Part Four

The Bus (더 바스)

At Soora's house, she decided to take a part time job to earn her own money. She took the newspaper from outside door, sat down at the couch and start reading the articles.


You: Hmm, manager? No... Stylist? No... Chef? I don't even know how to cook fancy food.


After searching and scanning through each pages. She found one that suits her and its an easy, common job to do. A waitress :)


She wore her jacket, a scarf and heels. She rode a public bus to go to her destination, it is just 30 minutes from the house. She plug her earpiece on and hummed to her favorite song. Then there he was... The guy she saw yesterday. He rides this bus with her... She felt like her heart was racing... Weird.


She feel the urge to approach him, but... There are a thousand thoughts going through her mind. Like, what if he has a girlfriend or he is taken. No one knows.

Then the bus finally stop at her destination, she stood up and at the same time the guy stood up too. She froze for a while but she snap back to reality and walked first, suddenly she accidentally bumped into his shoulders while getting off the bus.


You: Omo, I am so sorry! I'm so clumsy.


Guy: Gwenchana.


You: Oh! Hey! You forgot your... Wallet.


It was too late, he walked off already. He seemed to be in a hurry and so was Soora, she has to go get that job at the café.


Boss: Welcome Park Soora, this is Seoul Café. Welcome to the family, I know someone here who also knows you.


You: Nae?


Boss: You'll see, I have to go. Enjoy your first day.


He pat your back and went away, Soora's boss name is Hwang Inseok. He mention that someone knows her? Who might that someone be? 

Then she remembered about the wallet, she took it out from her pocket and check for his ID.


You: Jung Daehyun? He has the same age as me... Hmm... How can I find him?


"Soora-yah! I didn't know you work here"


You: Oh? Taeyeon-ah...


Taeyeon: We can be working buddies!


You: Ahaha, I'm glad I am not the only one here.


Taeyeon: Aww, lets take orders now.


Sunhwa(work mate): Soora-sshi, place this order in table number 5.


Soora: Nae. Taeyeon-ah, I'll be going. We'll talk later.


You took the tray, it has only one drink. When you reach table 5, you notice someone familiar. You stare at him.


Ken: Omo... Its you. Aishh, what was your name again? Park Soora?


You: Do you even know what's my name?


Ken: Hmm, maybe I did an investigation. Checking your profile in school. You live in Seoul, just transferred in school, suddenly is the most known person at school and now you're working here.


You: I have to work.


Ken: Stop, why won't we sit and have a drink?


You: I'm working, enjoy your drink.


She sighed and went to the counter, everytime Ken is there. She has this feeling of wanting to kill him. He is just like the other guys.


Taeyeon: Was that...?


You: Yeah, Ken. Ignore him.


When her job is done for the day, she rode a bus home. She cuddle herself with a thick jacket, earpiece on and let the time flow. She closed her eyes for a while, then a guy sat next to her.

She turn to him and smiled, then it clicked her. It was him!


You: Oh?!


Guy: *stunned* O_O?


You: Jung Daehyun?


Guy: Nae ^^


They both stared at each other, it seemed forever. He then waved his hand in front of her face.


Daehyun: Miss?


You: Ah? Umm, oh! You dropped this.


Daehyun: My wallet?


You: Yeah.


Daehyun: Thank you! I suffered the whole day and I got scolded by my boss. Because, I said I will pay my debt and when I feel my pocket. It wasn't there.


You: Oh, you're welcome :)


Daehyun: What is your name?


You: Park Soora...


Daehyun: Nice name, thanks again... I don't what to do when I lost it.


It was then, they exchange talks. Jobs and their interest, it felt like it would last forever but unfortunately the bus stopped at Soora's house. She didn't wanna say goodbye to Daehyun, they waved and she walk off the bus.


At her front door, she looked at the back and watch the bus left. She can see Daehyun looking at her.

Soora can't wait the next day, to meet him again.


To Be Continued

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