A Visit to Suho's Clinic

Journey with an Angel Locked Out of Heaven

Anjee’s POV

I woke up to the loud and annoying sound of my alarm. I rolled over and checked my phone. It’s 7am. Just in time for my 8am monthly check-up with Suho. The morning sun greeted me as I stood up and opened the window. “Good morning Seoul,” I said smiling at the birds flying freely up in the sky.

I sat down in my bed, yawning. I remember having a dream last night though. An angel was in my house and his name was Luhan. Funny dream.. But then I realized, I didn’t dream about my parents. Is that a good sign? I’ve never gone a night without them in my dreams.

I noticed my closet was opened and the clothes inside were messed up.

Omo.. Did I get trespassed?

I looked around the room to observe if there’s anything unusual then I heard a knock. I quickly grabbed my wushu stick to protect myself. Suho made me learn wushu from his Chinese (which is really cool because I’m half Chinese!) friend, Tao. Suho told me it was for “self-defense.”

I walked nearer and nearer to the door with my wushu stick ready, anticipating the thief. Hah. I bet it’ll feel good to put my wushu skills to use now. I can’t wait to tell Tao and Suho about this!

"Anjee?" I heard a voice say.

The thief even knows my name! Then it hit me, I’ve heard that voice before..

It took me about half a minute to realize whose voice it was. The angel, dream, unruly closet and Luhan. The dream was real.

"Are you awake, Anjee?" Luhan opened the door.

Okay. So an angel really is in my house.. Calm down, Anjee. Calm down.

I fixed up myself, put down the wushu stick and tried to act normal. “Uhm, yes. Obviously.”

"I heard something loud and it sounded like it was from here. Is everything all right?" Luhan’s eyes looked worried.

Why is he so adorable?

"Yeah, it’s just my alarm clock." I replied.

His eyebrows met, “What’s an alarm clock?”

Ugh, right.

I told him what it was while going down the stairs with him to walk to the kitchen and of course, like a little kid watching a circus show, he always looked amused. I was eating the pancakes I cooked when I noticed him looking at the kitchen utensils. “I know you want to ask what those are but not now okay? And don’t you ever dare touch that knife!” He quickly placed it back to its place. “It can hurt people.” I said trying to not sound annoyed but I think I did though because he remained quiet the whole time.

"Hey." I said. I can feel the guilt linger inside me.

I saw him smile at the sound of my voice and he just looked at me so I continued, “I’m going out later at 8 to go to my doctor which you probably don’t know about. Then at 9-12nn I’ll be attending my painting classes. Is it okay for you to stay here or should I take you with me?”

"That seems nice.. School seems nice too." Luhan nodded.

Oh please, you don’t even know what a school and a doctor is.

I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for school. I took my bag and carried my painting. I hope it gets at least a B, I sighed as I stared at the art I made last night.


We walked to Suho’s clinic which is really near the university I go to. “Hey, Luhan. Act cool okay? Don’t say anything about you being.. you know what.” I whispered so that no one would hear.

We entered the clinic and it still smelled like fresh oranges. They’re my favorite. Suho must already be waiting for me.

"Annyeong oppa!" I exclaimed and ran to Suho leaving Luhan when I saw him walking out of a room next to where he always look up on his patients.

"Aigoo. You’ve grown taller Anjee-ssi!" He grinned and patted my head.

I scoffed. “I know I’m short and you just saw me last week and you’re already telling me that?”

"I was just kidding. You’re not gonna get any taller. Me first." We both laughed.

Then I remembered Luhan. “Oh, I almost forgot. I’m with my friend, Luhan.” I told Suho and introduced Luhan to him.

They shook hands and I noticed Suho’s shocked expression when he saw Luhan. His eyes were widened and his eyebrows furrowed. “I-I’m S-suho..” He stammered.

Does the glowing show? Does he know he’s different???

I need to get Suho away from Luhan. He might be suspecting him of something. “Hey Luhan, can you stay here for a while in the waiting room? It wont take long.” Luhan nodded then he sat on the couch.


We were inside the room. I sat on a chair while Suho sat on his. I munched on the orange on top of his desk. "I love how you always have oranges each time I go here," I grinned.

His lips formed a thin smile but then Suho asked, “Where did you meet that guy, Anjee?” The surprised look was still visible in his face. His eyes are telling me something’s bothering him.

"Long story, oppa." I said to change the topic. "I have my class at 9 so I need to hurry."

He just nodded and asked me the usuals..

Are you taking your vitamis regularly?

Has your head been aching more than usual?

Have you been recalling memories from the past?

Have you been feeling unusual things?

Are you still having nightmares about your parents?

I carefully listened and just nodded after every question. "I didn't dream of them last night though."

Suho rested his chin on his clenched hand. He looked serious, like he's thinking about something. "What did you dream about then?" He asked curiously.

"I can't remember. I forgot," I lied.

I had a feeling that he didn't buy it.

After a few more tests and whatnot, we bid Suho goodbye.


Suho’s POV

I sat in my desk as I tried to think about was just happened. I rummaged my desk drawers to find some important papers about Anjee I got from the hospital. I need to make sure he isn't that guy. I need to know.

The list and pictures of passengers who didn’t survive the plane crash.

Date issued: December 12, 2010.


Park Hin Ah
Han Myeon Ji
Kim Yoon Ae
Kim Ji Ae
Kim Yoon Ji
Ahn Ga Hye
Oh Ra Yoon
Yoon Tae Gi

Kim Jun Wo (Anjee’s dad)
Tan Mei Xiang (Anjee’s Mom)
Lu Han

I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration as I immediately put the paper down.


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matoki_lover #1
I like the plot! hope it won't have a sad ending though..anyway 8i can't wait for the updates