First Day

Minsoo In Love.


Beeeppppp~! Beeepp~!. the alarm ringing. TAP !! you turn off the alarm.

'Yeah finally i'm going to class. Yahoooo~!' I mumble alone.

"Yah! Hyejun ahhh, pali eireona. Wake up, wake up today is our first class~!!"

"Nae-nae. I wake up" hyejun wake up and take a bath.

After i finish shower and prepare my self to go class, i and Hyejun walk together to class. 

Fortunately, we are in the same class, same course. Its art and music course !! 

I like to play piano and guitar, meanwhile Hyejun love to sing and dancing. That's what she told me last night.




"Hyejun, here our class" said u to Hyejun.

"Yeah, finally were here. I'm very-very excited and nervous too" she reply u with small laugh.

"Yah ! No need to be nervous, we here to get a knowledge, not to enter an audition or what. Calm down okay?" you tried to calm her self, but actually u're more nervous than her.

"Ah..Hyejun-shii and ____-shii right ? I'm Mrs. Nura your lecture here." said a firm but a gentle women to you and Hyejun.

"Nae, I'm Shin ___ and she...." "Kim Hyejun" Hyejun continued your conversation. 

"Okay, so come here student, I introduce you two to my class." Mrs. Nura invite both of u to the class and u enter it.

Knock-knock ! "Attention classs ~!!" Mrs. Nura knock her ruller on table to get classes attention. 

"Today we have a new student, they just transfer here yesterday and now both of them are your new classmate, be nice with them okay?" Said Mrs. Nura. 

"Okay, Shin ___, Kim Hyejun, introduce your self to class" Ask Mrs. Nura.

"Annyeonghaseyeo~! I'm Shin _____, i'm 22 y.o, come from Gwangju and transfer from Gwangju college." said your self 

"and please be nice with me" u continued your speech.

After Hyejun and u introduce your self, Mrs Nura ask you to sit beside a male student and you heading to the empty seat.. 

"Annyeonghasaeyeo~!" you bow at the boy and suddenly.. 'Ohgawd ! He the same guy i bumbep into yesterday' u said in your heart with your eyes rounded. "Errrr~~ Nan Shin ___ " you hand out your hand to greet him, but he just ignore it. 

'Huh ? Again ignoring me? did he deaf?' you mumble again.

"Mian, for your information, i'm not deaf and i'm Yong Junhyung !" He suddenly said to you and smile.

"Oh ?? O_O Nae-nae, nice to know u" you reply to him and bow him repeated.


And the first class just passed like that, you meet a new lecture, firm but gentle and a chocky guy who become your tablemate.

at time you and Hyejun walk heading to cafe for lunch, Suddenly you heard a scream. "Kyaaaahhhh~! CAP were so hot" "Ani-ani, Ljoe is the hottes men" "Yah ! Nae Ricky is kiyowo" Said there girl who just passed by you two. 'Who CAP? Ljoe? Ricky? what a weird name'

Six guy walked trough you and hyejun. A brown hair guy who walked at centre of six guy were looked so charming in your eyes but he not even looked at other girls who keep screaming and screaming. 

"Yah ! you guys so noisy !!" said a short guy with rainbow hair. 

the girls shocked with his loud and rough voice. Like a cat who being scold bcause steal a fish. 

The boys just walk away heading to cafe. You and Hyejun were in astonishment. :Yah. who are they? why others girl screaming like BIGBANG just walk trough us?" ask you to hyejun who with her jaw open. "YAHHH~!" you slap her hand and she blushing cause got caught by you.

"Molla, i dont know them either. Who are they huh?" Hyejun question you back. You two just looked at each other and lift shoulder sign that both of u dont get the idea who they are. 




"Ommo ! Mianhae " you apologize to a boy who u almost bumped into. 

"i thought we always keep bumped into each other isn't?" said the boy.

"Huh?" you lift your head and "Ahh, Junhyung Sunbae, hehehe..mianhae..." its your tablemate ! 

"its okay, since we keep bumped to each other, come lunch with me cause its boring eat alone and bring your friends too" He pointed to Hyejun who looks like going to drool because she spotted the rainbow hair guy in the same cafe. Its LJOE ~! 

"Oh okay. Yah ! Hyejun. What are u looking at?" 

"Huh ? Errr that guy. Handsome isn't ? Hehehe" Hyejun point at Ljoe while laughing. 

"Oh they are Teen Top, the genius student here and also an k-pop idol" explain Junhyung.

"Ahhhh~! No wonder they looked popular, btw oppa, who the one with rainbow hair? He look handsome." question Hyejun to him.

"He's Ljoe the no 2 genius in this university same place with Niel the guy with thick lips there. The one who looked like a baby is Ricky. He always got a higher gred in dancing class same with Changjo beside him. Other one is Chunji, he looked like a mother to them, can u see he scold them to keep eating and stop play around? Huh, that one is Chunji." told Junhyung to them.

"Then who the sleeping boy?" you ask him.

"that one is CAP. his name like a 'CAP' isn't? Hahahaha. Okay-okay he's the very-very genius student here who always got no.1 in every subject same with me. He's the son of company that Teen Top be arranged under, its TOPMedia" explain Junhyung while feeding his mouth with food. 

"MWO? TOPMedia?" you scream a little. 

whole cafe looked at you same with CAP too. He also looking at you in astonisment because you just mention his family company. When u realized he starring at you, immediately you looked at other way and eating your food in shyness. 

'TOPMedia? Is it the same company my father work to?' 





Okay ! Chapter 3 is done. so how is it? I'm sorry if its boring. 

Finally minsoo is here ! Kyaaahhhh~! He's here !! 


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HanLay #1
Chapter 30: I'm fall in love with this story...DAE TO THE BAK!!!!
Chapter 34: Wah 5 kids and counting more. Finally all bad guys are gone haha.
Chapter 33: Good story plot but I think you rushed it >.<
Chapter 34: Hahaha yess twins again . like this story . goodjob author . itd rarely for minsoo to be the main character . but you did a great . thumbs up :D
angelavender #5
Chapter 34: YEAHHHH I LOVE HAPPY ENDING ^^ OMO TWINS AGAIN ?? Thats too many,rite ?? btw Lee Chan Hee & Lee Yeochin yeongwonhi !!!!! BTW NIEY UNNIE THE BEST !!!
This was a great story!
claribelmiranda #7
Chapter 34: Awwww....great ending, hehehe, anyways done reading this one ^^
Aii GOOD !! well i love junhyung more than minsoo here kekeke~
Chapter 34: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... unnie ><
hyejun_afi #10
Chapter 34: Happy endiiiiiiiinngg!!!!! I love happy ending.. haha next time unnie should make a new story ^^ kkk~