Crazy Twisted Love [Editing]


Sehun's POV

I looked at her..

I cannot recognize her face anymore..

She's full of blood.. she's-- she's loosing too much blood!

"I'm sorry sir, but you may only stay here."

"No please.. no.. seohyun!! seohyun!"

"Sir you're not allowed inside the emergency room. we'll take care of her"

"seohyun!! No please... don't let her die.. please"

I held the doctor's shoulders.. and looked at him straight to the eye

I can't contain my tears anymore.. it bursted out

"Please don't let her die. please.. please.. please .."

I kneeled down in front of him..

"Please.. don't let seohyun die.. please"

He made me stood up and faced me..

"Sir, she was hit badly. she lost too much blood.. too much. i can't promise you that she will survive.. but we'll do our best." then he left..

I don't know what to do anymore.. i can't believe this is happening all of a sudden

I leaned on the wall. This is all my fault.. if i didn't kissed that girl, she wouldn't run. we should be happy right now! if only i didn't tried to forget her by using someone.. she won't run.. she won't get hit by a car..

This is all my fault..

This is all.. *cries*

Please live seohyun.. please live..

Suddenly, someone rushed towards my place and then punched me.. it's.. Luhan

Luhan: What the heck happened to seohyun?! Huh?! What happened??! tell me! *punches*

I don't know what to say.. should i tell this guyabout what seohyun is about to say?

I think this isn't the right time..


Sehun: She was.. hit by a car.. hit and run was the case..
Luhan: HIT AND RUN??! You were with her that time! But you've let this happen! *punches* You should have stayed away from her! you should have! you're nothing but a stupid guy! *punches* YOU'RE USELESS!

I can't blame him.. what he just said is.. true

I'm so stupid..

So stupid for falling in love with her..

So stupid for not confessing my feeling earlier..


I walked away from that place for a while.. Luhan and i wouldn't be in good terms even in a situation like this..

I headed to the chapel.. this the only place i could stay in

To be silent...

I went to the bench in front.. ang kneeled down

I don't know why.. i don't really pray but.. *sighs* i should.. this is the only thing i could do for now

"Uhh.. God?

Err.. i don't know how will i start but.. *sighs* 

I don't really pray.. i talk to you very seldom.. i'm a cold guy, i don't care about what others feel. i just care for myself.. i don't even know what love means..

I'm almost a bad guy..

But you still love me right? you love me that's why you've sent me an angel.. you've sent me seohyun..

I'm very thankful for that.. she changed me a lot. No! she changed my whole life!

she taught me how to smile..

how to get along with others..

how to enjoy life..

how to.. love

she is such a blessing.. too much blessing for a guy like me.."

Now i'm relly, really crying..

I can't contain this anymore.. i don't wanna let her die..

She can't die!

"But God? please.. don't take her away this fast. please..

Even though she hurt me.. well, she didn't mean it.

Please don't take her.. please..

The moment i saw her got hit by the car very badly, i feel like i've lost all my energy..

She was covered with blood..

It was hard for her to utter a word.. but she did her best to speak

Those words she said.. those last words she said before she lost her consciousness..

'I hate you.. but i can't stop loving you' .."

I don't care if someone would see me like this.. i don't care if they see me cry..

I love you seohyun, please.. please live *sobs*

"God, please, let her live please.. 


You hear me right? yes, you hear me. you will let her live right?"

She can't die..

I'd die..

"Please take care of her.. Amen"

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RKP0025 #1
Chapter 9: OMG. That song is my fave! Authornim, Are you a filipina? This chapter made me smile, i dont know why :)
Chapter 24: Great story , this story make me move when read it , live until old huh ? Yeah , hahhhaa ! By the way , great great story ever ,
mylovefromneverland #3
Chapter 9: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 24: i love this!
krungkrung12 #5
Chapter 24: Asdfghjkl SeoHun <3 This Story Is Great!
Chapter 24: YAH!! I'M SO PABO!! I forgot to comment hahahahahhahahahahaha

NICE STORY!!! ^^ this is going to be featured I'm telling you!! ^^ amazing!!
Chapter 24: Wow!! This story was daebak!!

Nice story.. *le thumbs up*
HerLovelyWinterRose #8
Chapter 24: Omoo~~ I just read this for 3 hours straight and I got all excited that I can't stop reading it~~ nice story and I hope you do more sweet seohujn fanfictions~~ ^^
Thank You So Much ! ♡