Chanyeol's resolution


For a week, Baekhyun tried his best to avoid Chanyeol, in every way possible. After that little scene he made before, Chanyeol didn’t really apologize, because the giant feels he didn’t do anything wrong.

But Baekhyun feels that Chanyeol is too insensitive. His boyfriend didn’t even come to ask what was wrong, or even ask why he did that. Instead, he did the exact opposite, he ignored Baekhyun and went off with Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun knows how high Chanyeol’s pride can be. There was even one time when they almost broke up because. Even if it was Chanyeol’s fault, he was still the one who apologized.

Baekhyun understands that, he really does, but a person can only take so much, especially if the one causing him pain is his boyfriend.

Maybe he’s waiting for me to apologize again. Baekhyun thought. Not this time.

But if no one would apologize, who would?

Baekhyun groaned in frustration and decided to eat the ice cream he hid inside the freezer.

“Oh hey hyung” Jongin said. “Want some?”

“Yah! That’s mine.” Baekhyun pouted.

“I know hyung, but it looked so good, and well, I was going to call you, but I ended up enjoying it too much.” Jongin said, a bit embarrassed. “Here” Jongin held up the spoon with some ice cream. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and accepted.

“I can now understand what you mean.”

“Sit next to me hyung.” Jongin said. Baekhyun sat next to him and took the spoon from Jongin. “So, how are you and Chanyeol?”

Baekhyun suddenly tensed up at the question. Was he that transparent for even Jongin to notice that they weren’t okay?

“We’re not okay”

“I can see that” Jongin chuckled. “I’m having a hard time myself”


“Well, don’t tell the others okay?” Baekhyun nodded and zipped his lips. “Well, I’ve been....courting Kyungsoo.”

“Oh my gosh, Jongin! Really? I-.” Jongin covered Baekhyun’s mouth.

“No one knows but you and Kyungsoo himself, so shut up.”

“Sorry” Baekhyun mumbled. “But Jongin, wow. I never expected you and Kyungsoo, I mean, I’ve always thought you were just close friends, but look at this.” Baekhyun was so amused, but then he noticed Jongin’s long face. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s just that Chanyeol’s been dragging him everywhere, that I couldn’t even talk to him. I miss him.”

Then Baekhyun suddenly realized that he wasn’t the only one missing someone.

“I know, I miss Chanyeol too.”

“You should talk to him, you know how he is.” Jongin said. Baekhyun let out a small chuckle and shook his head.

“I want him to miss me too Jongin, I want him to appreciate me.”

“But what if he doesn’t?” Baekhyun suddenly froze at the question. Maybe Baekhyun was too confident about this. Does Chanyeol even appreciate him? Is Chanyeol even feeling what he’s been feeling?

“I don’t know Jongin” Baekhyun said. “I honestly don’t know.”


Chanyeol found himself gazing at the empty space next to him. He and Baekhyun still hadn’t talked, and every time he tried too, he would remember that Baekhyun was at fault here.

Chanyeol plastered it in his mind that Baekhyun was at fault here, or at least he thinks he is. That’s what he believes. Baekhyun suddenly shouted on how insensitive he was and ran off.

So for him, Baekhyun was at fault.

But there was this part of him, a very big one that kept saying that it was his fault. Maybe he had done something to piss off his boyfriend.

But again, with his pride, Chanyeol couldn’t get himself to accept it.

He got up from bed and decided to find something to eat. Upon nearing the kitchen, he saw Kyungsoo peeking at the said room.

Chanyeol chuckled and tip toed towards him.

“Kyung” Kyungsoo jumped. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing Yeol, excuse me.” Chanyeol couldn’t miss the sadness in Kyungsoo’s face as he left. He wondered why the other acted that way, so he decided to peek too.

“Yah, stop it Kim Jongin. You’re wasting the ice cream!” Chanyeol heard Baekhyun say.

“Give me back the spoon first!” Jongin shouted. They were both laughing, making Chanyeol realize why Kyungsoo acted that way.

Of course he knew about them, Kyungsoo told him himself.

This sight irritated Chanyeol; it pissed him off; it angered him.

And I was the insensitive one. Chanyeol thought. So I guess he doesn’t miss me huh? Fine then. Chanyeol rolled his eyes and rushed to comfort Kyungsoo.


The days became weeks and the weeks were about to turn into months.

3 weeks and still counting.

They haven’t talked for that long.

Baekhyun couldn’t consider the small interactions they have during interviews and performances, because that wasn’t them, that were only fan service.

And this time, Baekhyun wasn’t afraid anymore, he was terrified, more than that even.

His relationship with Chanyeol was on the verge of breaking, and he doesn’t even know how to fix it.

What should I do now? Baekhyun wondered.

“Good job everyone!” The choreographer shouted. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow okay? Jongdae, work on that spin, and Zitao, please refrain from adding extra movements.” He said as he took his bag and left.

The boys were left panting on the floor, all covered in sweat. Baekhyun closed his eyes, but a cold bottle suddenly touched his forehead.

“Stand up, you’ll get dizzy if you don’t.” Jongin said, helping Baekhyun up. The latter managed to mumble a thank you.

Baekhyun was too weak to stand up, but he managed to rest himself against the wall and rest his head on Jongin’s shoulder.

“Who wants to eat? I’m buying” Suho shouted, trying his best to lighten up the group.

“God, I thought you’ll never ask.” Yixing said.

“Who doesn’t want to eat? Especially when it’s free?” Luhan added. He dragged Minseok and Sehun up.

“I’m so tired right now, but you know what makes us happy Joonmyeon.” Kris said, already had his bag around his shoulder. “Well come on then!” The others stood up and went out of the room.

“Aren’t you coming with us?” Suho suddenly asked, noticing that Baekhyun and Jongin were still resting by the corner.

“Ah, no, hyung’s not feeling well.” Jongin said. “I’ll just take him home, he doesn’t really look too good.”

“What’s wrong?” Suho asked worriedly. Being the mother of the group, in a technical way, he couldn’t help but worry when a member isn’t feeling well.

“I think he has a fever.” Jongin said in a low voice.

Baekhyun had this habit, something Chanyeol really disliked.

He always hid what he felt, physically or emotionally. Baekhyun would always reason out that he didn’t want anyone to worry about him.

“How about you take him home Chanyeol?” Jongin suddenly suggested.


“Of course. You are his boyfriend.” Jongin carefully carried the sleeping Baekhyun and slowly handed him to Chanyeol. “Take good care of him, okay?”

Chanyeol gave him a small smile and nodded. “Thanks Jongin”

“Just don’t screw this up okay?” Chanyeol nodded.


Baekhyun slowly opened his eyes. He realized that he was in his room. After falling asleep at the practice room, he guessed that maybe Jongin took him home, since he was the only one who knew he wasn’t feeling well.

He was about to get up when he suddenly heard footsteps outside. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. The door slowly creaked as the footsteps inched closer and closer. The footsteps stopped, meaning the person was already beside the bed.

He felt a warm hand touch his forehead. Even if Baekhyun had his eyes closed, he still knew whose hand it was.

“I know you’re awake” The person said. Baekhyun sighed and opened his eyes. He was actually expecting Jongin, but upon hearing the voice, he knew it was Chanyeol.

“Hey” Baekhyun said nervously.

“Hey” Chanyeol answered. “Why didn’t you tell me you were not feeling well?” Baekhyun mentally cursed Jongin for telling the others.

“I didn’t want to bother any of you.”

“But you bothered Jongin? Instead of Suho hyung? Instead of me?”

“But you were busy-“

“Busy? With what Baek?” Chanyeol asked, irritated with Baekhyun’s ignorance.

“With Kyungsoo” Baekhyun said, eyes avoiding Chanyeol’s. “You’ve been busy with Kyungsoo”

And this time, Chanyeol had to admit, he was hanging out with Kyungsoo too much. Chanyeol kept reasoning out that they were just friends and they just wanted to have fun, but he forgot what Baekhyun might feel or has been currently feeling because of this.

“You even went out with him, without even telling me.” Baekhyun sat and back faced Chanyeol. “I didn’t want to get jealous, never did want to feel that, because I trust you. But every time you were with Kyungsoo, I felt insecure”

“Baek, I-“

“And I felt afraid Yeol, so afraid.” Baekhyun closed his eyes as the tears slowly streamed down. “When Sehun and Luhan broke up, Sehun’s words got to me. They were in love Yeol, so in love. But Luhan suddenly found someone else, someone better. I was afraid that you might find someone better, and then leave me.”

Baekhyun hated this, he hated feeling so weak and vulnerable, especially in front of Chanyeol.

But he had to do this, he had to say everything, just to save their relationship.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cry.” Baekhyun chuckled as he quickly wiped the tears away, thinking that Chanyeol might get irritated.

“No, I’m sorry Baek” Chanyeol said, quickly wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. “I’ve been nothing but insensitive to you and your feelings. I disregarded your feelings that I forgot what you felt every time I hung out with Kyungsoo.”

“I’m sorry too, for hanging out with Jongin.” But Chanyeol really didn’t care, because most of this was his fault.

“I’m really sorry Baek, you know I love you right? And no matter how imperfect our relationship is, I will always choose you.” Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun’s forehead. “I love you Baek, all of you, from your feminine hands, your voice, your mole, everything.”

“I get it you giant, can you please stop it?” Baekhyun said, face flushed with Chanyeol’s words.

“I love you so much Baek, and I always will.”

“I love you too Chanyeol” Baekhyun leaned in and gave Chanyeol peck on the lips.




Hey guys, so again, I decided on something. I'll make another chapter, but for KaiSoo this tim,e because I feel that they need it too. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this fluffy / slight angst chapter!

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Chapter 2: Aww two idiots in love
BlackBrownPearl #2
Chapter 3: Waaaah how much I love kaisoo ><
Kieu-My #3
Those rumors are not true .
baozi-nim #4
Chapter 2: you should write more about xiuhan too...
L_giou #5
Chapter 2: no comment 'x' !!!
this fic is soo DAEBBAKK ... > _ <
Chapter 2: Sweet hehehe ■■
Chapter 2: uhuhuhuhu prefect angst. this is really good
noname022 #8
Chapter 2: aww i love this... first chapter is perfect angst and this is and you're writing kaisoo next chapter... woohoo daebak..:D hwaiting...^^
kimkimpuff66 #9
Chapter 1: Update plss i wanna know wat happened to Baek