[Hiatus] I'm sorry

Finally found you

Please don't kill me for not updating in two weeks T^T

I've plenty of exams and homework and projects and I don't find time to write and post the chapters. When weekend arrives I think I can do it, but then I'm so tired and have so many obligations to do that I can't do it. I hope you understand that studies are my priority and also my health it's been a little weak ( and the weather although it's spring doesn't help giving me headaches ).

In 3 weeks I'll have a 10 days break. I know it's a long time, but my weeks are stressful. If I can do something before, I will. If not, I'm sorry but you will have to wait until about 14 th April. I'M VERY SORRY T^T




credits of the gifs to the owners


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[Sorry column lol] Tomorrow I'll start working on the next chapter. I had complicated days but i'll try to do it ♡


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Chapter 7: Poor sehun.......
opikonew #2
Chapter 7: its okay tho, study still no.1 kekekee
Chapter 7: Yehet~ I read it again from chapter 1 then thought that it kinda feels that I've read it already, guess I have;))
zaraaki #4
Chapter 5: so sad~~~~~..i want my sekai to be happppyyyyy~~~
Chapter 4: take care of ur health first and focus on school first this can be wait
gazagezug #6
Chapter 4: Its okay, author-nim^0^ I'll wait for you~~ get well soon and good luck on your study^0^
Chapter 3: yes thank you!!! i thought u will end it just like that it disappointed me for awhile but since u are going to continue it yes thank you so much T-T i llove u
Chapter 3: YAAAAAY /flying kisses/ thank u so much <3333