Out of Sight

Out of Sight

“What’s it like?” Junmyeon asks one day when they’re both sitting under a big tree in the school yard.

It’s that time of year when autumn and winter battle to gain control over the weather, golden crispy leaves covering the grass and the sunlight filtering lazily through light grey clouds. Yixing smiles bemusedly, his dark eyes staring at a spot somewhere above him aimlessly. His bangs threaten to cover his eyes and Junmyeon smooths them away with a cold hand, lingering on Yixing’s cheek for a minute because the boy’s pale skin always looks so soft and tempting.

“What, being blind?” Yixing suggests the obvious, because that’s just how Yixing is; he never hides anything, never tries to avoid hardships. Junmyeon admires that about him, because even though that technically Yixing was the handicapped one, Junmyeon always found himself sinking deep under the surface with no intention of fighting the waves washing over him. Yixing seemed to float effortlessly through almost anything in life, including his lack of sight.

Junmyeon nods and looks down at the blind boy currently resting his head in his lap. “Yeah,” he says after he remembers that Yixing couldn’t see him nodding. “That.”

Yixing snorts and directs his gaze to a point slightly closer to Junmyeon’s head, giving a humble shrug. “It’s alright,” he sighs. “I don’t know, what’s it like not being blind?”

The question makes Junmyeon laugh because- really- what kind of question is that? But he controls himself and thinks for a minute or two, knowing that philosophy-loving Yixing won’t rush the answer out of him.

What’s it like to see? Junmyeon looks around. Everything seems normal; high school students walking around, the leaves on the trees dancing along with the wind. Everything’s perfectly ordinary, but how does he explain it to someone who has never even seen his own mother’s face?

"It’s… it’s alright," he decides after a few seconds of hesitation, the smile obvious in his voice. Yixing nods and claps like Junmyeon just made a world-changing observation, and Junmyeon knows that the other boy is about to say something smart and way too vague for his simple mind to understand.

Yixing sits up (Junmyeon leans back a little so their head don’t clunk together) and holds up a finger in the air, like a wise old professor. His eyes stare straight ahead as he says, “We only know what we know, because if we didn’t know what only we know, we wouldn’t know anything at all.”

"Sure," Junmyeon says in an over-sarcastic tone. "Just so you know, I’m rolling my eyes right now."

Yixing pouts and bumps his shoulder against Junmyeon’s (it hurts) with hurt clear in his features. “You should be glad that your boyfriend is such a genius, you earthling,” he says with his voice full of fake venom.

Junmyeon just presses a kiss to the tip of the others’ nose and smiles. 
It’s true- it was only Yixing who knew how to cheer Junmyeon up or when to offer help.

Sometimes, you need to have someone with the ability to see things that you consider to be out of sight.

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chomesukesharp #1
Chapter 1: “We only know what we know, because if we didn’t know what only we know, we wouldn’t know anything at all.”
*dies *
Chapter 1: This is so lovely, I love it so much ♡
Chapter 1: This was just so innocent and beautiful. I loved it. Really. ♡
miss_schweini #4
Chapter 1: It's short but still, it's beautiful. Love this :D please, write more sulay ^^
Chapter 1: Please update ^^ Yixing is a blind boy. Interesting story :D