

I'm a nerd.

He's a gergeous.

I said.


I'm a nerd.


"He's a jerk."


They said.


I always see him everyday, but that's  just from afar.

It's clearly seen that he likes a certain girl, but I still set my eyes on him.

People say, before you fall too deep it's better to let go.


But I can't.


His laughter makes my day. His laughter can lighten up my mood. His smile is strangely, simply, obnoxiously, absolutely freaking beautiful. You could say that it is his pure smile, his nature smile, comes right from the bottom of his deepest heart.


"There are so many girls who has no brain, just thinking what to wear today or what  perfume should I go with for party tonight and blablabla out there. If that guy even like a type of girl like that, that means he's just as brainless as the girl he's in love with. We arem't suppossed to be friends with those people or else we would end up brainless also. I think you're still stuck on the beginning, let's just move, alright? It would be easy, I promise."

As if you know huh?

Do whatever you want, and say whatever you want, but I can't move. Even if I'm trying to.




And all of this pathetic and stupid love story of mine, can I just get my crush likes me back? Just for this once?


Can't he be mine?




Never in my life had I have such a huge feeling of weirdness and happiness at the same time.

Like I have now.

I date girls because I love the things they do for me, not because I love them. Never.

Shortly, I play them.

Jackass, sure.

ty-like badass, probably.



I saw that girl again this morning, and as usual I made an eyecontact with her before she quickly turned hear head away, breaking our small, short, almost unnoticable yet an intense interaction with our eyes.

She's a pure beauty.

She is simply beautiful. She looks awesomely breathtaking in my eyes, especially because of those damn pretty big brown eyes of her, which makes me want to stare at those eyes forever.

I believe that I'm a morning human so I always arrive early at school, meeting my friends at that certain table of ours in the cafetaria.

And I always wait her to arrive.


I don't know why my heart will pound so fast against my ribcage whenever she suddenly appears mear me, comes out of nowhere, but this feeling feels so unbelievably good.

I always hide this feeling by smiling to my friends.

Honestly, my smile is for her.


I want her to be mine.



Hello, sweeties!

This is my very first story, don't know whether it's good or not but I really hope you all would enjoy my story .

Leave a comment if you wanna, I don't bite.



Do not copy nor plagiarism any of this. Thank you.

main image still in process! i should've posted the image first before start writing sighs im dumb ikr ㅂㅡㅂ


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wolfgirlXO #1
Good luck with your story buddy ( ื▿ ืʃƪ) *support from me* and thanks for supporting my fic too! ♡♡