Ch 10

This isn't me. (My new life)


I uttered. Sitting there in shock as I looked down at the pair of arms around my shoulders. 

"What are you doing."

"Hugging you. Wae. Problem?" I furrowed my brows. 

My phone soon vibrated. I slowly took it from the table and read the text message. 

Time to dance. Palli come. -Baekhyun Oppa 

"Time to dance!" 

I took the opportunity to throw arms away from me. I quickly gathered my things. 

"Are you coming or not?" I asked without turning my back to look at him. The sound of the chair scraped against the floor. i quickly exited out of the library. 

"Yah! Wait!" I quickened my pace. 

"Yah! Are you walking to the studio? Do you even know where it is?"

"Yes I know where it is. And yes I am walking." I stopped, making him apruptly stop behind me. Turning my body to face him. 

"Problem?" I looked up at him.

"The studio is a long way for you to walk. I'll give you ride." I sighed. "Alright."

We headed to his car and he started to drive. 

"Why did you guys ask me to join the show with you guys." I asked suddenly. He shrugged his shoulders. 

"Molla. The leaders wanted you to join. Ask them when we get there."

"Leaders?" He nodded his head.  

"Eo. Kris and Suho hyung." I chuckled. "Are you guys that much trouble that you need your hyungs to look after you now?" 


In just the right time we reached our destination and I quickly exited out of the car. 

"Oppa!!" I ran into the practice room and into Chanyeol who was sitting down with the rest of exo. 

"Omo Haneul waeyo?" 

Kai walked into the room with a annoyed and angry look. I pointed at him and hid behind the group. "Kai-ssi is going to hurt me!" I whined. 

"Bwoh?!" He looked at me surprised. 

"Yah Kim Jongin! What do you think you're doing hurting our ace!" Chanyeol screamed. 

"Ace?" Both Jongin and I said. Exo nodded. "From now on. Haneul will be our ace in the dance."

"She'll be featured in all of the numbers." They continued on. 

"Bwoh?! Why her. That's my spot!" Kai fought. 

"Yah! How can a boy take a featured role when we only have one girl?!" Suho yelled. "Unless you want to put on a dress and dance. Then be my guest." 

Kai breathed out in frustration. I sat on the ground not knowing what to do. 

"We will have four numbers. One group dance. Two duets and a solo."

Suho began. "We'll be doing a combo of growl and wolf with Haneul being the beauty. Lay and Kai will be doing Two moons. Haneul and Kai will be doing a duet and the solo will be given to Haneul."

I looked up. "Neh?"

"I'm doing a duet with her?" Kai and I looked at each other. 

He smirked. "Call." 

"Chakkaman. I'm doing the solo? But..but." 

"You either do the solo or you're not dancing at all."

Kai raised his hand. "I call on her not dancing at all." Luhan elbowed his dongsaeng making him whimper. 

"I'll do it."

i said, unsure of the results. Thoughts were running through my head. 

What if mess up. What if something happens? 

I was definitely not ready for this. 

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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 2: Cute so far!
Chapter 11: Update soon
Andi_Kai #3
Chapter 9: Why it says you're update? When the truth is you aren't
Chapter 9: Awwww I thought there's a new update. ;/
Catsyleyy88 #5
Chapter 9: New reader here ! Please update soon ! So interesting ! :)
Chapter 7: hehehehe.. nice ,,update soon.............
Chapter 8: I hope it's not true!
Chapter 6: chapter pleaseeee....
Chapter 6: Continue please!!!!!!! :D