Chapter One


His large eyes sparkled under the summer moonlight. They were mesmerizing , sending the other male present into a trance. They met at the party, both finding it boring and useless. What was so fun about becoming drunk and grinding on each other 'till your hearts content? The two also thought it was stupid told hold a party solely for the purpose of "I got my drivers license." They'd rather opt for a night at home watching movies at home, eating 2-minute noodles. 

Jongin was of course invited to the party but refused until his best friend forced him to come or else he'd lose the title of 'king of the school.'

He thought it was stupid to label people, especially names like "Queen bee" or "Loser #2" What was the point of it? It made them all seem like elementary school kids. 

Kyungsoo wasn't invited but was brought along with a friend. But who'd invite him anyway? Dubbed the smartest kid in school who did not give a single about partying, it was no surprise no one would invite him. What was a bigger surprise was the fact that he actually agreed to come along. Stupid decision, really. 

Kyungsoo turned around to face Jongin. He got a quite shock as Jongin looked like he was staring straight into Kyungsoo's soul. He quickly turned back to look at the moon, admiring the way it glowed underneath the clouds.

They weren't friends. They've never talked to each other, except for that one time Jongin bumped into Kyungsoo, making his books fall out of his arm and earning a mumbled "sorry" from Jongin. But they understood each other. How they hated their lives and all the trouble that came with it. Although neither of them wanted to admit it, they yearned for their lives to disappear and to start all over again. They wished they could live a life like the people who hung out on the far side of the oval. Those guys didn't talk to anyone apart from their close group of friends and always seemed to be having the time of their lives.

Kyungsoo and Jongin stood in silence for a while more. There was nothing to talk about since they like totally different things. Jongin turned around to leave but Kyungsoo said something that stopped him in his tracks. 

"Do you think anyone would miss me if I killed myself?"

Jongin whipped his head around.  He was about to reply with a sarcastic comment when he decided against it and sighed. He walked over to the fountain located in the middle of the backyard and motioned for Kyungsoo to come over. Kyungsoo obliged and took a seat next to Jongin. 

"Frankly, I don't think so." 


"About killing yourself. Of course your parents would miss you and all but there'd be no one else."

"What about my friends?"

Jongin snorted. "Friends? Like you have any."

Kyungsoo was a bit offended by that and huffed. "I have Joonmyeon and the rest of the them."

"Those guys? As if. Do you know how happy Joonmyeol-"


"Whatever. Anyways, do you know how happy he'd be to have you out of his life? He's always been second place. To have you gone would mean he'd be the king." Kyungsoo stared at the ground, wondering how Jongin knew so much about his life when they haven't talked with each other at all. "Oh, and the rest of those geeks? They'd only mourn over you because there'd be no one to protect them or provide them with what they needed. Your friendship is built on lies, not trust. Same as mine."

 Kyungsoo turned to look at Jongin. There was something about the king alpha that made him vulnerable. Something about the sadness in his eyes and how he had no one to trust made Kyungsoo feel like they understood each other.

Jongin pulled out a packet of cigarettes. "Want one?" Kyungsoo shook his head.

"Do you think that maybe if you started again, killed yourself, you'd end up with a happier life?" Kyungsoo asked, feeling more comfortable with Jongin as time passed on.

Jongin took a puff of his cigarette. "Always. There's never been a day that's gone past where I think that if I hadn't gone with those thugs to steal that packet of chips -they weren't even yummy-  that maybe I'd end up happy. Maybe then my parents wouldn't hate me and that I'd have actual friends whom I can trust." He sighed and threw his cigarette onto the grass before putting it out. "What about you?"


Jongin rolled his eyes. "Yes, you. I thought you were smarter than this."

Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows. Jongin was getting more annoying by the minute. He considered leaving Jongin alone but then he knew that he'd rather be out here than inside the house where the party was being held. "I guess so." Jongin turned to face Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo looked at the sky.

"I've always been forced to study and get good grades. When I was little, my parents would starve me if I got even an A- on my report card. Since then I've always tried to come out on top and thankfully I always did. When I got a scholarship to that private school downtown, my parents urged me to go. But I refused. They left me out in the street for a week and only gave me $20 to last. I had to beg for money and people pitied me. I slept in the slums and sneaked into the public bath house to clean myself. It was then that I knew I hated my life." 

There was a pause and Jongin heard muffled sobbing coming from Kyungsoo. "But I met some amazing people. There's this homeless man who lives near that big bakery. He always had a smile on his face and gave out his food to the children who had none. He seemed like a man who was living in riches.

And so I asked him, 'Why are you so happy? You don't have a house and you barely have enough money to fulfill your needs yet you seem to have the time of your life.' He smiled at me and said, 'It's not about how much money you have or how high of a ranking you are. All that matters is if you're having fun. If you've surrounded yourself with the people who loved you or if you've spent your entire life with people who use you as another rung in the ladder of success.'

I thought he was crazy, going on about love when he doesn't even have a family that supported him. But then I realised what he meant." Kyungsoo muttered the last sentence before crying. The tears were flowing down from his face rapidly and before long, his sweater was soaked. 

Jongin could do nothing but stare. He knew what Kyungsoo was talking about and he felt as if he found someone who could actually be his friend. He looked at his dead cigarette and tried to block out Kyungsoo's crying. It was no use. 

It wasn't long before Kyungsoo felt someone on his lips. He stopped crying immediately and opened his eyes. It was Jongin. Kyungsoo shut his eyes and tried to push him away but soon stopped.

Jongin's lips were unexpectedly soft. Kyungsoo could taste a mixture of fruit punch and cigarette, both of which he hated dearly, but he didn't care. Jongin moved his tongue into Kyungsoo's mouth and Kyungsoo gripped Jongin's hair. The two stopped for some air before Kyungsoo realised what had happened. He pushed Jongin away and ran into the house. Jongin went after him but was stopped when a bunch of his friends asked him where he'd been and pulled him onto the dancefloor.

Jongin spent the rest of the night intoxicating himself in alcohol, trying to forget his feelings for Kyungsoo. Was it love? Or did he just act upon the kiss because he needed to feel alive again? He tried to shake the events of tonight away and drank away his feelings. By the time the party ended, Jongin was wasted and had gone back to his old self.


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i'm back~~ new chapter posted!!


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Chapter 2: this looks pretty interesting, i'll look forward to the next update ;)
i like how jongin doesnt seem to give a about anything except his sister....and maybe kyungsoo lol