Chapter 6

I'm not crazy!
Chanyeol was in no hurry to finish showering.
He had already messed things up with his roommate and spending more time together probably wasn't the best idea.
Chanyeol took his time and let the hot water run down his body as he spun around slowly for even hot water distribution.
He finally got out half an hour, and he walked into the bedroom to find Baekhyun fiddling around with his guitar.
"I'm sorry!" Baekhyun laid Chanyeol's guitar down with a guilty face and leaped up from his bed.
"No it's okay! Honestly, it's fine." Chanyeol reached one hand out to pat Baekhyun, but the smaller seemed a little terrified so he retracted his hand.
"I-I was just trying to figure out a chord, someone taught me ages ago and I can't remember, and-"
"I can teach you if you want."
No! Idiot! You'll ruin those nice little fingers!
Chanyeol mentally punched himself and twitched as he smiled at Baekhyun.
Okay, now you're just being weird and borderline creepy.
"Really? You will?"
Well, at least that got Baekhyun speaking again and interested.
Chanyeol thought and nodded, holding his guitar out.
Should have gone out of the shower earlier.
"Now, can anyone tell me what kind of evidence there is that suggested..."
Chanyeol slowly nodded off to the professor's voice.
It sounded more like a lullaby marathon rather than a lecture to Chanyeol.
Perks of being tall, eh? Back row boy, no one cares if I doze off.
Chanyeol's mind was about to shut off completely when his phone buzzed.
A knowing smile appeared immediately on his face as he pulled his phone out and looked at the screen.
Puppy Baekhyun: Class is so boring (>_< ;) Thanks for last night's guitar tutorial btw (^▽^)♪
Chanyeol: No problem (*^_^*) I'll pick you up after class?
Puppy Baekhyun: Thanks *\(^0^)/* I don't know how I'd get by without you Chanyeol! ^_^☆
Waaaaait a second.
This sounds an awful lot like "I can't live without you"!!!!!!!
Maybe it's for a different person...
But no it says Chanyeol!!!
What do I do? What do I do?
Chanyeol had to hold back his internal thoughts and tried very hard not to scream out loud as he bit onto the tips of his fingers.
After fumbling for a while, he decided to consult his wingman.
Chanyeol: Kreeeeeeease!! Help! Baekhyun basically said he couldn't live without me!!
Greasy Kreasy: So?
Chanyeol: Whaddya mean so!? How should I reply!?
Greasy Kreasy: Dude, I need to graduate, save your relationship crisis for another time just not while I'm in class mmkay?
Okay. Sassy Kris = pester him any further and you lose a limb.
Guess I'm on my own now...
Here goes nothing.
Chanyeol: Then I'll always be around you!
Oh gosh no you sound like a creep! Undo undo undo!
Crap. Okay, I'll just stick my head in the ground now and never pull it back out.
Buzz? What? Baekhyun actually replied to that creepy text?
Puppy Baekhyun: Really? I'm so happy! o(^▽^)o Class is almost over, don't forget to pick me up! ^_−☆
Wink face!? I got a wink!
Does that mean he's flirting with me!?
GAH I can't take this anymore!
Chanyeol grabbed his bag and slipped out of the door quietly, then released all his emotional cries in the corridor while he ran to Baekhyun's class.
He almost dropped his phone multiple times when he was jumping up from joy, punching the air and yelling.
The bell rang just as Chanyeol reached the bottom of the stairs.
He decided to stand closer to the door this time, so he didn't have to wait even longer.
All he wanted to do right now was find Baekhyun, pick him up off his feet and spin around a couple of times.
You are so in love, Park Chanyeol.
"Chanyeol!" Baekhyun emerged from behind Chanyeol while he was busy checking his reflection in the window.
Chanyeol wanted to pick Baekhyun up in his arms, but then decided there were too many people around and he didn't want to smash people's faces, so all he did was put one arm around Baekhyun protectively like the day before.
"H-how was class?" Chanyeol twitched as he looked down at Baekhyun with a wide grin.
"Was boring." Baekhyun shook his head and gave a little smile, and the two shuffled forwards in silence slowly behind huge crowds.
Chanyeol liked how Baekhyun fit perfectly under his arm.
He liked how his height was perfect so that Chanyeol could drape his arm around his shoulders.
He liked how if he moved just a little closer he could smell Baekhyun's strawberry shampoo.
He liked how small Baekhyun seemed compared to his tall broad body.
He imagined if he stood in front of Baekhyun, he'd be able to shield him completely.
Good. So I can protect you from everyone else.
You're so perfect, little angel. I wish you were mine.
"Hey, Crazy Giraffe." Chen nodded at Chanyeol as he and Baekhyun sat down at the table.
Lay, for once, wasn't spacing out and was laughing along with Luhan and Xiumin.
Suho was lecturing Sehun on keeping their room clean, and although Sehun kept nodding his head Chanyeol knew he wasn't listening, judging by the way he locked his gaze on Luhan.
Kai and Kyungsoo were bickering as usual, with the occasional slap thrown in by Kyungsoo when Kai got too touchy feely.
Kris and Tao were at the food stalls, with Kris piling food onto the happy panda's tray.
"You can call me Giraffe but skip out the crazy part." Chanyeol rolled his eyes and sat down next to Chen.
Baekhyun had started a conversation with Sehun, and funny enough Sehun had a small smile on his face.
"And what if I don't?" Chen smirked and leaned forward a little, biting dramatically into his pizza slice.
You asked for it.
"Has anyone ever told you that you look like a dinosaur?" Chanyeol put on the biggest grin he could, and poked Chen's forehead.
Chen's grin fell apart, and he retreated and avoided eye contact with everyone, staring down at his food.
Smirking Dinosaur 0:1 Awesome Giraffe
Awwwwww yeaaaaaah.
"I was supposed to be the troll here." Chanyeol heard Chen mumbled grumpily.
If Chanyeol could, he'd jump on the table, unroll that "Kiss my " banner someone gave him ages ago and wave it in front of Chen's face while shaking his .
But no, that'd just be awkward.
"Baekhyunie hyung~" Tao took the seat next to Baekhyun, and lovingly rested his head on Baekhyun's chest.
Wha...? Why is this panda parasite sticking to my little angel?
Chanyeol shot Kris, who was settling down into the seat next to him, a "wtf is going on" look.
"Baekhyun bought Tao a late night snack last night. And now he loves him."
"We're in the same boat then. You feel me bro?"
"Yeah, totally."
Author's note:
Hello people :P
Thanks for all the views, upvotes, subs and comments!
I see lots of Baekhyun biased here hehehehe
Keep calm and love Baekyeol!
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thepeachills #1
Chapter 1: I live an awkward life so let the aDVENTURE BEGIN
Chapter 1: I'm cringing at the awkwardness XD
Chapter 41: loved this story <3
Chapter 18: ooowwww my gosh chanyeol is so cute i'm dying ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Chapter 17: so cute
Chapter 8: this fic is so funny and cute. <3
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 41: This fanfic was so cute and so fluffy I cannot
saraibra #9
Chapter 7: I can't believe i just found this ff it's awesome and i love baekhyunnie character ny cutie ultimate biad ^^
Chapter 41: soo...i dont understand....will someone explain to me..
chanwoo n zihan already in college while in caption only say 10 years later....were they adopted?or biological sons?-baekyeol n taoris-
n luhan was giving birth??/is it mpreg?