Ch.1: Miracles In The Morning

You're My Brother?!
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 Grace's POV


There are things in my life that I hate so much, namely; drama queens, idiots, back stabbers, chores, cleaning, bathing, studying, homework, school and older brothers that make your life a living hell by being so dang protective that you can't even breathe the air if they haven't checked that the air is safe and without any sign of chemicals.

But, the thing I hate the most you ask? Alarm clocks. Y'know those small clocks that wake you up from a very beautiful dream that could render the world that we're living as a hellhole, but the thing I hate the most is the fact that they bring in very bad news.

That bad news being the actual living hellhole in our very lives, especially the lives of the youth today. The place where they say that it teaches you the value of all things in your life, but it actually teaches you the real meaning of pain, agony and suffering. That place being; SCHOOL.

Shut up, nerds. I don't have time for your complaining and whining, what I'm stating here is true. School kills us. Oh, wait, scratch that. School doesn't kill us, it TEACHES us the true meaning of life, death, suffering and agony. The real murderer is the alarm clock.

Let me state an example, earlier this morning. I woke up feeling fresh and renewed.

Oh, hell naw.

I woke up when that stupid thing started ringing like the apocalypse is coming. I fell off my bed with a loud 'thud' and the next thing I knew, I was in the living room with nothing around me broken or shattered into pieces.

But, I did not tell you that I may have broken all the 206 bones in my body and I think my spleen is busted too. OMG, that was a hyperbole and an irony as well, people!!

I think I aced my English test....

Okay, back to the topic! Because I know that you people don't care about me and my success, you only want to know about my failures in life. Man, I am so pessimistic today, and I just noticed.

"Ouch..." I muttered.

I stood up and rubbed my aching back and my poor as well. I heard someone fake a cough and I turned to the person and saw a very scary, beautiful, mad and annoyed face of my mom.

"Aish, why do I even try making you a sophisticated lady?" she asked no one in particular, but bad for her. ME is here!! (Wrong grammar, I know!!)

"Because you are an old lady who wanted to have a successor in the future, you had a son first, but that son grew up to be an ugly, lazy, unsophisticated idiot--" I got cut off by my older brother, Wiljun, "Hey!"

"Shut up, person-who-I-was-just-describing-earlier! Anyways, the first child you had grew up to become so un-manly and idiotic that you thought of having another kid and that other kid was so awesome, god-like and everybody bows down to her--" I got cut off again.

"Psh, yeah right!! You got into a fight with a Shi Tzu before and you came home crying because the Shi Tzu bit you!" my older brother HAD to say that, I blushed red, "ANYWAYS, don't mind that insect. So, back to what I was saying, your second child grew up to be so awesome that she won't listen to an old and wrinkly lady like you. That's my reason why I won't grow up to be sophisticated"

Insert cricket noises.

I then opened my eyes. Wait, I closed them earlier? And saw that I was actually talking to no one and my brother was looking at me weirdly, "So, sherlock. Who were you talking to?"

With my mouth gaping, I answered him, "I wash salking tho mahm ariar (I was talking to mom earlier)"

"Okay, I had no idea what you just said. But, when mom heard you start to talk, she sighed and walked away because she has more important things to do than to just stand there and listen to you talk highly about yourself" he told me as he held back a laugh.

"Whatever, she probab

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Chapter 1: Uwahhh! Updates! Yippie! Hurrah! Yehet! Ohorat! =]]]]
Chapter 36: Sure, yeah. It's your idea as long as it's a story! It's a story--- FIGHTING!!! :3
Chapter 36: ...i don't even know what to think after that
cherrynona #4
Chapter 34: this is the funniest-craziest-driving me crazy fanfic ever I swaer I always roll like a buffalo
Chapter 34: Hey! You still can update! :3
shineefin #6
Thanks for the oneshot!!!!!

I loved it!:-)