You're mine

With Open Arms

Hey guys ^^ so I'm back...sorry for leaving you guys on cliff hanger last chapter c: btw guys do you think that I'm dragging the story too long? I'm trying to finish it as soon as possible :D this time I'm serious! Thanks for comments and everything <3

Daniel POV (Flashback)

"I’m leaving, isn't this what you wanted?" He asked turning to look at the red head girl who was standing at the doorway

"I never told you to leave..." she whispered

"Oh but you want me to, because you blame me for what happened"

"Daniel I don't..." she began, but I was too done hearing empty excuses

"Goodbye Amy" I took my bag and began walking towards the door, but the girl wouldn't budge

"You're not leaving" she stood firmly in the doorway

"Move Amy"


I glared at her "I'll disappear, you just have to pretend like I was never real"

She bit her lip, to keep from crying I suppose. " can you still be so cold hearted Daniel?...For God's sake we just lost our parents and now you just want to leave?!"

Daniel looked at the floor

"You both need to stop fighting!" It was Allison, Amy's twin, and my other younger sister

Daniel looked up "Well that's exactly what I'm trying to do but Amy won't move"

"Shut up Daniel" Allison hissed, and she began pulling on Amy's arm "Let's go. Let him do whatever the hell he wants"

"No" Amy fought back, but in the end Allison was stronger and ended up dragging her away

Daniel smiled sadly.

Everyone blamed him for their parent's death. In fact, he even blamed himself, and he knew it was better if he just left. Besides Allison and Amy still had Dominic the oldest of the four.

"It's not your fault Daniel" he'd said before leaving to take over the family's company.

Their parents owned one of the biggest construction company's worldwide, and it had all fallen directly on to Dominic but he hadn't even complained

In fact, Daniel hadn't even seen Dominic flinch when the cops told them that their parent's car had driven off a bridge.

Daniel guessed that his older brother had simply cut his feelings completely off, and somehow he envied that of him

If he could only do the same he wouldn't feel so guilty

Daniel had always been a difficult teenager, in fact, out of them four he was the worst in every aspect.

By the age of 17 he'd pretty much done everything. ,drugs, name it.

He'd been sent to rehab way too many times, but none ever helped

"Maybe if we buy him a sports car?" He'd heard his father say once after he'd come home late

They would never know that what he really wanted was not some expensive sports car, but for them to actually care about him

The night of the accident

"Daniel Mariel Schwartz where are you right now?!" His mother asked angrily through the phone

Daniel held the phone pressed to his ear as he sat up in the bed

"I'll be home later" he replied turning around to look at the blonde girl who was curled under the blankets

Her was beautiful in the faint hotel light and it made him smile

"You tell me where you are right now!"

Daniel sighted "Fine.” He told her the name of the hotel he was at

There was a moment of silence

"What the hell is a 17 year old doing at a hotel?!"

Daniel tried to keep his laughter in "I'll be waiting outside"

He heard his mother sight

"Don't go outside, it's raining because there's a storm on the way"

After hanging up, he began getting dressed before he heard the blonde girl sit up in the bed

"What are you doing?" She asked

"I need to go"

"Aww don't go baby!" She whined

Daniel turned around as he finished zipping his pants

"I'm not your baby"

The girl stared at him

"What the !"

"Goodbye Lanie"

The blond glared at him

"My name's Ashley!" She hissed

"Yeah whatever, same thing" Daniel left the room and began walking outside

In fact it was raining extremely hard, and his clothes began getting soaked in water

Despite the almost freezing water, he sat down on one of the steps.

Several hours passed, but his parent’s never showed therefore he ended up calling one of his friends who dropped him off at his house.

“Daniel omg!” Amy ran to hug him as soon as he came into the house

“What?” he asked

The red head tried to look past him “Where’s mom and dad?” she asked her eyes wild

“How am I supposed to know? They didn’t show to pick me up” he pushed her a bit aside

Dominic came into the living room at that moment “They never showed?” he asked

Daniel nodded as he flopped himself on the couch “Had to call Michael to come pick me up”

There was a long silence “Then where are mom and dad?” Amy asked looking at them both

That same night, as they were all waiting in the living room for their parents, there was a knock on the door.

“I’ll open” Allison said making her way towards the white door

“So…I want to go sleep” Daniel stood up, but stopped when he heard a loud cry

They all turned around and saw how Allison collapsed on the floor

Daniel had never seen her act this way, so he knew something was definitely not right.

He was right, their parents were now dead.

Daniel POV (Continuation of flashback)

“Our parents have several companies as you already know, and one of them is located back in Germany. I can transfer the company over to you, but just know that hiding never solves anything” Dominic said as he looked up at Daniel

“It’s fine, I’ll go there” he replied

-Anything but here-

Dominic nodded “Germany it is then”

I went straight to the airport after that. There were no goodbyes, and no certainty that I would ever even come back. However it didn’t seem to hurt, because deep down I was becoming as cold hearted as Dominic. Now I understood why he never showed his emotions if he even had any, because it just made you realize how weak you really were.

Daniel POV (Present)

There was no specific reason to why I had come back. Maybe because I’d move on from the past, or at least that’s what I liked to think.

Daniel, now a 23 year old man, was coming back to the place where it all started approximately 5 years ago.

Now it didn’t seem so regretful, because he immediately met someone that made him feel better.

Suho was nice, and it made his chest feel like it was about to explode when the black haired boy smiled.

There was just so much to him. Despite everything that had happened to both of them, they still came out strong in the end, and maybe that just connected them in some way.

It would be nice to finally have someone be with him. And he knew that Suho also needed someone as much as himself.

Suho’s ex didn’t seem like a problem. In fact, Suho had already pretty much stated that he wanted nothing to do with Kris.

Therefore Daniel wasn’t worried about having anyone to fight against.

However he realized that it might be a mistake to consider the man immediately not a threat, because what the hell was he doing with his arms wrapped around Daniel’s sister.

That was Amy, and he had absolutely no doubt about it.

From her red hair, green eyes, and freckles there was absolutely no doubt in his mind.

Even before she had whispered his name, Daniel could feel a sort of anger rising in his chest.

What the was this man who had hurt Suho so much doing with his arms wrapped around her.

He had no right to be angry, because after all it was her life, but not in hell would he ever let her be with that man. Not in hell.

Suho POV

Kris’s arms were wrapped tightly around Amy, and for a moment I imagined if this was exactly how he would hold Narae when he was…

-It doesn’t matter-

“Suho?” Kris choked out, and it made him remember the way he’d pleaded Suho not to leave after everything had happened.

However, to Suho’s surprise, Amy also seemed to recognize Daniel.

I looked behind me at the man standing there with his fists clenched to his side

“Daniel? Are you okay?” I asked

He shook his head. “I need to go”

“Daniel wait!” Amy unwrapped Kris’s arms from around herself, and ran after him

-What’s going on?...How do they know each other?-

This wasn’t his biggest concern at the moment for Kris seemed to be in some sort of panic as his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

“How are you feeling?”

Kris shook his head “Why are you here?”

“You collapsed and I was your only emergency contact”

“No I mean…Why?”

“I don’t hate you anymore Kris” Suho stared directly at the blonde man

“Well you should” there was anger in his voice

“We’re not kids Kris, and I’m just tired of holding grudges”

“What I did to you and the boys. I don’t think you should be here”

There was an awkward silence before Kris continued

“Everything that I did, I’m so sorry” he looked down at the floor

“It doesn’t matter anymore” Suho replied

“It still matters…at least to me.” Kris whispered

“I moved on, in fact, I’m currently with Daniel and I like him very much”

Kris looked up and he narrowed his eyes at Suho “You like him? Why doesn’t that sound very honest?”

Suho’s brow furrowed “What do you know about honesty?” he hissed

Kris shook his head “You don’t really like him do you?”

“The hell Kris! You know what; I have no idea why I even considered coming here in the first place. For all I care you can stay and live however the heck you want along with Amy!”

Kris bit his lip “So that’s what it is…”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you still love me Suho? If even just a bit?”

“No! I don’t. I never want to see you after this.” Suho turned around and opened the door, but Kris suddenly shut it back

“What the Kris!” Suho hissed turning around

The blonde man was leaning extremely close to him, and Suho couldn’t help but hold his breath

“You still love me, if not then you wouldn’t be this mad”

Suho bit his lower lip so hard that he could taste blood

“Your lip is bleeding” Kris whispered looking down, and carefully whipping the blood with his thumb

“Don’t” Suho whispered

“I know that I hurt you so much, but I just can’t stay away from you anymore”

“Kris please don’t” his voice broke a bit at the end

“And as much as you want to hate me, deep down you know just how much you still love me. You’ve always been able to forgive people even if they did the worst thing to you, because that’s just how you are Suho”

Kris leaned down until they were just inches apart

“That’s just how you are…” he whispered again

-Don’t do this Kris…don’t do this-

Suho began closing his eyes as Kris leaned even closer. Their lips were merely a few inches apart when somebody suddenly pushed the door open.

“You son of a ” Suho heard Daniel hiss as soon as he walked through the door, behind him Amy tried desperately to hold him back

“Who are…” Kris couldn’t finish the sentence before Daniel punched the blonde angrily

“DANIEL!” Amy screamed as she run to Kris’s side

Suho was shaking lightly not knowing what to do

“Don’t ever dare touch either of them you got it?” he hissed “Because they’re both mine”

He reached out, and pulled Amy up by the arm

“Let go Daniel!” she cried out

He then proceeded to take Suho’s hand and pull him along. However it wasn’t the same tenderly touch that he’d given Suho before, but this time it seemed more like something to prove that he owned both of them and that if Kris dared cross that line, he would surely kill him.  


So what did you guys think ^^ Let me know in a comment, and I'll update soon c: also guys! I'm now gonna work on a new story but won't upload it until I finish this one ^^ it's also a Krisho fanfic but I wanted to know if you guys would be interested in reading it c: please let me know ^^

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2460 streak #1
Chapter 24: for real, not everyone is given 2nd chances, Kris was very lucky to have one ang nice to see that he hasn't wasted it so far... he got his family back, that's nice too :)

i love this story, i love that it tackled forgiveness and all, in the end, the choices you make are yours, whether you'd regret it or not would be all on you... but those that we'll surely regret are the choices we don't make :)
2460 streak #2
Chapter 23: Suho and Kris asking for permission to go on dates from the kids! HIHIHIHI
and Suho acting like a teenager as he retells what he's done with Kris to the kids

as much as there may be other people who disagree with Suho's decision to forgive Kris, but nothing we can do since the Suho of this au chose to forgive him, after loving him still after all this time and feeling and seeing the change in Kris and believing that Kris wouldn't dare do that to him again... it's his choice and since the Suho of this au is the one who'd live with it, in the end, it's really all up to him

Kris saying that he was so stupid and that Suho was too good for him... better late than never idiot! and not all are given 2nd chances, please don't waste it ever again
2460 streak #3
Chapter 22: Lay's "oh no... you deserved more than that" resonates with me so much in this fic! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

never knew he had that of a special connection with Kris tho... idk if i commented on it before, but if not, i just wanna say that this chapter's title is so beautifully apt :)
2460 streak #4
for squeezing out something much more meaningful than an apology from Kris

in the end, time apart was what they needed for Kris to atone for his sins and get his together, the rest of the family also needed to get over the initial anger then sort out their feelings for Kris as well... Suho has said himself that he still loves Kris, but he's gotta have to work much harder to get that trust that he broke back...
2460 streak #5
Chapter 20: Suho thinking if that was the same way he held the mistress before, things as serious as that when left hanging can haunt you for a long time...

Kris's way of apologizing, if that was ever considered one,
2460 streak #6
Chapter 19: years later, the make me forget abt him part still affects me so damn much... i knew they would take that route, and just... ugh thank god nothing further than kisses and making out happened... just, i don't feel like it's the wisest decision
2460 streak #7
Chapter 17: as much as i pity the state Kris has been in since he left Suho and the kids, what can we do, he did it himself... but istg, taking anti depressants with alcohol, he's really just waiting for death then huh?
2460 streak #8
Chapter 15: oh Kai... precious Kai
2460 streak #9
Chapter 14: Kris is lucky Narae's parents only sent her far away and didn't sue him lol

at this moment, Kris sure deserved to wallow is the misery and emptiness he's feeling coz of everything he did

idk if i mentioned it when i read this before, but Kai's desire to not lose his family, is what made him forgive Kris instantly... should be surprising that out of all the kids, he was the one most affected by the issue, yet he was the only one who wanted to keep contact with Kris... but Kai's love for the family that they had was above everything else for him... such a sweet child
2460 streak #10
Chapter 10: yup, this Narae has got to be the most despicable character to ever grace the KrisHo au...

and yes, seems like Suho isn't as weak as Kris thought... if anything, Kris was the weaker between the two since it was him who couldn't even stop his wrongdoings and be honest to his husband... he took the coward way of hiding... and look what it did to Kai and now, the prolonged affair gave some sort of courage to this little girl... Kris should've known better