❝dancing queen graphics❞ feat. hyoyeon // open + hiring!
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poster #1 link // poster #2 link // poster #3 link

Story Title: I'll Always Be Here

Author: AfterSNSD

Summary: The main couple is Hyosica. Hyoyeon was badly injured in a car crash on the way to her birthday party. She managed to push Jessica out of the way but the truck hit her hard. They all believe she is dead but Taeyeon later discovers that she is alive and her and manager oppa are faking her death. Hyoyeon's heart is no longer able to beat properly and it may end up killing her if she does things like dancing, performing, or even seeing Jessica. Taeyeon vows to help her, against Hyoyeon's wishes, even though it seems impossible. She begins falling in love with Hyoyeon as she spends more time with her but she knows that Hyoyeon only loves Jessica. On Jessica's side Tiffany falls for her as she comforts her over Hyoyeon's death and since she believes Hyoyeon is dead she allows her feelings to grow.


i big time at doing this one. in my honest opinion i dont like it, and if you don't like it either then you can gladly ask for a re-do on this poster >.> the new stamp for the posters is on the lower right hand corner it's transparent so it's not the main attraction of the poster. it says "DQ graphics" and DQ

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sorry for not saying anything sooner but in around may or june i'll have a new laptop and ill reopen the shop. until then this is goodbye


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Applied! ^_^
August8 #2
Hello :) i've requested a poster for Five Guys, Five Different Dates under my old username, HyoJun. i've decided to cancel the request..
CherryHeartZz #3
requested :)
I applied as a staff :)
Chapter 9: too bad there's not that little thumb like on facebook to tell when we liked x'D
Chapter 7: oh,i've forgot >< if you put the robot, please put bumblebee from transformers (lol, that robot is my favorite)
requested :)