticed movement in the corner of his eye and turned his head to see Woohyun finally arrive.

Everyone's gaze turned to the late detective who gave a bright smile.

"Morning everyone! Sorry, I'm late," Woohyun noticed the way Sunggyu tried to focus on anything but him, and he laughed lightly. "I had a rough night."

"Ya, Woohyun, just go with Dongwoo. You two have a bank robbery case," Sunggyu ordered as he pointed towards the door, and motioned for them to leave. "We're also in the middle of a briefing."

Woohyun curled his arm around Dongwoo's who only just looked up from his phone and gave a smile to everyone who was looking in his direction; he'd been focused on his dragon. Dongwoo glanced at Woohyun before he squirmed his body, and gently pushed his partners head with his knuckle. He did it whenever Woohyun did something that had clearly gotten him in trouble; as the older half of the partners, Dongwoo was responsible for Woohyun, which was compared to putting a puppy in charge of another puppy; it was going to end in a mess no matter what.

"Bad Woohyun," Dongwoo laughed before he began to push his partner out of the briefing room.

Once the two left, Sunggyu turned his attention back to Ho Won and Sungjong, and shook his head. He didn't know what he was going to do if everyone found out he and Woohyun were together. Woohyun clearly wanted the world to know.

"Is there anything else?" Sunggyu asked, trying to keep the meeting going.

"No, that's all for now," Ho Won answered with a short bow of his head.

"Alright. Sungyeol, Myungsoo. Your home-invasion case..." Sunggyu changed his focus to the two detective who were still seated at a table. 




Murder Crime Scene.
9:23am. Wednesday.

Sunggyu crossed his arms across his chest as he looked between Ho Won and Sungjong. There was often times when Sunggyu liked to ride along with his detectives, to make sure they stayed focus, stayed out of trouble, to see how well they worked together; and Sunggyu missed working cases sometimes. Being captain was a mix of paperwork and stress. It was nice to wear his badge, have his gun on his hip and catch a bad guy. But he'd started to realize his detectives wanted him there about as much as they wanted to be jabbed in the eyes until they died. That's why he was standing in the alley with Sungjong and Ho Won, and they were bullying him together.

"Just sit there," Ho Won's hands pressed on his shoulders again. "It'll help us work."

"Why can't Sungjong be the body?" Sunggyu protested as he found his body give in to the weight and he soon found himself in the place where the dead body had been found. "I'm your captain."

"And he's the rookie, he needs to learn on the job," Ho Won returned smartly, and Sunggyu couldn't argue with that.

"Fine," Sunggyu murmured, leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes.

"Play dead, don't sleep," Ho Won teased the older male whose eyes opened quickly to glare at him.

Once Sunggyu was in place, Ho Won slowly stepped back. It looked right, even if Sunggyu was currently staring at him from the ground with his arms crossed. No matter how much Sunggyu said he was the captain, the older male showed he could still act like a child at times, and when he thought he was doing well; the bullying Suggyu suffered from left him in a confused and tired state. Ho Won stepped back further and looked up one end of the alley, it led further into a maze of streets and houses. Both he and Sungjong agreed that if they'd come from that way, they would have been caught by any number of people. Which left the nearby street where they, themselves, had parked the car. 

Ho Won glanced over at Sungjong who was looking around at the buildings.

"Do you see any nearby cameras?" Ho Won asked the younger detective, and he saw them nod.

"There's a couple, but we looked through the footage, and none of them cover this entrance," Sungjong explained as he pointed out to the ones he knew of. "We could go through it again for a car that passed through here."

"We should canvass some more. We really need to find out the man's name," Ho Won added his own thoughts and both of the detectives looked at Sunggyu whose eyes were closed once more. "Captain, we're going to go door-to-door." 

"So I have to get up?" Sunggyu gave a heavy sigh with the question, he was quite exhausted already.




Robbery Crime Scene.
9:41am. Wednesday.
'M' National Bank.

"So as soon as the bank opened this morning, six masked and armed men came through the door?" Woohyun questioned the uniformed officer in front of him.

The inside of the bank was a mess, there were bullet holes and puddles of blood. Police officers were walking around, crime scene techs and witnesses. It felt like organized chaos, and Woohyun watched as the coroners wheeled out the second body. Two were dead, three others were wounded and in hospital; one critical. Whoever had done the robbery were trigger happy, and Woohyun exhaled deeply as he turned his attention back to the first officer on the scene.

"And CCTV? Have we been able to check it?" Woohyun moved uneasily, he didn't like dealing with cases where people had died; he was terrible at handling them seriously.

"We have guys in there now," the officer nodded and his eyes flickered over Woohyun's shoulder.

Woohyun turned his head to see Dongwoo come up behind him, and wearing an odd expression. He'd gone over to talk to the witnesses and confirm the story they'd received from the officers. 

"What is it?" Woohyun asked, and he watched Dongwoo give an awkward laugh.

"They shot at one another. The robbers," Dongwoo answered with a slightly dazed look.

There was a second as Woohyun realized what Dongwoo was saying. "Teen Top? From the bank two months ago?"




105th Precinct.
10:06am. Wednesday.

Myungsoo filled the space that made up the Captain's office doorway as he watched Sungyeol crouch down behind the desk. They shouldn't have been doing it. They should have been working on their case--but Sungyeol was stuck at his desk, and he hated being stuck at his desk. There was a glance around the department for any sign of someone coming back, but Myungsoo couldn't see anyone.


"Aish, Myungsoo, help me or be quiet," Sungyeol cut the younger detective off with a frustrated tone; he was trying to concentrate.

The sound of footsteps and the loud thud made Sungyeol crawl back from under the desk. As his head popped up from the other side of the desk, he noticed Myungsoo climbing up off the floor and dusting himself off. How could someone so handsome be so clumsy? Sungyeol scratched the back of his head and raised his hands up to get Myungsoo's attention, and when the males eyes landed on him, Sungyeol pressed a finger to his lips.

"Just be quiet, I'm nearly done. Don't move."







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