Chapter Six (Special Chapter)

The Boy in the Bus
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Author's Note: Hey guys, I'll be posting a special character for the upcoming White Day so to be in advance, here\s the half of it. LOL





Additional Chapter




Chanyeol and Joori are now dating and White Day’s is coming fast yet Chanyeol don’t know what to do; would it be as grand as ever or it would be another dilemma.


Special Chapter



“Yah! Park Chanyeol! Do you have any plans for White Day for Joori?” Kris asked his best friend who was sitting beside him.

White Day is fast approaching yet he have nothing in his mind; Joori might think he’s a useless boyfriend and he really is afraid if she’ll leave him.

“I don’t know, Kris. It’s just scary to not know if she’ll like it or not.” The lad sighed and plumped his forehead at the table.

Kris patted his back and says, “You better think now or else, she’ll left you and she’ll run back to me.” He joked.

Chanyeol immediately looked at the older boy and glared at him, he was definitely saying to himself that Joori won’t do that; his Joori is his and will always be his only.

“Like that would ever happen.” Chanyeol scoffed and laughed.



“Oppa! Where are you going?” Joori ran to him, school was over and they were in the hallway; Chanyeol looked at his girlfriend longingly.

“Yeobo, Oppa has to go somewhere with Kris and some of

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Hahaha sorry for being a cliffhanger ^^
YeollinaMae21 #2
Chapter 5: Waiit wut thats ittt????? Omggg DxI want more tho haha but good job unnie
Chapter 5: OMG HAHAHA i really love this story!! i love jongin character heres and i thought 'kyunggie' is really kyungsoo lol nice job!
Nice story!! Keep it up - Yuki
YeollinaMae21 #5
Chapter 4: nnggghh updated soon :)) haha its really good
YeollinaMae21 #6
Chapter 3: asddhfhdljfn;akdfn noooo Chanyeol just say u love her too ;A;
this is soo good unnie!