
I bounced up and down on Seungri's bed, watching him stand there in his skinny jeans, deciding what shirt to wear.  "Please, please please can I come?" I begged, hugging his panda pillow to my chest.

"Yun," he sighed, flipping through all his shirts for the umpteenth time, "Is it just to be with Seunghyun-hyung?"

I looked at the floor.

He finally decided on one and sat down by me, putting one hand on my knee, "Yun Ri, I'm your older brother, therefore it is my job to protect you.  And T.O.P is not really someone I would want you spending lots of time with."

"I don't need to be protected.  And what's wrong with him?"

Seungri fluffed up his hair with his hands, "Tell me why you like him."

I thought for a moment, "He's tall, and mysterious.  His voice is awesome--singing and talking.  And he has great hair."

"If you want great hair, you should be chasing Jiyong, not Seunghyun."

I sighed and fell back, so I was looking at the glow-in-the-dark stars on Seungri's ceiling.  He got up and disappeared into the bathroom.  As I lay there, I heard my phone start to ring in my bedroom.

Not wanting to get up, I slowly dragged myself across the hall and answered my phone.  "Annyeonghaseyo," I mumbled, "This is Lee Yun Ri."

"Yun! What's up?" Mio, my best friend, said cheerfully from the other end.

"My brother's an ugly buttmunch."

"Wait...did you just say buttmunch?  And which brother?"

"Yes. And Panda Bear Seungri."

"Why do you call him Panda?"

"Long story.  You know that."

"Right anyway, did you find out if one of your brothers is, like, single?"

"Mio, they're ALL single.  They're all losers.  Except for Taemin, and he's just innocent."

"So is Seungri gonna take you?"

"No. He figured out that I dig Seunghyun and now he's gone all big brother on me."

"Well, I gotta go.  Let me know if he changes his mind."

I hung up and rolled over onto my stomach.  My 'The World's Fattest Cat', Bingu waddled across the room, trying to get into the bathroom.  After quite a while, he finally made it and jumped up on the counter.  He started to meow for me to turn on the faucet for him.

As I got up to do so, Seungri poked his head in the room.  "Hey, fatty, are you coming?" he jingled his keys.  As much as I hated him calling me fatty, I ran over, kissed his cheek and pulled on my hat.  "Let's go~"

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