Chapter 9

My Singing Angel


I looked up at Baekhyun from where I was packing up my things. It was Tuesday afternoon, and we had just finished our singing practice. We were getting ready to go now.


"I hate to say this but... your singing was a bit off today." Baekhyun said.

"Oh, was it?" I asked.

"Well... not just a bit. Your singing was awful today. No offense." Baekhyun grimaced, feeling uncomfortable about having to say this.

"Oh sorry." I blinked. "I didn't even notice. I guess my mind was just... occupied."

To tell the truth, I hadn't been focusing at all during practice. I had been feeling really overwhelmed because of the realization of the feelings I had for Baekhyun. That, added with the disappointment of not even having a chance with him, had completely plagued my mind the entire day.

"Do you want to grab some bubble tea on your way home?" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Ah... sure. Let's go." I smiled.

We walked together to a nearby bubble tea store. When we got to the shop, Baekhyun opened the door for me and smiled, saying, "After you."

"Thanks." I smiled back. Inside though, I was feeling more depressed than ever. It was little things like that, after all, that made me like him more and more.

After we ordered our drinks, we sat down in a booth, sitting across from each other.

"Do you want to just sit and talk for a bit before heading home?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yeah, sure." I nodded. "So. Is there anything new going on?"

"Nothing going on with me." Baekhyun shook his head. "It seems like there's something going on with you though." he remarked, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, well. There's just something." I said ambiguously, not really wanting to explain any of the details to him. After all, how could I just casually tell him I liked him?

"Do you want to talk about it, maybe?" Baekhyun asked.

"It's just... there's just someone." I shrugged.

"A... guy?"



After that, a somewhat uncomfortable silence fell and we both just sat there, not really saying anything. The awkward silence continued, even as we walked home together.

"Well. Bye Hyeri." Baekhyun said, as we stopped in front of my house.

"See you tomorrow." I said stiffly. We both waved and then I headed into my house, not glancing back once.


"What's going on with you two?" Yoon Jin demanded the next morning at school.

"Nothing." Baekhyun and I mumbled at the same time.

Yoon Jin and Chanyeol exchanged a look before turning back to us.

" two do realize it's Wednesday already right?" she asked.

We both nodded, not uttering a word.

Before Yoon Jin could pry any more, the teacher walked in, saying, "Back to your seats, class."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol hurried over to the front of the classroom, and I turned to face the teacher, trying to ignore the suspicious look Yoon Jin was giving me.

During class, we had a work period, and Yoon Jin used that opportunity to find out what was going on.

"Okay. Spill."

"What is there to spill?" I asked, feigning ignorance as I pretended to do my work.

"Oh come on." Yoon Jin rolled her eyes. "How long have I been your best friend?? Frankly, I'm offended that you even think you can lie to me." She crossed her arms and gave me a look. "So spill. What's going on between you and Baekhyun?"

"Well..." I started. "It's just that, I came to a realization that I like Baekhyun. And it's been really throwing everything off. Like, yesterday during singing practice, he said my singing sounded really off-key. So after that, we went to get bubble tea, and he asked what was on my mind."

"Did you tell him?" Yoon Jin asked.

"No, of course not! He's got a girlfriend!"

"He does?" Yoon Jin furrowed her eyebrows. "I never knew that."

"Well anyways, so I told him it was just someone, and he asked if it was a guy, so I said yes. After that, we just kind of fell into this really awkward silence."

"I see." Yoon Jin said. "Well, we're going to need to fix this now, aren't we?"

"Oh no, you are not going to interfere." I narrowed my eyes at her. "I don't need you to fix anything. Just leave it alone." As soon as those words escaped my lips, I already knew it was too late. Yoon Jin was definitely going to interfere somehow.


"So. You two are free today right?" Yoon Jin asked during lunch. I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to telepathically tell her to stop talking. She didn't seem to get the message though. "Why don't the four of us hang out again?" she smiled, brightly.

"Yeah, we should!" Chanyeol smiled as well, kicking Baekhyun under the table, earning himself a glare from the latter.

Seeing that I wasn't responding, Yoon Jin kicked my leg as well and shot me a look. I glared at her as well.

"Fine, I'll go." Baekhyun grumbled, rolling his eyes.

I sighed in defeat. *There's no reason for me to make everything awkward just because of my feelings, right?* I thought. "Fine, I'll go too." I muttered.

"Great!" Chanyeol beamed.

After school ended, the four of us headed outside and started walking. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"We'll just hang out at a nearby arcade." Yoon Jin said. "After all, it's a Wednesday, we can't exactly go anywhere far."

We headed to one close by and hung out, playing games together for a while. The mood wasn't that great, but it was a little bit better than it had been before. I was feeling a bit more comfortable.

"Hey, let's play that game!" Chanyeol said, his eyes lighting up as he headed off.

"Oh, I'll come too!" Yoon Jin followed him.

"You gonna go?" Baekhyun asked me, raising an eyebrow.

Seeing that they were heading to a dancing game, I shook my head. "Nah, I'm not into those kinds of games."

"Really?" Baekhyun smirked. "So you can sing, but you can't dance?"

"I can!" I argued. "Just not with those kinds of games."

Baekhyun laughed. "What about this game?" he asked, pointing at another game.

"I'm the best at that." I smiled confidently.

"Are you sure about that? I think I'm probably better." Baekhyun said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you challenging me right now?"

Baekhyun simply shrugged, before heading over to play. We played for a while, before finally concluding that it was a tie, even though I was sure I clearly won.

"Do you want to go sit down somewhere?" he asked. I nodded, and we both headed over to a little cafe that was connected to the arcade.

"Well that was fun." Baekhyun said, sitting down in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm sure it was fun losing to me."

"Are you kidding me? I totally won!"

"You said to call it a draw!"

"That was because I didn't want you to feel bad for losing!" Baekhyun argued.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't lose though."

Baekhyun sighed. "This argument is pointless, it'll never go anywhere."

I nodded in agreement.

"But anyways, winning or losing or whatever, that wasn't why it was fun." Baekhyun said. "It was just fun because... it was with you."

I stared at him blankly, not sure if I had heard him wrong or not.

"Hyeri, to be honest," Baekhyun started, suddenly looking a lot more nervous, "I... oh gosh, I can't believe I feel so nervous, this is so uncool." he said. I waited patiently for him to continue. "Look, I... I think you're a really cool girl. No wait, cool's not the right word. You're an amazing person, and I honestly find everything about you just perfect. Well, not perfect, but as close to perfect as it can get."

I continued staring at him in shock, not expecting this at all. He seemed to know what I was thinking, and said, "I know this is kind of out of the blue, I know. And I wasn't expecting to be confessing here or now or even anytime soon. I don't really know what happened, the words are just kind of flowing out of me right now. Oh gosh, I sound so lame." Baekhyun groaned.

I laughed, finding his awkwardness to be cute. "Baek, you're-"

"No wait, I'm not done." he interrupted. "Sorry, it's just... if I'm going to be this lame, I might as well get all of it out all at once, you know? So anyways. I remember that first time I heard you sing, and wow, your voice is just amazing. There's no other word to describe it except, well, angelic. And I just love that little smile you have on your face when you sing, it's just so adorable. And the way you talk and the way you insult me, and just everything. Everything about you is just so damn perfect."

My mouth was slightly open in shock. I mean, the whole confession thing, I wasn't so in shock about that anymore, but the way he had talked about and described me was something that just made me feel speechless. Then, a realization hit me, which made me regain my senses (somewhat) again.

"Wait, Baek... don't you have a girlfriend though?"

"Who, Hyorin or Hyomin or whatever her name is?" Baekhyun scoffed. "She's not real, Hyeri. You're so naive, it's cute." he laughed.


"You're 'My Angel', Hyeri." Baekhyun smiled softly, as he pulled out his phone and showed me. Sure enough, under the contact 'My Angel', my cell number was listed.

"Wow." I said, feeling speechless once again.

"Yeah." Baekhyun rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit embarrassed. He then sighed. "Man, I can't believe I just poured everything out to you like that, even though you have a crush on someone already."

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah, didn't you say yesterday that there was a guy on your mind, and that's why you couldn't concentrate?"

I laughed and Baekhyun stared at me, feeling confused. "Oh Baek..." I smiled. "That guy was you."

"I- what?"

I smiled. "To be honest, I really like you as well. I was feeling depressed because you're basically the complete package, but I thought you had a girlfriend already."

"The complete package?" Baekhyun smirked.

"Oh come on, you called me perfect and an angel." I rolled my eyes. "You have no right to be acting all smug right now. Do I need to remind you of how uncool you were just now?"

That shut him up.

Applause suddenly burst out from behind us and we turned to see Chanyeol and Yoon Jin clapping, with huge smirks on their faces.

"Took you guys long enough." Chanyeol grinned.

"I swear, you two are the cheesiest couple ever." Yoon Jin said. "I was cringing just listening to your confessions."

"I know, you guys are so... ugh. Baek, I never knew you had that in you." Chanyeol agreed.

We both blushed, but I felt myself smiling anyways.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes. "But wait a minute," I said, eyeing the two of them suspiciously, "why do you two seem to be so in sync with each other?" I narrowed my eyes at them.

"I noticed that too." Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol laughed, throwing an arm around Yoon Jin's shoulder. "Oh please," he said, "we've been dating for a few days already."

"Yeah, you guys were just too engrossed in your own problems to notice." Yoon Jin rolled her eyes.

Me and Baekhyun exchanged glances with each other before looking back at the couple.



"Excuse me, you guys are too noisy. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." a worker said, shooing us out of the cafe.


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Chapter 10: awwwwwww sooooooo damn cute xD
Exoweareone1025 #2
Chapter 1: AHHH so cuteeee
Chapter 10: Gahd. I'm smiling like a crazy person here while reading every chapter >:)))) LOL.
shuahsu #4
Chapter 10: This story kept me smiling throughout with all thay fluff xp
Chapter 10: God!! The fluff is really sents a butterfly to me... I'd never think a fluff will be this good to read!! Thanks for this amazing story author-nim! Gonna vote for this!! :D
pinkeukisseu #6
Chapter 10: Kyaaaaa all the fluff omg it makes me feel so light heheehehe baekri all the way whoooop
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwwwww... So sweet...
Chapter 10: Authornim!!!!! I really not have any words for this story! 완전 짱!!!
ZakhirahMeyh #9
Chapter 10: KYAAAAAAAAA!! this is so nice! >~< but baek is so conceited. kekeke.