Back to the Drawing Board

Broken Wings 2

Chapter 4




I wake up with the worst headache I've ever had. I feel like I wanna kill someone. 

"Argh  wae does my head hurt so much."

"Leo, Oh! Leo your up thank god!"

N puts me in a bone crushing hug. 

"N let go I can't breathe. N let go."

He still holds on tightly, mumbling some incomprehensible nonsense. 

I Smack him upside the head.

"YAH! You little......" 
"If you would have shut up you would have heard me warn you beforehand."

I look around expecting Angel to be somewhere.

"N wae am I in a hospital, and where's Angel?"

"Um well ahh you see..."

Another sharp pain runs through my head. I see Angel limp, and lifeless, then her breathing again. The whole scene of yesterday, or whenever it happened replayed in my head. 

"N where is she now."

"Leo nows not the best time...."

"N where is she." I say sternly. 

"Room 302, but don't say I didn't try to warn you."

I sprint out of the room, and down the hall. I arrive in front of 402. 

"WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!!" I hear Angel scream in English.

I slam the door open, and see a man grabbing Angel's arm. I run over, and yank his arm away. Wrapping Angel in my arms.

"And who's this boy you have here."


Tears are streaming down her face. I look from Angel to this man in shock. This is the same man who......

Angel tugs at my shirt, and shakes her head. I look down, and see my  fist are balled up. I release my fist, but pull her in closely.

"Sir I think you should leave, your obviously not wanted here."

"Oh so this boys your little boy friend eh. Well let me tell you something boy. This one right here is a little ...."

"I know about what you did, and no matter what she's done in the past I love her now. So can you please leave, and not come back."

"Dad please just go. You already ruined my life once go please."

"Fine I'll leave, but don't come running back to me in the states when he leaves you."

"Trust me Sir that will never happen." 

He walks out the room leaving us behind. 

"How did he find you?" 

"I don't know. He just said someone called him, and told him."

"Well as long as your okay."

"Now that you are I'm fine."




I stand in the darker part of the hallway as I hear the comotion.

"This is your best plan yet Zaka." I whisper to myself.

Calling Angel's dad, and bringing him over will definitely make Leo want to leave her.

I hear someone running down the hallway. I look around the corner to see Leo running to her room. I pull my head back quickly, and snicker. Perfect timing Leo, now you'll see what a little hoe she is. He slams the door open. It stays open, and I lean in to hear what they say.

"And who's this boy you have here."



"Sir I think you should leave, your obviously not wanted here."

"Oh so this boys your little boy friend eh. Well let me tell you something boy. This one right here is a little ...."

"I know about what you did, and no matter what she's done in the past I love her now. So can you please leave, and not come back."

"Dad please just go. You already ruined my life once go please."

"Fine I'll leave, but don't come running back to me in the states when he leaves you."


"Trust me Sir that will never happen." 

I stand there in complete awe as Angel's dad leaves. God damn it this is always getting all this ing attention.

"Urgh" I grumble. 

Now it's back to the drawing board.


Sorry for the short chapters, but got to get to this homework. So good night readers, and stay beautiful.

Your's sincerely,


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Chapter 8: Okay at first i Didn't really like Zaka but i guess everyone does change
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 6: Holy moly not again,I don't like Zaka
Chapter 6: This is good I like it keep up the good work
Chapter 5: Zaka reminds me of a sasaeng. Not even a fan just a little girl who wants a whole lot of attention from idols just cause she's related to one... T-T I really love the fic though!!! Keep up the good work author-nim!!! Hwaiting!!!
Ilovekpopforever #5
Chapter 5: I don't like Zaka one bit at all!
Chapter 5: I like it but I don't like zaka :( but keep up the good work! :)
Chapter 4: Good work :)
Chapter 3: It's so good keep it up! :)
Ilovekpopforever #9
Everything hapeneed so fast
MonkeyFish #10
can't wait for this one :D fighting!