Chapter 05


“What the…what the hell is this?!” Yongguk exclaimed rather loudly while staring at the basketball on the floor. He kicked the basketball rather harshly, breaking an antique vase in the process. Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes and he barked a single order. “Everyone. Upstairs now.”

Minri had locked the room shut. The group was huddled in the girls’ bedroom. Zelo had managed to let Aika and Hyorin calmed down with the help of a special tea. Taeyeon had slumped against the dresser chair, running her hands in her long wavy hair. Yongguk was leaning uneasily against the wall while Luhan was sitting cross legged on the floor. Kyuhyun stood in the centre of the room.

“Is everyone here?” He asked. Taeyeon nodded. “We’re all here.”

“Good. As you can see, we are currently trapped inside this house. We can’t easily call for help since our phones couldn’t pick up signal and the landline’s cut. There’s still a storm brewing outside so we can’t get to the nearest police station.” The male explained.

Taeyeon pursed her lips. “It’s the curse.”

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow. “A curse?” The girl nodded her head. Minri from across the room didn’t dare contradict for a while and instead decided to stand by the balcony door.

“It’s Miyu’s curse.” Taeyeon muttered. Yongguk sighed and decided to speak up. “Miyu? You mean the former owner of this house?”

The girl nodded. “They say she was a witch. She was able to grant any wish as long as you sacrifice eight people to her.”

Minri decided to speak up. “I don’t see how the curse has to do with the predicament at hand.” Taeyeon pursed her lips. “My theory is…the killer might have believed the myth and is doing this to fulfil the witch’s promise…”

“But that’s crazy. Are you saying that one of us believes in this mythical stuff?” Zelo muttered. Taeyeon shook her head slightly. “I’m not saying that one of us is the killer…”

“It’s possible.” Luhan replied from across the room. Everyone’s heads turned to him.

“What?” Yongguk asked. “It’s possible that one of us is the killer. For example…” The blonde stood up and leaned against the wall, fixing each of them a stare. “We had time earlier. Before lunch, while we were in our rooms. In the matter of an hour, someone could have killed the butler among us.”

Minri bit her lower lip as she nodded. “I have to agree with what he says.”

Kyuhyun exhaled. “I suggest we all take turns in monitoring each other’s movements. That way, we can quickly take note if one of us is acting suspicious.” The teens nodded.

“How are we going to do that?” Zelo asked. Kyuhyun fixed him a small stare. “We pair up. One girl, one boy. If something happens, the guys can protect the girls.”

Everyone nodded in assent. Zelo raised his hand. “How do we choose our partners, though?”

Kyuhyun smiled a bit. “We will draw lots. Anyone got a pen and paper?”

After a few minutes, the couples were finally decided. Kyuhyun was paired with Hyorin; Yongguk with Taeyeon; Zelo with Aika and Luhan with Minri.

Minri sighed as she stole a glance at her partner who was standing beside her, his arms crossed in front of his chest coolly. She shot Aika a glance who just gave a small smile. “It’s okay.” Her friend mouthed silently.

“Good. Now that we’re partnered up, we’ll set up stations. Me, Hyorin, Zelo and Aika will be monitoring the second floor while the rest of you keep watch on the first floor. We need to find clues that will help us get out of this house.” Kyuhyun muttered. Everybody nodded and as soon as he had said those words, everyone dispersed.

“I don’t think splitting up is a good idea.” Minri remarked as the four of them went down the stairs. Taeyeon who was in front of her nodded. “I think so, too.”

“We have no choice. We need to explore the whole house anyways.” Yongguk remarked. The four of them settled in the living room. “We’ll go check the left wing, while you guys take the right. Is it okay?” Yongguk asked while Minri nodded. Luhan only shrugged.

“Okay. Just shout when you found something alright?” Taeyeon replied and gave a small smile. “Keep Minri safe okay?” She directed the question at Luhan who in turn nodded slightly. The group soon dispersed and Minri found herself walking down the very same corridor towards the tea room where they were meeting up earlier. She gazed back at Luhan who just followed her.

“Luhan’s your name right?” Minri asked, deciding to break the silence ensuing between the two of them. The blonde slowed his pace a bit. “Yeah. I am. You’re Minri?” He asked. The black haired female nodded and continued walking down the hallway. “What made you come along this trip?” She found herself asking.

“I’ll ask the same to you.” Luhan replied, following behind her. “To be honest…I was just forced to come along…” Minri replied softly as she glanced at the paintings plastered on the wall. “How about you?”

“I needed a break from the tiring work.” Luhan replied and Minri only nodded. Once more, they shared another silent moment. Minri kept her eyes glued to the wall. She saw that they were nearing the tea room and her eyes instinctively searched the wall for that particular painting of Miyu.

Her eyes widened and she stopped abruptly, making Luhan collide with her back. “What? What made you stop?”

Minri raised a finger and pointed to the painting on the wall. Luhan raised an eyebrow. He could only see a blonde girl lying on a black-and-white tiled floor. She was wearing a dress and had a book. She had blonde hair and her startling blue eyes, and it seemed to stare right through his soul. He didn’t notice anything peculiar at the painting despite it giving him strange shivers.

“What’s wrong with that painting?” He finally asked as he took a glance at the girl beside him who was starting to be pale. Minri stared at him back, her words coming out hushed from her lips.

“That girl in the painting…earlier…her eyes were closed…” The girl muttered softly. Luhan raised an eyebrow. “You’re kidding?”

“No… I’m not. Her eyes were closed earlier…” Minri insisted and Luhan was about to protest when a sudden scent filled his nostrils. Minri apparently had smelled it too as she started to cover with a hand.

“What’s that smell?” She asked. Luhan took another scent and and decided to follow it. It seemed to be coming from the tea room. Luhan kicked the door open and stepped inside the room.

The tea room was still the same as it was earlier. Nothing was moved or touched, but the sickly sweet scent still invaded his nose and he had to cough up a bit. Roses, he thought. Minri followed him into the room and her eyes seemed to catch sight of something on the table.

She stepped forward and decided to grab the object quickly. Her fingers closed around a small book; it was a leather bound hard cover book. Curious, she picked it up and was carefully debating on whether or not she should open it. Luhan looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Found something?”

She nodded and was about to give him the book when suddenly, a high-pitched scream could be heard from the second floor. Immediately locking gazes with each other, they immediately dashed out of the room, heading towards the second floor.



Author's Note: Someone's going to die. Again. hahaha >:D Sorry for the late update~ I was busy with school and daily life~ HAHAHA. 







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Chapter 5: oh my god.... just finished up to the nearest chaper......

either Hyorin or Aika is gonna die, right??? I'm half guessing~ wish i know soon and no stress, authornim:3
I hadn't really read this yet but it's nice;)

I only read usually but I think I'm getting interested to start reading your story:3

Oh yea, your inspiration may had left for a while... but go on walks and take in more fresh air, have fun and you'll have ideas coming~ love you, authornim;3
ariannaiman1614 #3
Chapter 5: Author-nim please update soon^^ i can't wait for the next chapter~♥
ariannaiman1614 #5
Chapter 5: OMG!!! Author-nim..... Your story are so awesome.... Author-nim pleasa update
hannahboo #6
Chapter 3: Please do remember to credit me and my shop with a link
in your foreword/description.
Hi there! I am Melinda from Soralistic.
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Please do remember to credit me and my shop with a visble and accessible link.
Upvote if you love the result of it :D
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #9
Chapter 1: I believe the one who sent her the text was the evil witch Miyu or whatever her name was. Update :D