Baekhyun's Fear


“I guess you found someone else right?” Sehun asked. “I guess you got tired of me, just like that.”

“Sehun, it’s not like that, please let me finish. I-“

“What’s there to explain hyung? That you fell in love with someone else? That you got tired of me? That you’re sick of me?” A slap was heard from the kitchen.

“If that’s what you want to believe, then fine.” Luhan shouted. Sehun gave Luhan a blank stare before running to his room, locking it tight.

Luhan sighed and sat down. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He knew he was at fault, and he regretted slapping Sehun.

“Aren’t you going to talk to him?” Baekhyun asked.

“He won’t listen to me and I guess he never will.”

“You do know it’s your own fault right?” Baekhyun added.

“I know” Luhan said.

“You’ll throw away everything just because you found someone else?” Baekhyun said in a low voice.

“You don’t know anything. No one knows anything, and none of you will ever understand what I feel!” Luhan shouted and ran to an empty room. Baekhyun jumped a little when Luhan slammed the door shut.

“Baek, don’t.” Chanyeol said, stopping Baekhyun from following Luhan with his giant hand.

“But Yeol-“

“Baek, no. Give them space.” Chanyeol said.

“But Yeol, we can’t just stand here and do nothing. We can’t let them waste those 3 years of being in a relationship.”

“Baek, stop. Changes happen, okay? Stop interfering and let them be.” Chanyeol said, a bit louder this time. Baekhyun sighed and shook his head.

“I’ll go check on Sehun.” Baekhyun stormed out of the kitchen, ignoring the voice of Chanyeol calling him. “Sehun?” Baekhyun asked as he knocked.

“The door’s open hyung.” Sehun said. Baekhyun pushed the door and found Sehun by his bed.

“Why not talk to Luhan? Maybe-“ Sehun shook his head.

“No hyung, just stop. It’s over, we’re over.”

“Are you going to throw away those 3 years Sehun?” Baekhyun asked.

“I didn’t want to hyung, but he left me no choice. He wants Minseok hyung, not me.” Sehun bitterly chuckled as the tears streamed down his face.

“Talk to him Sehun” Baekhyun suggested. Sehun shook his head and wiped the tears.

“All this time, I thought he really loved me.” Sehun scoffed. “I guess he did, but as a maknae.”

Baekhyun didn’t know what to say anymore. Sehun was too sad, that Baekhyun couldn’t think of a way to comfort him.

“Maybe he got tired of me.” Sehun closed his eyes and hung his head. “What does Minseok hyung have that I don’t?”

“How did this start anyway?” Baekhyun had to ask, because he needed to know how things started. As much as he wants to obey Chanyeol, he felt that as a hyung, he needed to do something.

“Ever since our show started, they got really close. And after they got back from China, that’s when I found out.”

“How’d you find out?” Baekhyun asked, a bit hesitant to ask but eventually did.

“I may be young, but I’m not stupid, especially when it comes to Luhan hyung.” Sehun said. “But I guess the truth hurts. Life isn’t a fairy tale.”

Fairy tale. That’s how Baekhyun described his relationship with Chanyeol.

“A person will always find someone better, even better than you. And there’s nothing you can do about it.” Sehun said.

Baekhyun still remained silent, because Sehun’s words were starting to bother him.

“No matter how much you love each other, if that person better than you suddenly comes, it’s over.” The tears stopped Sehun from talking, because they won’t stop falling.

Baekhyun did what he can do, he gave Sehun a hug, because that’s the only thing he can think of that can help the maknae.


“How’s Sehun doing?” Chanyeol asked.

“He’s not doing great.” Baekhyun sighed.

“Well, I guess he’s not the only one. Luhan isn’t really doing great too.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

“How can he? How can he do that to Sehun? How can he just replace someone like an old shirt?”

“Baek, stop. We don’t know what really happened.” Chanyeol said. “Let’s just give them time, that’s all we can do right now.”

Baekhyun was about to argue but eventually stopped himself. Chanyeol had a point, that’s all they have right now, time. And maybe, just maybe, time will heal all the wounds.

“Things won’t be the same anymore.” Baekhyun mumbled.

“Come on, let’s just go to sleep.” Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a kiss on the cheek before facing the other way.

“I love you Yeol” Chanyeol hummed.

Baekhyun pouted when his boyfriend didn’t even say I love you back. He sighed and back faced Chanyeol.


Morning finally came and Chanyeol was nowhere to be found. Baekhyun searched the whole dorm, but his boyfriend was nowhere in sight.

“Hey Tao, have you seen Chanyeol?”

“Oh, I think he went grocery shopping with Kyungsoo and Suho hyung.” Tao replied groggily.

“Oh, okay.” Baekhyun smiled. He went to the living room and noticed the absence of Sehun. “Where’s Sehun?”

“He’s still asleep.” Lay said. “He had a hard time falling asleep last night.”

Luhan and Minseok suddenly appeared, earning the stares of the other members.

“So” Jongin started. “Is it true?”

“Jongin, stop.” Yifan said.

“Are you guys together now?” Jongin asked again, ignoring Kris. “Wow, congratulations.” Jongin said with full sarcasm. “You two managed to break our maknae.”

Luhan couldn’t control it anymore. He suddenly punched Jongin in the face.

“You know nothing, so shut the hell up!” Luhan shouted.

“Luhan, stop!” Minseok said, trying his best to stop Luhan.

“What do you mean huh? Was Sehun just a toy for you? Was he that easy to replace?” Jongin spat back. “He loved you, but what did you do? You replaced him just because you found someone else!”

“Fine then! Me and Sehun are over okay? We’re over. I love Minseok! I left him for Minseok, is that what you want to hear?” Luhan shouted.

“Enough!” Yifan shouted, towering all the arguing voices. “Jongdae, take Jongin to his room, NOW.” Jongdae nodded and dragged Jongin to his room.

“Tao, go to the kitchen and get an ice pack for his face.” Tao nodded and did what he was asked to.

Baekhyun’s attention landed on the two. Minseok was talking to Luhan, probably saying words to calm him down. But seeing this interaction between the two angered him for some reason.

“How could you?” Baekhyun suddenly blurted out. “How could you do that to him? Sehun loved you!” Baekhyun shouted, tears streaming down his face.

“Baek, go to your room.” Yifan ordered. “Please leave me and Luhan alone.”

Yixing dragged Baekhyun to his room, and Baekhyun didn’t protest anymore, because he knew that there was nothing more he can do.

Minseok gave Luhan a reassuring smile before going to his room.


The awkward silence was deafening, especially for all of them. Usually when they eat together, people would be laughing, shouting, talking, but after that little incident, everyone just kept their eyes on their plates.

“We’re back!” Suho shouted from the front door. He walked to the kitchen and noticed the tension filling the room. “Did something happen?”

Yifan gave Suho a look, and the latter understood it quickly. Suho just went to the fridge and fixed the frozen groceries.

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol entered the kitchen, laughing at some joke Chanyeol said. Their laughter filled the whole room. Baekhyun glared at them, because the laughter was really anticlimactic and not necessary.

But above all, Baekhyun hated seeing Chanyeol laughing with someone else.

It ticks him off.

Because Baekhyun is the jealous type.

“What’s with this atmosphere?” Chanyeol suddenly said.

“It’s because you arrived, everyone got so down.” Kyungsoo joked, making the others chuckle a little.

“Yeah, quiet you.” Chanyeol said, head locking Kyungsoo’s small head.

“Stop it you two.” Suho ordered.

But the two didn’t stop. They ended up talking about something funny they say at the supermarket, and how Chanyeol almost tripped because of an ice cube.

Slowly, the room lightened up a little bit. Even Sehun joined in the laughter.

And soon, all of them were talking, sharing stories, laughing.

How Baekhyun wished that things were always like this.

But, just like everything else, things had to end at some point.

Because a certain giant had to bring up something.

“I remember when Sehun and Luhan went on that date and-“ Chanyeol suddenly stopped. But Baekhyun gave Chanyeol the most intense glare out of them.

“Chanyeol, shut up.” Baekhyun blurted out. His irritation couldn’t be controlled anymore.

And the awkward atmosphere suddenly came back.

But things didn’t stay that way for too long, because Kyungsoo had something else to say.

“Whatever happened between you two, I hope you keep it out of the group.” Kyungsoo started. “I know it will be very hard, but I hope you two can be friends again.” Kyungsoo said, pertaining to Sehun and Luhan.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. It’s easy for you to say.

“But whatever happens, just know that we’re all supporting you.”

“I think Kyungsoo’s right. I mean, we never get awkward, especially in front of a table filled with food.” Chanyeol said. “You three need to talk, as in no more evading each other. That’s life, we can’t do anything about it. You two were the closest in the group, and I hope you won’t throw away what you had.”

“As awkward as it maybe, I know things will get better.” Kyungsoo added.

“Maybe we can talk after eating” Sehun said in a low voice. Luhan and Minseok nodded.

“And maybe, just maybe, things will go back the way they were.” Kyungsoo said. The others nodded and agreed with Kyungsoo.

“Great job Kyungsoo” Chanyeol whispered.

And soon, the awkwardness slowly died down, bringing back that lighter one they had earlier.

Baekhyun’s irritation slowly died down too, because things do look a bit better.

“A person will always find someone better, even better than you. And there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Baekhyun suddenly shook his head.

‘This is nothing Baekhyun, okay? This is nothing.’


After 2 weeks, everything was back to normal. Luhan and Sehun finally talked, and well, they decide that their friendship was more important than their relationship, so they decided to keep it.

Things weren’t awkward anymore, and they back to normal.

But not for Baekhyun.

He’s been actually having a hard time, because he had a battle with himself.

Yes, Baekhyun has been having a battle with himself. There are times when Baekhyun thinks he might be crazy or something, because for him, this wasn’t normal.

Baekhyun was troubled, really disturbed.

Chanyeol has been hanging out with Kyungsoo, a bit too much for Baekhyun.

At first, Baekhyun didn’t really mind, because he would always brush the thought off.

Baekhyun hated the word cheater, because it was something he would never use or even do, and he thinks Chanyeol wouldn’t too.

But after seeing Chanyeol being close to Kyungsoo, Baekhyun started to doubt things.

Because of this, Baekhyun started to compare himself to Kyungsoo, even seeing him as a competitor.

This wasn’t Baekhyun’s intentions.

But Baekhyun was starting to have doubts, and these doubts were killing him.

What does Kyungsoo have that Baekhyun doesn’t have?

A great voice? Baekhyun thinks he’s a little better than Kyungsoo, though he admires Kyungsoo’s voice.

Looks? Baekhyun thinks he’s good looking, but Kyungsoo has these big eyes that can make anyone fall for him.

But he had to admit, cooking isn’t Baekhyun’s forte, so he gave that to Kyungsoo.

He and Kyungsoo can both host, but Kyungsoo’s stepping inside the world of acting.

Personality? Baekhyun’s fun to be with, that he gave it to himself. But there was this extra thing Kyungsoo had, something that makes him fun to be with.

And Sehun’s words kept ringing inside his head. As much as he wanted to forget about it, his mind couldn’t.

“No matter how much you love each other, if that person better than you suddenly comes, it’s over.”

Baekhyun knew he was over thinking things, but he couldn’t help it anymore, he was afraid.

He was afraid that his relationship with Chanyeol might end up like Sehun and Luhan’s.

“Hey hyung”

“Oh, what is it Sehun?”

“You okay? You seem...spaced out.” Sehun said. Baekhyun gave a reassuring smile before nodding.

“I’m fine Sehun”

Baekhyun said he was okay, but Sehun knew he was lying. And he has an idea why the other’s been acting that way.

“Then why are you staring at those two?” Sehun pointed at Chanyeol and Kyungsoo.

“I am not” Baekhyun said defensively. “Hey Sehun”

“Yes hyung?”

“When can you say that a better person finally came?” Baekhyun asked, eyes dazed at the floor. “You know what, never mind. Just ignore me.”

“Are you jealous of them hyung?” Baekhyun sighed.

“Chanyeol hasn’t really been hanging out with me. He’s with Kyungsoo, most of the time.”

“So you are jealous” Sehun chuckled a little. “Have you talked to Chanyeol yet?”

“No, I mean I tried, I really did. But with our very busy individual schedules, we haven’t really talked.” Sehun sighed and smiled. He rested his head on Baekhyun’s shoulder.

“Do you know why we broke up? It’s because we don’t talk. You need to talk to him hyung.”

“I’m scared Sehun”

“Scared of what hyung?”

“Scared of losing Chanyeol” Baekhyun said.

“Would you really think he’ll leave you just like that?”

“What if Kyungsoo’s better than me? What if Chanyeol would suddenly throw me away because he found someone better than me?”

Sehun didn’t know what to answer at first, because he experienced the same thing with his last relationship.

“Everything you asked me was based on ‘What if’s’ hyung. You two should talk, because that’s the key to a good relationship.”

“Maybe tonight, I’ll try to talk to him again.”

But when night time came, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were nowhere to be found.

“Where are they hyung?”

“I don’t know Baek, Chanyeol told me they’ll just go buy some ice cream.” Suho said.

“But it’s been 3 hours already hyung.” Baekhyun sat by the front door, waiting for Chanyeol to come home.

“Come on Baek, just go to bed.” Baekhyun shook his head. Suho scratched his head and left Baekhyun there.

Baekhyun closed his eyes and rested his head on the wall, wrapping his arms around his legs.

“Need some company?”

“No need hyung”

“I insist Baekhyun” Minseok said, sitting next to the other.

For a while, they just both sat there, not talking, not even looking at each other and Minseok could feel the tension between them.

“Are you still angry at me Baekhyun?” Minseok asked. Baekhyun didn’t answer and still stared at the door. “I can’t blame you if you’re still angry. Even I couldn’t forgive myself.”

Baekhyun still remained silent but was actually listening to Minseok.

“I mean, I just ruined a relationship. But it was never my intention to ruin them. I even tried to talk to Luhan but you know how he is.”

Baekhyun continued the silent treatment.

“We already talked, and things are okay between me and Sehun. I hope you would forgive me too.”

Still, no reply. Minseok sighed and stood up. But before he could leave, Baekhyun finally spoke.

“I’m sorry hyung, maybe I’m just pissed because of what happened, and I totally understand it now. I’m really sorry for being a spoiled brat.” Baekhyun stood up and gave Minseok a hug.

“Thanks Baekhyun” Minseok said. “You should get some sleep, we still have a schedule tomorrow morning.” Baekhyun sighed and gave the front door another quick glance. He nodded and went to his own bedroom, alone this time.


“Baek, wake up, we need to get ready.” Jongdae said, nudging the other. Baekhyun sat up and groaned.

“Where’s Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asked, noticing how Chanyeol wasn’t sleeping beside him.

“Oh, he’s already having breakfast. So come on” Jongdae dragged Baekhyun out of the room.

As they walked to the dining room, Baekhyun could hear Chanyeol laughing with his usual contagious laugh.

Again, Chanyeol was seated next to Kyungsoo, and they were both laughing hard, maybe because of something that Chanyeol said. His boyfriend didn’t even notice his presence, making Baekhyun feel sadder than he was last night.

‘First, he hangs out with Kyungsoo. Second, he doesn’t even tell me that he’s going out and now this.’ Baekhyun shrugged and sat next to Jongin.

“Good morning hyung” Jongin greeted.

“Good morning Jongin” Baekhyun greeted back.

The room was actually noisy today. Suho and Kris were explaining the schedule for today, while Yixing and Tao were talking about how they miss China. Sehun and Jongdae were arguing on who’s more attractive and of course, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were laughing hard.

“You okay hyung?” Jongin asked.

“All this noise is giving me a headache.” Baekhyun said, almost in a whisper.

“Me too” Jongin shrugged.

“Yah, you should try this. It tastes like chicken.” Chanyeol said, giving Kyungsoo a piece of chicken.

Those smiles

The shared laughter

The hanging out

Baekhyun felt that it was supposed to be his, because Chanyeol is with him. But Baekhyun felt neglected and ignored.

He stood up, took a spoon and hit Chanyeol on the head, hard. They all stared at Baekhyun in awe.

“Yah! What was that for?” Chanyeol stood up. Baekhyun took deep breathes as the tears quickly streamed down his face. When Chanyeol realized that Baekhyun was crying, his anger was taken aback. “Baek?”

“Insensitive giant!” Baekhyun shouted.

Baekhyun ran up the stairs and quickly entered his room. He slammed the door shut and locked it.

He ran to his bed and covered himself with bed sheets.


Fear was eating Baekhyun right now.

Fear of being alone

Fear of being left alone

Fear of losing Chanyeol




So I decided to make this two parts, lol. How's this one btw? Can you please comment your feedbacks? ;) Thank you!! <3

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Chapter 2: Aww two idiots in love
BlackBrownPearl #2
Chapter 3: Waaaah how much I love kaisoo ><
Kieu-My #3
Those rumors are not true .
baozi-nim #4
Chapter 2: you should write more about xiuhan too...
L_giou #5
Chapter 2: no comment 'x' !!!
this fic is soo DAEBBAKK ... > _ <
Chapter 2: Sweet hehehe ■■
Chapter 2: uhuhuhuhu prefect angst. this is really good
noname022 #8
Chapter 2: aww i love this... first chapter is perfect angst and this is and you're writing kaisoo next chapter... woohoo daebak..:D hwaiting...^^
kimkimpuff66 #9
Chapter 1: Update plss i wanna know wat happened to Baek