Not Him

Because of Rubik's Cube



Ok so I never expected that I would Blush like crazy to prevent myself from being tease I left him there and went straight to the University. Holidays come in and go, I never really enjoy classes. If it was only my decision I won't go to school and study a course that I don't even want.


Usually If I get bored in class I would draw or write, business was Father's choice. He wanted me to take up business, weird

I hate this course but I get good grades, never expected that I could do good in business.


Maybe it runs in the family


Some of my classmates find it difficult but to me its just easy, sometimes I don't even study or listen to what ever the teacher said, anyway some of my classes got cancelled due to some teachers who are still away from holidays.

Great now what am I suppose to do?


I was busy thinking what am I suppose to do when I got a text from Mr. Deer.


"Hey I can't see you tonight, got a schedule so don't miss me k?"

I suddenly have this urge to smile


Who is this Luhan that he makes my heart beat, again.


My phone starts ringing and its from my Dad, I answer quickly because he doesn't like waiting.


"Ji, I have a party this coming Friday night. Its an opening to our new store so I want you to be there" new store?

"Ok and what should I wear?" 

"Just go to your Aunt shop and she will give you your dress but I told her that you would like something blue" his right

"Yeah blue is perfect for my skin, then I guess I'll just go there now since my classes are cancell" he sigh 

"Ok just be safe and text me if you like the dress" 

"I will"



Our conversation ended, his not that kind of Father who says sweet things like I love you or I miss you because to him, what's the point in saying those. So I guess I have something to kill boredom. Now I'm heading to Aunt's shop


Dad owns some restaurants here in Seoul and only a few in China, he also own some clothing line because My Aunt is a Designer, there partners in that way. As you can see Business runs in the family.


When I got inside my Aunt's shop there was lady trying out her wedding dress, she looks beautiful. Then I ask one of the employees to call my Aunt, few minutes later My Aunt came running towards me.


She hug me so tight that I miss it, the warmth in her hugs. Is this the same warmth a mother can give?

She said she miss me so much and gave me sweet kisses on my cheeks then she led me inside a room to try out some

dress she made just for me.


First she gave me a light blue dress that flows down on the ground, it look simple. Then I try another one this time its a navy blue tube dress the dress hug my body that it look like a second skin, it look y on me which Dad would never like then lastly the dress is different.


It's cocktail


A midnight blue cocktail dress with white beadings on it, the beads almost look like stars on me. Although it above the knee it look perfect, My Aunt couldn't help but enjoy and even take pictures of me. She's like a mother to me.




Will I ever see you?


I thank my Aunt and kiss her goodbye I couldn't stay and chat for someone needed her assistance, the bride. Shoes was never my problem I have a lot of shoes that would fit for this cocktail dress.


I was walking along the streets then I realize that this street looks really familiar to me, the street where I hope to avoid. My heart starts beating faster like the first time I walk here with some one, some one that I shouldn't had met.


A mistake


I pass by the alley where memories begin coming back. I tried to shake it off, shake everything off. All those memories,

I swear I moved on I shouldn't be affected with those forgotten memories.


Just when I thought I was alone,


I was wrong


"I didn't expect to see you here, again"


That voice that I haven't heard for a long time, I hear it again. His behind me I can feel it, his hot breath on the nape on my neck. Slowly I turn around and face him.


"Neither do I"





Well this is a big shock I suppose and if you do please comment what you think about the new character I add,

If your Ok with him or not

Please comment so I'll know that someone's reading

and if you comment I might update. sorry for pressuring you guys





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babywolf_channie #1
Chapter 5: I want jimin to fall in love with luhan!
soojung8994 #2
Chapter 5: jimin to fell in love with him~~~
babywolf_channie #3
Update soon! :)
Hi! author-nim
your story got me interested on it :)