첫번째 [FIRST]

Because of You

You opened your eyes when you felt the warmth of the sun shining on your face. You sat up and raised your arms up in the air to give it a slight stretch.



You're very excited because it's your first day of school. You're a transferee so you don't know much about your new school and you don't know anyone from there. You stood up and wore your cute bunny slippers.



"____, sweetie are you awake?" Your mom called from your door. You opened it and gave your mom a hug and a sweet smile "What's for breakfast?" you asked while your hands are coiled around her neck. "I cooked bacon and some fried rice. Want some?"       "Sure"



You both went to the dining room and sat down by the table. Your eyes widened when you saw an abundant amount of rice and a mound of bacon waiting for you. "You need energy for today, sweetheart. Eat as much as you can so you won't sleep in class" she said. Like I told you, your mom is more excited than you are. She's even excited to meet the friends you'll meet in school. 



You placed rice on your plate and n pieces of bacon to satisfy your morning hunger. Each piece of bacon and spoon of rice you shoved in your mouth felt like heaven because your mom made it extra special. She offered you a glass of water which you immediately drank because rice was starting to block your airways. 



After eating, you immediately went to the CR to take a bath. You sang happily to the tune of your favorite song while scrubbing different parts of your body. You made sure that no dirt will remain on your body.You took time because you want to be very presentable to your new classmates and your new teachers. 



You dried yourself and wore everything you need. You took a glance of yourself in the mirror. You stared at your new uniform. You were wearing a yellow blazer and a blue uniform [A/N: Just imagine SOPA uniform, arasso?] . 



Downstairs, your mom was waiting for you. She handed over your bag to you and kissed you on the cheek. You returned a kiss on your mom's cheeks and ran to the door while shouting "Bye mom!"









You walked by the street because the school was just 15 minutes away from your house and it was kinda cloudy so you felt like walking. Even though you don't know the way to the school, you followed the other students with the same uniform you saw. They were some kind of a guide to you.


You passed by a waffle store. The waffles smelled good and they were fish-shaped so you decided to buy one for 790 won [A/N:  .7 dollars or 30 pesos]. You took a bite and savored it. Even though you were full because of the breakfast you took a while ago, you still managed to finish the waffle.




After some time, you reached the gate of the school. The campus was really big and had a big sign which wrote KIRIN ART SCHOOL [A/N: Kirin's logo at the side]. Your school is one of the most sophisticated schools in Korea and lucky are you to be a scholar in it. Your former teachers recommended you to the school and fortunately, you passed their standards.



You looked at your schedule.




 8:00-8:30-HOMEROOM- Mr. Kim Changjun

8:30-9:30-MATHEMATICS-Ms. Hong Sungmi

9:30-10:45-ENGLISH-Mr. Jang Taebin

10:45-11:00-SCIENCE-Mr. Kim Baekkyoung

11-12:30- LUNCH BREAK

12:30-1:30-MODELLING-Ms. Choi Sunghee

1:30-2:50- DANCE CLASS- Ms. Choi Heebon

2:50-3:10- BREAK

3:10-:4:30- VOICE- Mr. Oh Dongwan

4:30-6:50- THEATRE ARTS-Mr. Song Mingyu



You just shrugged to the fact that 1) you'll go home by 7 and 2) it's just 7:00 and your homeroom starts at 8. 



You asked the guard for directions to the Sky Building. It's the 2nd building from the gate so it's not that far. As you were walking towards your building, you roamed your eyes to see what your new environment looks like. Students looked like they're very disciplined. They walk with charisma. They look like they're real runway models. You look like a piece of crap compared to them. As they walked with proper posture, you walked as if you were the Hunchback of Notredame because of your notebooks. You reached the stairs of the Sky Building. You looked up and saw the stunning height of the stairs. To go to the next floor, you need to climb 50 steps so that's 150 steps for you because your room was in the third floor. You gave out a big sigh.



After 123456789 years, you reached the third floor. Your lungs were crying. Your sweat was flooding from your face so you reached for your face towel in your bag. 



"Room 304..." you said to yourself as you were staring at each door, trying to find your designated room. 



At last, you reached your room and slid the back door vigilantly so you won't catch any attention. Some of the people at the back looked at you with curiosity while most of them didn't even notice you enter. You greeted them "Annyeonghaseyo" and they did the same to you.



In search of a untaken seat, you saw a boy with dark brown hair sitting beside the window. He was busy drawing something in his sketchpad. You approached him and asked "Is this seat taken?". As he laid his eyes on you, he began to shiver as if he was afraid of you. His small eyes ironcally widened when he saw you. He gulped and started to sweat.



"Hey, why are you sh---" Your sentence was interrupted when someone pushed you aside. You rubbed your arms. "What the?" you shouted to the one who pushed you and to your surprise, it was a boy. "Why the hell did you push me?" you asked the guy.


"Just go away from him, please."  He told you as he hugged the shivering guy. "Are you okay, Baek? Calm down, I'm here" he said to the guy. You gave them a death glare before walking away and sitting on a free seat you saw.


"You'll understand why when the time comes" the girl beside you whispered. She wasn't looking at you but you know that she's starting a conversation between you two. "And when is that?" you asked "I don't know. Find out for yourself." her words became a puzzle in your mind. Moments later, a tall guy who looks like he's in his 20's entered the room.  Everyone stood up and greeted him "Annyeonghaseyo Teacher Kim" he gestured all of you to sit down. 



You were told to give the entrance slip to your adviser so you approached him and handed over the slip. He read it and announced to the class "Okay class, we have a new student today. Ms. _______, please introduce yourself" You gathered strength and courage. "Annyeonghaseyo, my name is _______. Nice to meet you all" You bowed. Some of them smiled at you while some were busy doing stuffs. Teacher Kim thanked you and told you to sit down. He announced some stuffs and gave some students warnings and sermons. As Teacher Kim was speaking in front, you laid your eyes on the boy you saw a while ago. 




 "Are you okay, Baek? Calm down, I'm here"



You remembered what the tall guy said. "Baek..." you whispered.




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