Ch 11

This isn't me. (My new life)

"You absolutely cannot leave us here!"

It  was the end of the day and we have finished all of the dances expect for my duet with Kai and my solo. Exo was halfway out the door before I yelled at them for leaving. 

"Haneul you have to start cheorgraphing this. We'll just be a distraction." Kris waved bye before pushing the eleven boys out the door, leaving Kai and I alone in the studio. The door closed and I looked at Kai and frowned. 

"What's wrong with me? I'm fun!" I rolled my eyes and sat down near the speakers. I searched through my playlist for possible songs we could do. Kai came over and sat in front of him with his legs crossed. 

"Do we have to start today?" He whined. I ignored him. "We should do something y." I mentally rolled my eyes. 

"Yah. Answer me." I continued to not say anything. 

"We have to start today or we won't be able to win." He titled back and laid down on his back. "Ideas?" I asked. He didn't respond. 

I started to play different songs for him to listen to. All fast and hard. After three songs he sat upright and ruffled his hair. A frustrated look on his face. He took out his iPod from his bag beside him and plugged it in the speakers. I listened to it and was shocked at the choice of song. It was powerful and contained a deep meaning. When the song ended, we looked at each other. 

"Let's do this one." He recommended. I didn't say or do anything. I was still thinking. "We could act out an abusive relationship. The girl wants to leave but can't cause she still loves the male." His simple explanation was enough to draw me in. I nodded my head. 

He stood up and extended his hand out towards me. I took it as he helped me up. "Okay, so let's start here." ...


The music died down and we were both breathing hard. He had his arms wrapped around my waist holding my close to him. once the music was no longer heard, I pushed him off. 

"That was good." I barely said with my heavy breathing. I gulped down my water. "Let's clean it up tomorrow." I nodded as I closed the bottle. His phone rang.

"Aboji." His face suddenly turning dark. "Arrasso." Two words to his father and he already hung up. I looked at him. "I have to go." I nodded my head in understanding. "Do you want me to send you home?" He asked hesitantly. I shook my head no. He looked at me one last time before gathering his things and heading out the door. I breathed out. It felt like I was holding my breath the entire time I was with him. 

Instead of going home, I decided to stay in the studio a little longer. I felt too tired to do anything so instead I took out my binders from my bag and decided to catch up on missed work. 


I changed out of my sweaty clothes and into something more formal to wear in front of my father once I entered the resturaunt. After I was done changing, I went tot go find the table he was sitting at. Once I saw my father I frowned. Not on,y because of him, but because of who he was sitting with. 

"Aboji." I greeted him. I turned to the guest. "Jihyun." I sat down in the empty seat beside her and a glass of water and a plate of food was placed in front of me immediately. 

"I ordered it for you. I hope you like it." I looked down. "I'm not hungry." I said rather harshly. 

"Kim Jongin. You're fiancée ordered for you. The least you can do is try it." 

I looked straight at my father. "I said I wasn't hungry." I looked beside me and stared at Jihyun. "Fiancée? More like money." I scoffed. Jihyun leaned in closer to me. 

"You smell funny. Did you work out before this?" I backed away a little bit from her. "I was dancing." 

"Aish. When are you going to give up that silly dance dream of yours?" I stared at him. 

I was here for about five minutes and I was already to leave. 

"I'm going." 

I stood up from my seat and pushed the chair out. "You are not going anywhere until this dinner is over!" 

I sighed and sat back down. 

After what felt like forever, I finally left. As I exited out of the resturaunt I loosened my tie and ed my jacket. It was suffocating being in a room with those two. Especially when they were together. I looked at my watch around my wrist and see that it's almost 12am. 

"Aish. Who eats dinner this late." I cursed at my father. 

I felt around in my pockets and realize that my phone was missing. "Aish jinjja." I figured that I'd probably left it at the studio. I breathed out and started to drive all the back to Exo's studio.

I got out if the car once I arrived. 

I slowly walked down the hallway. I expected the studio to be dark and empty but instead I saw dim light peeking our from under the door. I quietly and slowly opened the door and see Haneul laying on her stomach fast asleep with her head buried in her homework and binders. I shook my head at her. 

"Aish this girl." I stood above her. "Yah. Wake up." Gently nudging her with my foot. She made no movement. 

"Jung Haneul. Wake up." I said a little louder. She stirred in her sleep but didn't wake up.

Eventually giving up, I sat down beside her and looked at her sleeping figure. 

"You're so difficult. You know that?" I began talking. "You're stubborn, hard headed and completely oblivious." 

I chuckled a bit. "Why am I the one always stuck with you in these kind of situations. Eo?" I asked. 

"Can't you do this with a different member instead?"

Noticing a stray hair, I pushed it behind her ear softly, careful not to wake her up.  

"Eo? Kai-ssi." She slowly started to open her eyes. I quickly stood up and backed away. "What time is it." 

I cleared my throat. "A little bit past 12." I rubbed the back of neck nervously. Did she hear all that?

"Ah. It's really late. I should head home now." She started to gather all her books. "I can walk you home." 

She hesitated for a bit. "S-sure." She said hesitantly. 

The walk home was silent. None of us wanted to say a word. 



We laughed at our timing. 

"You go first." I told her. She chuckled. 

"I was going to ask how you guys get into the clubs and vip rooms so easily." 

"Connections. My dad owns City Lights. You know the one where we first met." 

"Ah. When I thought you were a total head? Right. I remember." I looked at her. "You thought I was a ?" She smiled and nodded proudly. 

"I suddenly don't want to talk to you anymore." I crossed my arms and stomped ahead of her. I stopped and looked back slightly. 

"So what were you going to ask me?" She said as she caught up. I looked the other way. 

"Kai-ssi." I didn't respond. 

"You're not going to answer?" She asked. 

"Apologize." I said. She suddenly stopped. "I would but I reached home." I looked at the surroundings and mentally cursed. 

"See you tomorrow." 

She quickly went in. 

"Yah! Apologize!"

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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 2: Cute so far!
Chapter 11: Update soon
Andi_Kai #3
Chapter 9: Why it says you're update? When the truth is you aren't
Chapter 9: Awwww I thought there's a new update. ;/
Catsyleyy88 #5
Chapter 9: New reader here ! Please update soon ! So interesting ! :)
Chapter 7: hehehehe.. nice ,,update soon.............
Chapter 8: I hope it's not true!
Chapter 6: chapter pleaseeee....
Chapter 6: Continue please!!!!!!! :D