
Flower Boy and the Beast
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A/N: Wew, 6 months since I've updated ;u; sowy guys... Anyways, in this chapter, it's 3 years later. EXO will be introduced as a group but only D.O, Suho and Kai are going to be in it.
But don't worry, EXO won't appear too much as a group in the story!


3 years later

Sehun watched the television alone in his apartment. Luhan was out with his new girlfriend and he still didn't have someone. He had Jongin, yes. But Jongin didn't love him like Sehun loved his roommate, well ex-roommate I should say. When he left him all alone in this cruel world, Sehun broke, he fell into depression. There was nobody for him, he felt so empty. Jongin was his reason to smile, his reason to live. He left so suddenly, without saying good bye, he didn't have time to react nor to get used to his absence. He tried so many times to take himself in hands, to say he didn't need that someone to feel good but he couldn't. He just couldn't, Sehun was weak without his Jongin.

What happens when the only thing that makes you feel alive, left?



''Welcome ladies and gentlemen... Thank you very much for being here. In 2011, I had the brilliant idea to create a group, two groups to be precise. One for South Korea and the other one for China. Temporarily named m1 and m2, I now named them... EXO-K and EXO-M...''

''Oh... another stupid boyband, look,'' I said to my dog, who was sleeping under my blankets, warming my feet. I was watching the TV in my little living room. When Jongin said he was moving to Seoul, I decided that, after my studies, I'll go join him there. So here I was, in my little apartment in Seoul's suburbs. 

''EXO... what a horrible name.'' I put my TV on mute and try to read for a bit, but I couldn't think straight... Something was bothering me. I knew that Jongin left me because... he was joining a company...''What was the name again?'' I streched to reach my tablet and typed rich and popular company in korea on Google. I knew that the name was debuting with an S... SM entertainment. I, after that, typed sm entertainment exo and saw that the PDG of this company will show the members... today. My mouth formed an ''o'' as I looked over the TV's screen. I burried my face in my sweater because I didn't want to know what was going to happen.

''Let me show you the first member....'' said the guy on the screen. A video started to play, we could only saw his feet. Finally the camera looked up and we could saw a boy's face. He had brownish hair and he was quite tall. The video showed a guy dancing with a lot of colours and lasers. The teaser stopped and a guy walked in, the same guy I saw ealier in the video.

''Hello... I am Kai from EXO-K. Please support me through my adventure with EXO. Thank you!'' I choked on his popcorn. ''Jongin?!'' I screamed at my TV.

I knew that guy's voice... He always had this deep sensual voice. It was the same when they were roomates, it didn't even change. His hair; it was the same colour since the last time I saw him. Oh, and his smile, how could I forget about it? How I wish I could kiss these lips and hug that muscular body one more time.

I grabbed my little tablet again and typed exo kai on the search bar. Most of the pages said that his real name was Kim Jong In. ''Am I dreaming?'' I said as I scrolled down all the results. I looked over my TV a second time and Jongin - or should I say Kai - wasn't here anymore. Now, it was a guy, who looked a lot like Luhan, he had the same eyes. I didn't really heard what he said about himself, I was too busy focusing on the thing I saw earlier.

Then, another member showed up. I recognized him instantly; my brother. His face's features seemed more old, mature. He still had his owl's eyes and his heart shaped mouth when he smiled. He talked really fast and seemed stressed. I was happy to see him on stage because since he was little, it has ben his dream to sing in front of a large public but he was shy to do it when he was young, so he just sang in front of me and some of our stuffed animals.

After him, all the other members came up on stage and bowed. My eyes were stuck on Jongin, gosh, he was so beautiful. The last time I've seen him happy like that was when he showed me his dance moves. Maybe I should be happy for him or maybe not. I felt selfish; he was living his drea

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Caren91 #1
Chapter 10: Update pls and why i felt like this ff is more on kaisoo rather than sekai
Chapter 10: O___________________O all I can say is ... i hate you Kai
Chapter 10: Kinda confused on something, they were a thing on college? Cuz I thought that it was just all teasing.~~ but just don't give in easily bb Sehunnie. What I don't understand is why did kyunggie let it all happen. Oh well I'm broken and crying~Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Chapter 10: FINALLY UPDATED!!!!!!
Chapter 10: DOnt go too easy with that sehuna
CuTAEpie #6
Chapter 10: Sekai reunite! :3
ayanesakura #7
Chapter 10: Wawwwwwwwww they meet again!
Chapter 9: Sehun dont cry ... kyungsoo alittle bit mean here ..
Update soon !!
barawa #9
Chapter 9: kyungie why your cruel to knew sehun like jongin...and jongin are you like sehun or kyungie?

update sooooon author nim..pleaseeee
xokaihun #10
Chapter 9: oh really, kyungsoo is so mean to his brother T_T update soon author-nim!^^