Love-Hate Relationships

Time flies so fast, today is one week before the wedding and also the engagement day. Both family decided to throw big party for their engagement. Now Hyemi, Hani, Baekhyun and Chen are goint to accompany Taera to get her self ready for tonight.
"Remind me again why i should wake up this freaking morning and going with you guys to God knows where" Taera has been irritated this morning, thanks to Hani that break in to her room at 6 am and drag Taera with her after she still be able to shower first
"Excuse me princess, if you forget tonight is your engagement party and don't act like you are the one who annoyed of this matter because we're too same like you" Hyemi spat her, after holding her irritation since yesterday because she have to team up with the guy she hate the most while Hani being all happy because she can be with her crush -Kim Jongdae or Chen all day
"I'm not annoyed" Hani said to Hyemi and earning smack at her back head from her. The latter just pout not minding what just her best friend do to her. Typical Hyemi she think.
"Can we have breakfast first because I haven't eat anyhting, I'm hungry" Taera starts whining again. She won't stop after she got what she wanted. Hyemi throw her a dangerous death glare
"Don't glare at me! I'm just hungry that's all" Taera defending her self. Hyemi massage her temple getting frustrated.
"Just please stop at cafe nearby Chen oppa. We need to fed this hungry princess" Hyemi said to Chen whose incharge being driver today
"What about this dress guys?" Taera ask them their opinion about the dress she about to wear tonight

"While the other girls look cute in pink, you are ugly" Hyemi said to Taera and Baekhyun chuckled lightly beside her. Taera stomp her feet like a little child and going back to dressing room to change into her 2nd dress. After 5 minutes she got out with her 2nd dress
"What about this one?" she ask again

"It's a no from me" Chen said and shook his head hard
"It's too short Taera" Baekhyun continued
"Agree! It's show too much skin" Hani added. Taera rolled her eyes and going back to dressing room to change into her 3rd dress. After while she show her 3rd dress

"It doesn't suit you at all. Too cute it's not for engagement party" Hyemi said and quickly throw her gaze towards the magazine in her hand. can't stand with what Taera's wearing right now. She doesn't like cute stuff. Taera throw her best friend a glare before going back to dressing room that feels like home right now. She knows her best friend can be so picky when it comes to fashion.
"I swear if you guys didn't agree with this one, you can go to the party without me" Taera said when she come out for the 4th times and show her 'she hope' last dress to try

"Woah... It fits you perfectly" Baekhyun said jaw drop when he see Taera
"Yeah, it looks beautiful at you Taera" Chen added
"Perfect" Hyemi and Hani said in unison
"Oh thanks God" Taera pray silently and they go to the salon right away
"Jongin. Look! Taera's coming" Suho said to his brother when he see the balroom doors open and show him baeutiful girl that going to be Jongin's wife in a week
"Wow. is that really Jung Taera?" Chanyeol's eyes can't stop looking at her with awe
"She's pretty" Kyungsoo comment and looking at her too
"You are lucky bastard Jongin" Sehun added and poke Jongin's arm. The latter just stare at her soon to be wife. His eyes show so much affection towards her
"Hyemi and Hani are pretty too! Look at them" Lay give his first comment to Taera's best friend
"By the way where is that dumb and dumber line?" Xiumin said searching for his best friend Baekhyun and Chen
"You right. I don't see them so far with the girls" Luhan added
"God bless them. They're coming right away when both of you start searching for them" Tao said when he see his hyungs from the balroom door
"Annyeong oppas, Kai and Sehun" Taera greet them when she's arrive in front of them
"Hi Taera, Hyemi and Hani" Suho answer her and greet them too
"Where's Sunhee eonnie and Kris oppa anyway?" Hani asked them
"Oh, They went to greet the guest" Xiumin answer her
"And why don't you oppa?" Hyemi ask him this time
"Me, Suho and Luhan already greet them for 1 hour because Kris was late. Now it's his turn" he answer again
"You guys look pretty tonight" Kyungsoo praise them and show his best smile
"Thank you Kyungsoo oppa. You too so handsome tonight" Hani said to him and show him her cute smile that can swoon all the guys
"Taera there you are! Took you long enough. You two follow me right now. We're going to start the party" Kris said out of now where and drag them to the center
"He's fast when it comes to dragging people away. That angry bird" Chen said and earning a smack at his back head
"Ouch.. Who's th- AH noona! I'm sorry" when he about to snap someone who just smack him, his eyes turn wide when he saw Sunhee behind him. The other just laughing at him
"Bad Chen. Anyway hello guys and you two Hani, Hyemi. It's been long time right" Sunhee beamed happily at them
"Sunhee noona! I miss you" Sehun come and hug her, of course she hug him back. Sehun is her favorite brother from her husband group
"I miss you too Sehun-ah." She let go and give him her best smile
"How are you doing Sunhee-ya? Is the baby fine?" Xiumin greet her. Sunhee is one year younger from Xiumin, Luhan and Kris. Same age with Suho
"The baby's fine but the doctor said I need to take extra care because I'm young mother oppa"
"Of course. You just turn 23 and pregnant for almost 6 month" Luhan said matter of factly
"Take care of your self eonnie" Hyemi said to her and flash her smile
"Of course I will Hye" she said again.And after that the party starts
"Congratulation Jongin and Taera" Their parents, EXO, Hyemi and Hani make the after party so they could have some personal time
"Congratulation Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung" Baekhyun's dad congratulate them
"Thank you Mr. Byun i'm glad you all made it for the after party despite our busy schedule" Your dad thanks them
"It's nothing. It's been so long that we enjoy free time like this right?" Hani's dad continue
"Ah yes, we also have good news fro everyone" Mr. Han or Hyemi's dad added
"What it is dad?" Hyemi ask in curiousity
"Me and Mr. Byun are decided to follow Mr. Kim steps. You Han Hyemi and Byun Baekhyun you guys will get married 2 weeks after Jongin and Taera's wedding" he said so soft yet so stern
"WHAT?!" The latter gasped in horror and stare in disbelief while the other just have blank face




Long chapter to make it up for you guys that waiting this fanfiction. Sorry I couldn't update for God knows how long. I need to face national exam in 3 months and it's frustrated me:(((((
WHAT HAPPEN TO BAEKHYUN AND HYEMI?kekekeke~ wait for the next update and i edited some parts in foreword, hope you didn't mind.
See you guys in the next chapter. Please do comment and subscribe:)) Love you guys so much.. bbyong~

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Chapter 9: update soon..
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 6: LOL !! UPDATE SOON
Butterfly19 #3
Chapter 5: Lolo alright serve you right too Yoo Joona >:D
nicolebaek139 #4
Chapter 4: Embarass her in front of the whole school?
nicolebaek139 #5
This story is daebak....kai so damn cheeesy..Angry Bird Kreasee!!!!