You came back

“Rachel! Junhyung is looking at you.” Eka said almost shouting. Emi and Nina looked over their shoulders to see Junhyung staring at Rachel. They both laughed at the scene because Rachel’s face was red as a tomato.

“Shush! The whole cafeteria will hear you.” Rachel replied calmly while glancing over Junhyung’s table.

“Aww, you’re blushing like mad!” Emi laughed. Rachel stood up and hit Emi on the head, earning a groan from Emi. The 4 girls laughed again as they keep on seeing Junhyung glancing at them.

Just then, the cafeteria became silent as a group of boys entered it. Nina looks up to see who they are, but fail to recognize any of them. As the boys walk past them, a boy who looks feminine suddenly turn around and smiled at Nina. She replied the smile and the boy turned around to join his group.

“You know them?” Nina asked, still dazed by the feminine looking boy.

“Not a clue. They look familiar though.” Emi replied her. Emi took the coke from Nina’s hand which Nina ignored because it was so Emi to steal coke from everybody.

“And we called ourselves the student’s council.” Eka said. The cafeteria went back to normal after the not-so-big entrance by the unknown boys. The girls looked over their shoulders to see most of the girls have already gone up to seat with them.

“Oh, already popular on the first day.” Rachel said sounding a bit annoyed.

“It’s a good thing then. They all will forget about Doojoon and the gang!” Nina replied happily.

“Who will ever forget about the most popular gang in the entire town? Not gonna happen. Anyway, I better go now.” Eka said while standing up to gather her books. As she turned around, she accidently bumped into Junhyung. “Ahh, sorry Junhyung!”

“It’s okay. Hey Rachel, ready for English?” Junhyung smiled at Rachel. Emi nudged Rachel on the arm and Nina make an ‘aww’ sound.  

“Yes, I’m done eating anyway. See you guys later!” Rachel took off with Junhyung. Most of the students had already gone to their classes, which make the cafeteria seems empty. Emi and Nina haven’t moved since they both have free period, so they decided to stick around.

“You know the new students?” Nina suddenly asked Emi.

“Told you before, I don’t. Why?” Emi answered truthfully.

“They looked familiar though. Especially the feminine looking one.”


“Just go and ask! They’re doing nothing.” Dongho whined.

“No! What if we’re wrong?” Kevin muttered, looking slightly nervous.

“You were all happy when you saw her just now! You even stopped and smiled at her, Kevin.” Kibum chimed in. “Come on, go talk to her.”

“I’m scared…” Kevin stood up and hid himself behind AJ.

“Oh, for God’s sake!” Dongho stood up and drag Kevin to Emi and Nina’s table. Both of the girls stared at them bewildered. Nina cleared and look at Emi, which Emi just nod to her as a sign.

“Yes?” Emi asked to Dongho, sounding confused.

“Hello, I’m Shin Dongho, and this is Kevin Woo. We’re the new students.” Dongho smiled at bowed at them. “We were wondering if your friend here knows Kevin.”

Kevin blushed and kicked Dongho’s leg. The younger boy just forced a smile at Kevin who shook his head slightly. Kevin looked at Nina and grin at her. She replied with a smile.

“Nina? You know him?” Emi turned to face Nina.

“Sorry, I can’t seem to remember.” Nina replied embarrassed.

“We’re sorry to disturb you. I thought you were my long lost best friend.” It was Kevin’s turn to talk. “We’ll get going now. Thank you for your time.” Kevin waved at them and pulled Dongho along.

“Weird, it’s like I knew him before.” Nina said to Emi as they gone.

“Maybe it slipped your mind.”



“Rachel, what happen at the cafeteria?” Junhyung asked while leaning on his own hand and turned his face to the left so that he was facing Rachel.

“Hmm? Nothing happen! The girls are talking about the meeting for later.” Rachel grinned at him.

“Meeting is not supposed to be funny.” Junhyung’s tone is a off which Rachel doesn’t like.

“What’s up with your tone? Are we not allowed to have fun?” Rachel snapped.

Hearing Rachel’s voice getting a bit higher, Junhyung took Rachel’s hand and kissed her hand, “I’m sorry. I was just curious.”

“Yong Junhyung! You’re in class, no kissing allowed! See me after class!” Ms. Won shouted, making both Junhyung and Rachel jump. They chuckled as low as they can, and Rachel lean in a bit so Junhyung can kiss her cheek without getting caught.


Short chapter, cause Eka kept on bugging me to post it. AND I'm a die hard Junhyung/Rachel stan! that's why there's a lot of them in this chapter. lol kbye!

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I like it. Hope you'll update soon :)
Rachel, die hard!! xD <br />
Eka, Ikr? hahaha your scene coming up, I think.
Aww so sweet Junhyung and Rachel here LOL <3
jsgbhjhgdfhgjkdfghdkg.<br />
die hard junhyung/rachel stan! <3<br />
JGHJG. Cause we are your parents hehehe :D<br />
love the story, update soon! :D