Lover Boy Kai

A Wish's Bliss

A/N: Towards the end, I failed horriblely trying to describe dancing >.< Listen to Coco by Gent & Jawns (there's a vid of Kai, Lay, & Hyoyeon dancing to it, that's sort of what I was trying to describe...but it failed >.<)....Continue though, enjoy!

Kai woke up, his young face glowing with excitement as he leaped from the bed, in the mass bedroom that he shared with the members of EXO. His dark brown eyes scanned the room, seeing the others already out of their beds. He walked forward, opening the door of the bedroom, continued to walk towards the bathroom that was - thankfully - empty. He looked at his reflection, smiling to himself as he washed his face and brushing his teeth. Outside, the members were confused with his behavior. He was always the last to get up, well that hadn’t changed, but he was never this jumpy in the morning.

“Guys, do you know what’s up with him?” asked Lay. Chanyeol smiled his bright smile, his eyes towards the bathroom where Kai still was.

“It’s good he’s happy. Maybe it’s a girl.”

“Is he going on a date?”

“Jongin-ah! Do you have a girlfriend?” yelled Luhan. The door of the bathroom opened, Kai stepped out, smiling.

“No,” he said simply. “I can’t be happy today?” He walked by the members in order to get ready for their schedule soon. As he was about to walk into their bedroom to change his clothes, Chanyeol called out to him.

“Jongin-ah, are you going to see Alexandra?” he said, smirking. Before he could think properly, his face broke out in a smile, his bright white teeth shining. Oh wait, he thought. The members don’t know about her. How does Chanyeol know? He quickly changed his expression taking the smile off his face, not early enough though. Chanyeol had already taken notice and smiled to himself, earning looks from EXO.

“I don’t know who that is,” Kai said as he closed the door behind the bedroom. He changed into a clean light blue shirt, dark black pants along with brown shoes, tucking the laces under his pants. He smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror. Good, he thought. It’s not too casual but not too formal, just my style. I hope she’ll like it.

 Later, EXO went to their next schedule. They, along with other groups of SM, were to be guests on the variety show, Strong Heart. Because of the limited amount of seats, only a few members of EXO were able to go just Kai, Baekhyun, Luhan and Tao. They waited in their dressing room, waiting for the show to begin. A knock on the door came to the dressing room. Luhan went to the door and opened it to see Taemin smiling, waving at his labelmates.

"Oh Taemin, hi.” Despite being older, Luhan still bowed to his sunbae. Taemin smiled and walked into the dressing room.

“Hi everyone. I just wanted to talk to Jongin for a bit about something.”

“What is it, hyung?” Kai asked as the stylist finished with his hair, stepping away so that he may turn to his friend. Taemin continued to smile and gestured to go out with him with a flick of his head. Kai nodded and got off the seat where he was sitting. He followed behind Taemin out the door and down the hall where there were no staff members or other labelmates. Taemin turned and looked at Kai.

“I’m glad Aera finally debuted with 4 Wishes. It’s nice to see her again.” At the mention of her name, Taemin noticed Kai’s face warm and smile. There, he thought. There it is, that warmness that he was familiar with, the same warmness from before.

“Did you see her yet?” Kai asked. Taemin nodded.

“Yeah, I did, about 10 minutes ago. She’s happy with her members.” Kai seemed to get lost in thought, again.

“How do you feel about Aera debuting?” Taemin asked.

“I feel great,” Kai said with a big grin. “I’m happy for her. I missed her a lot.” Taemin smiled at his friend. Still, he thought, I knew they wouldn’t leave.

“I know you still have feelings for her, Jongin-ah. I was there when you two started dating. Feelings like you two had for each other don’t just go away after a forced break-up," Taemin paused and then continued, "It’s wasn’t right what President Soo Man did, but we have to make sacrifices, right? You two made a big sacrifice 3 years ago. I remember the look you two had when you looked at each other. It was one of love and happiness. When I saw you with her the other day, I saw the same look in your eyes. So, tell me, do you still have feelings for her?” Kai thought about it for a moment, his eyes focused on the ground.

“I think so,” he replied when paused. He ran a hand through his hair, slightly annoyed that he ruined the stylist’s hard work. “No, I know so. But she doesn’t want anything right now. She wants to remain friends.” Taemin chuckled.

“Smart girl.”

“Hyung! That’s mean,” whined Kai.

“Jongin-ah, be smart. Neither of you can afford to get into any scandals. Just,” Taemin sighed and looked at his close friend,”Relax for a while, arrasseo?” Kai stayed quiet, thinking about what his friend said to him. Taemin watched him while he was in deep thought. He didn’t like to see his friend conflicted the way he was, but it had to be done. Kai couldn’t live a fantasy life where everything went his way and he had Aera back. Taemin knew that’s not how life worked.

“Did the producers tell you what is going to happen on the show?” Taemin asked, trying to keep his friend talking by changing the subject.

“No, what?” asked Kai.

“Oh, it must be because my group is better than yours,” Taemin said laughing. Kai smiled and playfully pushed his shoulder.

“Yah, who sold a million copies of their album? We did!” Kai said.

“Who won more awards, we did!” Taemin shot back.

“Who has more members? We do,” said Kai.

“Who has more handsome members?” began Taemin.

“We do,” they exclaimed in unison. The two looked at each other, not surprised by their answer. They began to laugh and as they laughed together, a producer came down the hall and informed them that the show was beginning. Taemin nodded and thanked the producer, waiting for the producer to get out of hearing range. He put a hand on Kai’s shoulder before leaving.

“Remember what I said, ok? Alexandra is here with us now. Let’s be friends like we used to be, ok lover boy?” Kai nodded and headed back to his dressing room. The members that came with him looked at him curiously but Kai paid no attention to them. He stood there, smoothed out his outfit, played with his hair, and soon went with the members to be seated.

    The show, Strong Heart, was having another SM edition episode. Their guests were members from EXO, SHINee, fx, Girls’ Generation, TVxQ and finally 4 Wishes. All the artists were scattered around the set as the show began and they introduced themselves. As the show continued on, a mixture of happy, heartbreaking, and hilarious stories were being told by the artists. It wasn’t long until there were questions directed at the rookie group.

“So, we have the group, 4 Wishes, here with us today,” began Kang Hodong, CO-M of Strong Heart.

“It’s been 3 months since your debut and we’ve been meaning to ask you four, what does 4 Wishes mean?” asked Lee Seunggi, the other MC. Minra, as the leader, answered.

“When we introduce ourselves, we always say ‘We have a wish.’ We say this because each of us has a wish of our own. Love, Friendship, Family and Unity. So that is why we named ourselves 4 Wishes. We hope to fulfill our wishes throughout our years of being a group,” she explained with a smile.

“Ah, how nice,” started Hodong and turned to Amber of fx. “Amber, which wish goes with which member?” Amber of f(x) smiled as she looked toward her labelmates. Her short black hair was slightly in her face, the bang covering her eye. Despite this boyish, she got along well with the other girls in SM, including 4 Wishes.

“Um,” she began. “I think Family goes with Eunsoo-sshi. Um, Love goes to Minra-sshi, Friendship to Aera-sshi and Unity to Jaemin-sshi.” Kang Hodong looked to the members, who couldn’t help but release a chuckle.

“Is she right?” Minra shook her head.

“Aniyo,” she said simply.

“Who else wants to try?” asked Hodong. Changmin of TVxQ correctly guessed Friendship to Jaemin and Unity to Minra. All that was left was Love and Family.

“Onew-sshi, which member do you think is Love?” Onew, with a cheeky smile and red cheeks looked toward each of the members before his eyes laid on Eunsoo, who looked back at with big brown eye. She’s pretty, he thought. Why did I have to be so quiet? Why didn’t I talk more the last time?

“Ah,” he paused, collecting his thoughts. “I think love belongs to Eunsoo-sshi.” But before he could determine whether he was right or wrong, Kai raised his hand, interrupting the MCs.

“Excuse me,” he apologized to Onew, “but I disagree with Onew sunbae.” Lee Seunggi gestured for him to continue.

“Who do you think it is?” he asked.

“I think love belongs to Aera-sshi,” Kai replied, his eyes on her. Their eyes met, Aera’s face turned to cover her blush and masked it with a smile. When asked if he was right, Aera answered, “Neh. He’s right.”

“Oh, of course he is. I heard Kai, Aera and Taemin were good friends in their trainee days and practiced together often. Is that right?” Taemin, the eldest nodded.

“Neh, we made our choreographies in order to show the judges when the evaluations would take place. We were close and had a lot of fun together.” Kang Hodong nodded as he listened and when Taemin finished he responded.

“Oh, do you mind showing us one of the choreographies?” Kai looked Taemin and Taemin looked at Aera, waiting for each of their answers. So, Kai thought. This is what Taemin was talking about. I don’t remember any of them though, how will this work? They all exchanged agreeing nods, not wanting to disappoint the fans and MCs. During the commercial break, the trio discussed what dance they would do. Soon after, the cameras were turned back on and the artists were back in their seats all except Kai, Aera and Taemin. Aera and Taemin stood in the middle of the stage in front of the artists, facing the cameras. The two stood with their heads to the ground. The music began, a loud dubstep came out of the speakers. The dancing machine came out of both of them. They haven’t danced this song in over three years it came naturally to them after so much practice.

    Taemin’s arms became robotic as he moved them around and about. Aera followed his movements, mimicking him. Aera moved slower on her feet, her hips rolling as Taemin was faster on his feet, moving them sharply. Taemin felt his heart pounding as it always did when he danced, but it pounded more knowing how the dance would end. I might as well play the part, he thought. He knew Kai; he knew he wouldn't listen. I'll follow along, Taemin thought. For Kai’s sake, so he won’t be in the articles tomorrow. He turned to Aera, taking her hand moving her closer to him, his hand on her waist as they danced together, their faces close to each other.

Suddenly, the music dropped and the lights dimmed to dark. Suspense fell throughout the audience as they waited for the music to change or come back. The same hard dubstep came on as the lights were turned back on and Kai suddenly appeared between the two, pushing them apart. They moved from one side to another, their arms and legs staying in sync. Aera spun in the middle of the two, the music slowing down, coming to an end. She put her hands on both their shoulders as the music continued on. A hand touched hers on her left side and she looked to see Kai. The song was supposed to end there, she thought. This isn’t the same choreography we did. Taemin and Kai added things.

    She looked at Kai for a second before gripping her hand and spinning her into him and holding her back as they stared into each other’s eyes, his lips close to hers. Taemin watched on, disappointed in Kai. He knew this would happen; he knew Kai wouldn’t give up on his love. Taemin played the “other guy” wanting Aera’s love in the choreography so that people wouldn’t suspect anything from the two by running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

    Claps and “Oo’s” were heard from the fans in the audience and artists. Aera thought that her heart was beating loud enough so everyone could hear. Kai oppa stop this, she thought. You never used to listen but please do it this time.

Don’t make me fall for you again...


A/N: Another update! I'm on a roll B) Half way through the next chapter, expect it in a few days! Enjoy! Please COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE! It helps me out ^^ Annyeong!

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wildfantasy #1
Please update the story...I really wanna read it
I liked this very much. :)