Love is...

Love is...

What is love actually? Sometimes you wondered how you would define something like love, as dumb as it sounded but you did. But then you remebered that cute giant of an idiot, Park Chanyeol, your one and only and the answer came immediately into your mind.

Love was warm.

it was like the sun that melted away the cold snow which looked so strong and firm on the hard paving stone. It was like Chanyeol who could blow away the pain you were feeling on days you just felt like giving up. With a soft smile he would tell you so simply that everything would be alright... and till this moment he never disappointed you. But it was just because he was there to catch your fragile heart when you were about to fall into that big hole of shame and depression. He was like a shield that protected you from anything bad. He didn't let anything hurt you because his love for you was so strong, nothing could break it.

Love was happiness,

something like those little toys you always meant to find in just one of those special cereal boxes as a kid. And when you found them, you felt incredibly happy because you were the lucky one, even though it was something so small and simple. It was like finding Chanyeol out of those 9 billion people in the world, that special someone you found and you saw yourself as someone lucky because not everyone found their soulmate in such a short period of time. "Hi I'm Park Chanyeol" he said softly with such a deep voice and with a blink of an eye you felt the happiness filling in you, that fuzzy feeling and those "butterflies in your belly" how people nowdays would define it.

Love was trust.

Like a paper, when you crumble it, it can't be perfect again, no matter how hard you try. Chanyeol had never betrayed you and you trusted him enough to know that he never would. Of course you felt jealous at times, seeing him chatting with other girls and giving them one of his precious smiles every now and then. But it wasn't like he would go any futher, because with you he was different. He didn't just smile at you or talked like he would with others, he gazed so deeply into your eyes, giving you the feeling of being the only girl in the world, the only thing that mattered and the only one who could make him feel like this. The thing was it wasn't just your feeling, it was the truth and that was something you treasured. It was something you always kept in mind, when you needed to be reminded of how much he actually loved you.

Love was caring.

It was like the jacket that kept you warm on a cold day. It's a small thing you don't realize but without the jacket, you realize how cold it actually feels. Chanyeol was that kind of a jacket to you. A big fluffy jacket, filled with warmth and love that embraced you so tightly,  that you never felt the cold again.

Love was uniqe.

It was like having a bucket full of stones that looked alike. But there was one stone that looked different out of those and it made it somehow special, because it was one of a kind. Although they were all the same. Nowdays people get together and break up again. After sometime they don't see the "uniqeness" of that one special stone anymore and throw it away, because they find a new one. But having Chanyeol couldn't be even compared to a different looking stone. He was like a diamond out of those, well to you he looked like one. so shiny and beautiful. And who would not choose the diamond over those stones?

Love was... a lot actually.

Something that couldn't be defined with just a few words. Of course it had the negatives sides as well, but loving Chanyeol was so...pure. It was real and you were 100 percent sure he was the right one. That was the reason, you believed in your love. And believing in it made it stronger and grow higher.

No matter what tall mountains were about to come, together with Chanyeol you could pass every barrier.

No matter how many times you were about to fall, you knew Chanyeol would be always there to catch you over and over again.

No matter how many new people you were about to meet and probably thousands of more shining diamonds, Chanyeol would be forever and always be your special one. Because he was the owner of your heart, he was the one who kept it alive.

No matter how many more times you were about to break, Chanyeol would be there.

Yes; he would be there to put all the pieces back together where they were meant to be. And you and Chanyeol were 2 pieces destinied for each other. Like a puzzle; made out of many little pieces into one. You couldn't just replace the fitting piece with something else.

Out of everything you knew one thing for sure.

Love was Park Chanyeol

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