
Coffee & Sweets

hi fif heres u fic pls enjoy it as much as i enjoy writing it hehe luv u baby girl <33




Kyungsoo loves coffee. The rich, aromatic smell that tingles his senses. The sweet and bitter taste that makes his insides churn in delight. And that’s what brought him here. Working as a full-time barista at a small coffee shop in town. His handsome features attracts most of the female population, ((and men)) there, and some goes there just to get a glimpse of the 21 year-old-boy. Even if most of the customers lining up are women, Kyungsoo wasn’t the one who wavered easily. Even if the customers gave him a seductive or innocent look, he just smiled at them, took their order, did it quickly and called for the next customer. The cycle was continuous every day. That was until a new girl came into town.






Kyungsoo continued his work as usual, and the customers lining up are almost the same faces everyday, to the extent that he memorized almost all of them (he always had amazing memory skills, anyway). As he took their order, his eyes wander to the long queue and he spots an unfamiliar face amongst it. Only one word crossed his mind, beautiful. But he quickly woke up from his daydreaming and continued his work. His heart thumped rapidly against his chest as the queue gets shorter. And somehow, time seems to fly so fast that he didn’t realize the girl was standing in front of his eyes.



“Excuse me? Can I have one chocolate cream chip and a vanilla chocolate chip muffin?”



Kyungsoo tuned out after she said ‘excuse me’ as he heard her velvety, sultry voice. He stared at her beautiful, hazel brown eyes, her pink, cherry lips and her petite figure. She’s an angel what did I do to deserve this. He stepped out of his trance when a mere cough was heard.



“Oh, I’m sorry. You want one chocolate cream chip and a blueberry muffin? I’ll get it right away!” Okay… maybe he said it too gleefully and he let out a nervous laugh. Luckily, she doesn’t seem to notice. She just smiled and nodded. Kyungsoo was thankful that she was the only customer standing there. He did her order with care and decorated it as nice as he could. He gave it to her with a blooming smile decorating his face. She took it gratefully, but when she was about to ask her name, she went out of the coffee shop like a speed of light. Kyungsoo sighed, obviously upset, and he really hopes she’ll come again.






The next day, she came again. She ordered yesterday’s order but again, Kyungsoo didn’t manage to get her name. And so, the cycle continues. But after he gave her order, she just went out without a single word (minus the thank you). Just like that. But one day. Kyungsoo managed on attaching a sticky note on her drink.



Hi :)






On a bright Sunday morning, the coffee shop was empty since its not working day, so Kyungsoo was cleaning the tables when the familiar door bell rung. He glanced up and smiled at the now familiar face. Kyungsoo went to the counter to take her order.



“The usual?”



“Nope.” Kyungsoo looked at her with raised eyebrows, surprised.



“Eh? What happened? Are you bored with your usual order? Do you want me to recommend another one?”



“Nope.” She smiled at him. Kyungsoo was hella confused by now. He always knew that she likes sweets by looking at her order. And within a second, a sticky name was attached to his forehead. He took it off and it says,



Hi :)



Kyungsoo looked at her and suddenly he felt like time just stopped for him. He stared at the eyes he first fell in love with and admired the beauty in front of him with a soft smile gracing his lips. She offered her hand, “My name’s Haeri, Lee Haeri.” But he didn’t reply. He just stared at her.



“Hey? Why are you staring?” Haeri poked his hand.



“I’m not staring, I’m gazing.” Kyungsoo smiled dreamily at her. She blushed at his blunt comment.



Kyungsoo continued, “Your name is Haeri, right? You have a beautiful name. Just like the owner itself.” She blushed again and slapped his hand. He howled in pain while rubbing his sore hand.



“You’re quite a tuff one, too.” She chuckled softly. Kyungsoo felt like he fell into a hole called love deeper after she chuckled, “Well, my name is Kyungsoo.”



“I know. Your nametag says it all.” Kyungsoo quickly covered his nametag, and looked at her sheepishly.



“Oh. Okay. Sorry about that.” Kyungsoo chuckled nervously. Haeri laughed on how adorable Kyungsoo acted.



“So, the shop’s empty. Want to have a chat or something?” Haeri said.



“Yeah, y-yeah, of course! I-I mean uh yeah sure we could ehem talk.” Kyungsoo fidgeted and cursed at his stutterness. Haeri took his hand and rubbed it softly.



“I don’t know you much, but I’m starting to like you.” Haeri said with a soft smile.



“Oh-h. I love you too! Wait I mean I-I like you too. Wait don’t take it the wrong way I mean I just-“ Kyungsoo stopped himself from babbling unnecessary stuff and mentally scolded himself. Way to go on impressing your crush, Kyungsoo.



But, Haeri managed to calm his nerves down, “I think I might love you too.” He smiled at her and grasped her hand and lacing their fingers together. She blushed as she tightened her grip on him. They talked and chatted over a cup of coffee and a glass of chocolate cream chip, as they spent their Sunday morning with sincere smiles decorating their faces.



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Chapter 1: Aaaaaaw so cute ~~~~♥
InspiritHamster #3
Chapter 1: Gosh!!!! The sticky note scene is the cutest!!!! I keep saying 'oh cute! ' hahaha i can imagine kyungsoo's eyes turn big when he is shock >\\< love it ! Xoxo
kaimakesmecry #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^