Goal ♡ -- for Byulbity0628

you're my angel, my only cover girl ♡ | scenario shop
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Park Sangyoo (Aiden)

Zhang Yixing (Lay)

BG Music: History by EXO-M

After fifteen years of studying abroad in Vancouver, Canada, the siblings Sangyoo and Hyungjin returned to their homeland.

Hyungjin went off to find their luggage, while Sangyoo went off to catch a taxi for them. Once she got the cab, she called Hyungjin over and helped him put the luggage in the trunk.

"Please go to this address, please, Ahjusshi!" Sangyoo politely said.

The taxi driver smiled at her politeness. "Of course."

It took a few hours, but they had finally arrived in their home in Seoul. After paying the taxi driver the right amount of money including a few extra bills as tip, they unloaded the luggage and went up to the doorstep. They rung the doorbell in anticipation.

The door swung open, revealing a mid-aged women. "Aigoo, my kids! Hurry, come it! Umma missed you two!"

They hurried in and settled in before coming to the living room to catch up with their parents.

"How was it?" their dad asked.

"It was fun! We made a lot of friends, and now we can speak three languages fluently!" Sangyoo said proudly.

"How did you like it, son?" their mom asked.

"It was good. But why is living with Noona so annoying," he joked, causing his older sister to slap his shoulder.

"Umma! Hyungjin was in the soccer team. He was the co-captain!" Sangyoo boasted about her younger brother.

Their parents smiled in glee, grateful that their decision to send their kids off to study abroad was well spent.

"Noona's the captain of the girls team, Umma. She was dating my co-captain~" Hyungjin teased.

"Hyungjin!" Sangyoo yelled while attacking her younger brother. Their parents laughed at how 'well' the one year difference siblings got along.

"Alright alright! The co-captain just really liked her! Stop her, Umma!" Hyungjin said, holding his hands up in defense.

"I didn't like him, for the record." Sangyoo shivered. "Too clingy."

Their dad laughed and nodded in approval. "That's my girl."

After catching up, they ate an early lunch before heading over to the new school they would attend. They had moved back during spring break in Canada, but it was one month into the school year in Korea.

When they arrived, the siblings sent their parents off, telling them they could tour the school themselves and find their own way back.

"Alright, we'll leave. Now here's a credit card for you two to share. But your noona will be in charge of it," their dad said.

"Yes!" Sangyoo cheered while her younger brother whined. "That's unfair!"

"She's older, so she has responsibility. In turn, you can drive her around in your new car," their mom bargained.

Even though he would be driving his sister around, he was glad. He loved driving. "You got us a car?! Thanks, Umma! I love you! Bye!"


The two siblings went to the office where they got their schedules. They quietly toured the area because class was in session. Then, at one, the students piled out, wanting to get their lunch quickly. As they passed the siblings, they stopped to stare at the two students who were not wearing uniforms. Instead, they were wearing a fashionable outfit that they noticed only people from the States or near there would wear. They noticed that the siblings were extremely attractive, and the girl seemed to give off a confident vibe as she had her arms around her younger brother's neck (even though she was shorter). Whispers were heard around them as the students were curious about who these new visitors were and where they came from.

"Who are they? Are they students?"

"They look like they're from the States!"

"They might not speak Korean!"

Hearing the talks about them, the two siblings chuckled. They quietly listened, until Sangyoo finally spoke up.

"Actually, were from Vancouver, Canada," she said all in Korean, except when she said Vancouver, Canada. 

The students were shocked at how fluent she sounded in both languages.

"Let's go, dongsaeng. Let's go get something to eat."

They walked towards the exit of the school in a hurry, secretly wanting to avoid the big crowd around them. Both of them didn't really like big crowds. As they were rushing out, they accidently bumped into a few people, knocking down their stuff.

"I'm so sorry, it was my fault," Sangyoo apologized, bending over to pick up the fallen items and handing them back to their owners. She looked up to see a tall male with soft, brown eyes.

He.. doesn't look Korean, she thought, before shaking her head to listen to what he said.

"It's fine," the male said with an accented Korean.

Having quick ears, Sangyoo figured out where this person was from, judging from his accent.

"Are you a transfer student as well?" Sangyoo asked fluently in Mandarin. Her brother and herself had studied Chinese while they were in Canada, considering there were a lot of Chinese living in Canada.

Lay's eyes rounded in surprise at her fluency. He then smiled, flashing his dimple. "My friends and I are," he said in Mandarin. "I'm Yixing, but the people here call me Lay, for some odd reason. That person over there is Luhan, and this is Kris. We all transfered together."

The siblings nodded, taking in the new information.

"I'm Aiden, or Sangyoo. That's Jayden, or Hyungjin. We're from Canada," Sangyoo said.

Kris' eyes widened. "Where in Canada?"

"Vancouver," Hyungjin said.

Kris held up his hand, motioning them to give him a high five. "I was born there."

"Oh, then you must speak English fluently," Sangyoo said in English this time.

Kris replied in English, "In fact, I do."

"You speak three languages fluently?" Luhan asked, his already big eyes growing larger.

"We do," Hyungjin confirmed. He wanted to ask something really badly, and he finally gave in to his curiousity. "How's the soccer team here?"

The three Chinese transfer students looked at each other.

"Were you on the soccer team in Canada?" Kris asked.

Hyungjin nodded. "My sister and I were both captains."

The guys looked at the siblings in a new light. Lay began to look at Sangyoo in interest. She plays soccer. My ideal type is someone who plays soccer, he thought to himself.

"We'll us three are the stars of the boys soccer team," Luhan boasted, causing everyone to laugh.

"You can join us," Lay said to Hyungjin.

"Really? Can I be on the team?" Hyungjin said, his face lighting up.

"Only if you play with us once. We have to check your skills, you know," Kris said.

Hyungjin nodded. "How about my sister and me against you three?"

The three guys were shocked. "That confident, I see?" K

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170908 :: will be taking a quick 2 week break! i just got my wisdom teeth out & i am suffering rip ;;; hope you guys understand!


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Requested! Take your time!!
anish16 #2
ive requested three at the same time for three diff baes I have ???
thank you for making these stories, love ya~~~
I've requested~
787 streak #4
I submitted! Thank you so much! Please do take your time, I'm in no rush ʕ•ٹ•ʔ
i submitted twice, so sorry to have errored at the password for the first submission. goodluck to me and fighting authornim, hope you are doing well!
come back well authornim, fighting
Requested again. Hehe :>
Chapter 146: Are you kidding me? It doesn't need to be entertaining just cute and fluffy ;) and you did just that hehehe I couldn't stop smiling while reading this chapter (not like I don't do that too for the other oneshots but you get what I mean) xD but thank you thank you THANK YOU for writing such an adorable story based on my vague scenario. I can't wait for the next chapter yayyy <3
Chapter 146: Oh my gerd these two chapters are adding fuel to my weak heart thats combusting because of wannaone XD Daniel and Minhyun are just too boyfriend I swear! Even though obviously boyfriend isn't actually an adjective but you get my point ^^
dagriduo #10
I have requesteddd :)
ps sorry for not looking at the rules properly, i will make sure that wont happen next time. thank youu :)