Love-Hate Relationships

"You know. I kind of regret going out with you" Taera said to Kai who's sitting beside her at the Restaurant in the Mall. They decided to eat dinner before went home

"Why?" he asked innocently and slung his arm to her shoulder

"You ask me why? It's because you are not buying your mom's gift, you are shopping for your self! And hands off please" Taera said annoyingly. Instead of releasing his embrace he pulled Taera closer to him

"Honestly i already buy my mom birthday gift. I ask you out so I can spending my time with you" he said and mess her hair

"Ugh let me go Kim Jongin"

"CAUGHT YOU!" they were surprise because a lot of noise behind them

"Guys, thanks for destroying our good moment" Kai groan and glare at his friends

"Tsk. Go get a room. Aren't you embarrassed cuddling in public place like this?" Tao said to them matter of factly

"We.Are.Not.Cuddling!" Taera said making it so clear

"Why are you here?" Kai ask his friends not really interested

"Is that how you greet the older huh?!" Yifan said out of nowhere

"Yifan! What are you doing here?"

"Now you influence her too" he said and rolling his eyes

"I'm not hyung"

"Yah answer my question Yifan"

"I'm here to spend time with my buddy of course"

"Which is wrong because you should look after eonnie. She is pregnant with your child gee"

"Stop bickering you two. Please" Xiumin said in desperate tone.

"Yes Xiumin's right. Just let's go and leave this couple alone and you Wu Yifan she's right you should go home and take care of your wife. Ahh how much i love my single life~" Luhan said and singsong at his last words only to recieve a smack from Yifan

"You annoying deer. I hope your parents arrange you in marriage with some ahjumma"  Yifan said in annoying tone

"Amen" Sehun add and recieve a glare from Luhan. Suddenly Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen hoots a big laughter

"Oh my poor stomach. I can't imagine Luhan hyung stand in altar waiting his bride who is some ahjumma" Chen clutch his stomach because it so hurt from laughing so hard

"And when the kiss part the Ahjumma purse her lips and ready to attack him" this time Chanyeol. He can't stand and now kneel down on the floor

"Oh my God... tha's so disgusting. Luhan hyung marriying Ahjumma,.. If i were him I will run to the end of the world" Baekhyun said out of breath. The other just look at the Beagle line with amuse written on their face

"YAH! IDIOT. NOT IN MILLION YEARS I WOULD BE MARRYING AN AHJUMMA" Luhan is upset now but he knows his friends he knows them too well. He stomp his feet like a little child

Aish, come on guys. Let's go. You are embarrasing you know that" Kyungsoo said while rolling his eyes and drag all his best friends out of restaurant. And finally Taera and Kai left alone

"You know, you do have crazy friends. And I think Kyungsoo oppa is the normal one. I pity him"

"They really bunch of idiots. At summer vacation we decided to go to Jeju island"

"Ah yes. Eonnie and Yifan tag along right?"

"Yes. And you know what? We throw barbeque party and we have plenty alcohol drinks. Chanyeol hyung and Baekhyun hyung who have low tolerance with Alcohol are so drunk. And they are kissing each other hungrily. Chen hyung record that in video and show them in the next day."

"Oh my that's so disgusting. What happen to them?"

"They gone crazy and don't talk to each other for a week" Kai chuckle remembering the moments he have with his best friends

"Chen oppa is so mean"

"He's troll. Be careful with him"

"Yes" she answer and chuckle lighly. After dinner they decided to stroll at the park and went home. Little did they know someone saw them and take a photo from every little movement they made.



I'm sorry if this chapter is horrible-_-v what happen next? Can you tell me who is that someone who take a photo of you and Kai? Tell me in the comment hihihi.__. Please subscribe too! Thank you so much and see you later.. bbyong~

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Chapter 9: update soon..
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 6: LOL !! UPDATE SOON
Butterfly19 #3
Chapter 5: Lolo alright serve you right too Yoo Joona >:D
nicolebaek139 #4
Chapter 4: Embarass her in front of the whole school?
nicolebaek139 #5
This story is daebak....kai so damn cheeesy..Angry Bird Kreasee!!!!