Same school? Same neighborhood?

Why did you come at a time like this?
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On that same day, while Go Mi Nyu got off the bus the same time Shin Woo did, she saw his back and it reminded her of Shin Woo. Of course, she didn't know it was him but she had a strange feeling it was. She decided to ignore the feeling and go about the day without being reminded of her past. But moments later, there he is again, looking out at the scenery from the lighthouse. Coincidently, Mi Nyu was on the same path, when suddenly she got a phone call from her grandfather. She rushed and luckily didn't notice that it was Shin Woo. Although, she saw his back, she couldn't remember him. While Mi Nyu was running away from the lighthouse, Shin Woo knew it was her and took a picture of her, saving every piece of memory he could he from her. "I really missed you" he said quietly towards the ocean.  A week later, they went back to their home town and attended the same college. With all of Shin Woo's practice of becoming the arrogant, mean guy, he surely wouldn't recognize her.    *A year had pass*  A great year had pass for both Shin Woo and Mi Nyu. They became closer to each other without Mi Nyu realizing it was Shin woo under the disguise. They became a couple after that year and suddenly, Mi Nyu whispered "I remember you" and to Shin Woo's surprise he whispered back "I remember you too".  But not so far after their confession, Mi Nyu and The Stupid was recognized by a producer. Unfortunately, they didn't get accepted in together. It was only Mi Nyu who got accept
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Hi~~~ YAY I'm the first commenter!!!! I'm looking forward to this story. Also thank you for making a story about Shinwoo and Minam, I was starting to miss them too, along side with Lee Shin and Lee Kyuwon and Yonghwa and Shinhye!!!! I MISS THEM SO MUCH~~~~