Finally found you

After some days reading information about the internee and when they  got their tattoo done, Sehun and Chen sent an e-mail to the internee pretending to be their parents. Before departing, both told their parents they were going on a trip with some friends before the classes start in a month. and the big day arrives.

Sehun and Chen are nervously facing the internee's main door and finally they enter. The moment they are inside, the door closed brusquely behind them. They face each other and enter inside and walks towards what seems the reception. While they talk, one of the receptionist notices Sehun's tattoo and smiles in complicity towards his co-worker. When they are done, the receptionist pressed a button announcing their arrival and calling the others to welcome them.

It was during lunch time, so everybody was in the little canteen. A short sound is heard and the receptionist voice is heard through the speakers. Everybody gets up and goes outside less Kai. Kyungsoo glares at Kai trying to make him go, but Kai doesn't move. Kyungsoo worries because disobeying them again, Kai was putting his life in danger.

"I'm not going to welcome someone who has been locked against his will and will remain here forever" Kyungsoo sighs at Kai's words. Before 5 minutes went by , the guards came already looking for them not seeing them in the line. Kyungsoo glances at Kai telling him to not disobey and create problems for them and in the end Kai gets up and with his head down follows him just when the guards were entering at the room.

As Sehun continues receiving greetings from people, he starts to panic because Kai wasn't there and everything they did was useless and it was difficult to turn back. Kyungsoo salutes the newcomers simply shaking hands and telling them his name and stays at the side. As Kai doesn't move, Kyungsoo rushes Kai to them.

Sehun's thoughts change immediately seeing the last person in front of him and he can't avoid to smile. Noticing they're being watched, he suppresses his smile and reaches out his hand. Kai shakes hands with him and looks at his tattoo in the other's wrist without caring too much. " I'm Sehun"

Kai looked up and when he realized he was his Sehun, Kai stays in shock. He doesn't let go of his hand. He wants to tell him and do so many things but he isn't capable of doing anything because they're being watched and showing that they knew each other could be a little suspicious. Finally Kai manages to speak and whispers his name stuttering. The moment Kai pronounces his name , Chen looks at Sehun and seeing him smiling he looks at Kai who was still a little in shock.*We're lucky he's here...* An smiling Sehun squeezes Kai hand for a second  and then lets it go eager to finish that kind of presentation and be alone with Kai.Hearing the name of the boy and seeing Kai's reaction, Kyungsoo starts suspecting about the boy identity.

Kai lets Sehun hand go and the guards don't lose their time and took Chen and Sehun away to the end of the corridor and into their new room. Kai follows them with his gaze and when Sehun looks at him he shows him a number 4 with his hands telling him his room number.

When the guards are gone and they're alone, Chen approaches Sehun asking him if that boy was his boyfriend. "Yeeees~ it was him!" Sehun throws himself against Chen hugging him. "Can we go to see him?" Chen glances at him and smiles. " We have fooled everyone to arrive here to see him and now you're asking me if we can go to see him?"

Sehun stuck his tongue out and drifted apart from Chen. "You gave me an electric shock!” He laughs. "C'mon, we have to look for room 4..." Sehun grabs Chen's shirt to not be cramped again.Chen follows Sehun worried by what Sehun said. He looks at his own hand and sees for less than a second a little sparkle coming from his hand. *We'll go soon*

Minutes go by and Kai and Kyungsoo enter their room. Kai sits on his bed,still in shock for what had happened earlier, with his head hang down. " I-it was him..." He gulps." I think his power is wind..." Kyungsoo looks at him surprised. "Wind? How do you know? Have you feel it?" Kai shocks his head." No... his wrist... he has the tattoo... I think is wind...."

Kyungsoo sits next to Kai. "To be honest I don't think it's real... None of us has the tattoo in a easy visible spot... If it's dangerous for us being here, it's more dangerous for him. He is totally defenseless not only against the guards but also us... You know that if someone loses control of his power we can hurt each other a lot. And he doesn't have any layer of defense"Kai looks away again. " You're right... but I won't be able to protect him neither..."

"What are you saying? Your power it's the best for him. You both can run away in a second if there's danger..." Kyungsoo says while moving him. Kai sighs."If they were capable of finding me... They will find him easily... He has a family and a stable live....He won't be able to run away faster than me..." Just in this moment Sehun and Chen enter the room.

Seeing them entering the room without knocking or anything, he stays quiet looking at them. Sehun doesn't want anything more than hugging Kai but seeing Kyungsoo there he feels intimidated and stays quiet just saying hello. When Kai sees Sehun there, he wishes he won't be there, that it would be better is Sehun hadn't come. Without realizing he gets up and slowly approaches Sehun. When they are close enough, Kai looks at him intensely, caresses his hair and hugging Sehun by the waist he finally kisses him. Sehun hugs him tightly and kissed him back.

Kyungsoo looks away with disgust and gets up from Kai's bed to sit on his own. Seeing Chen still there uncomfortably standing , he calls him and hits his bed inviting him to sit. Chen moves sitting next to Kyungsoo still afraid for what happened with Sehun. He sighs and laughs while looking at Kai and Sehun. “I think we’re gonna live lots of uncomfortable moments like this one” Kyungsoo says and sighs.

Chen shocks his head. “I don’t think so because we’ll go soon” He looks up at Kyungsoo *Soon.Tomorrow? The day after? Before weekend I’ll be at home…* Listening to what Chen was saying, Kyungsoo can avoid laughing. “ I don’t think you know where are you at...Kai went away and look where is he. And he has been punished for running away…Although you don’t have powers they will probably find something to do with you two…They could use Sehun against Kai…” Kyungsoo  looks at Chen. “Did he force you to come with him?” Chen laughs.“He didn’t force me verbally, but morally yes… Why do they want us if we don’t have powers? And about Kai and Sehun there’s no need to the others to know…”

“Usually people don't tend to come here voluntarily, you know… They know you’re here for something and that’s why they let you stay, but they  will discover why you came… People with powers don’t come, they run away…” After Kyungsoo said that Chen became indignant. “But if there are ads in the internet!” He puts his hands to his head, more frightened than overwhelmed.

Kyungsoo places his hand on Chen shoulder. “Those ads were written by people who works here. At first this was a great place and their aid was protect us, but now they use us to protect themselves.You have to escape right now, but I think it’s already too late…”

Chen sighs and looks scared at Kyungsoo. “Really, there’s no way to run away from here?” Kyungsoo looks at him sorrowfully."The easiest way is the main door, but there are cameras and they would catch you for sure. If they didn't have any interest in you, they would let you go,  but if you have caught their attention forget about it. They would haunt you even if you are already at home...'

Chen sighs again."Maybe they haven't noticed us, they still  don't know us... But still..." He glances over Sehun and Kai. Kyungsoo shrugs" I can't do anything more..."  Chen smiles at him and realizing Kyungsoo is touching his shoulders, he slowly takes Kyungsoo's hand away afraid of cramping him too while talking to him."It's not your fault..." When Chen does that, Kyungsoo looks at him surprised, but thinking it is some mania from the boy he doesn’t say anything and talks to him again. “Then, the earlier you go better, but we can’t help you…”

Chen sighs looking again at Sehun. “I’ve to talk with him. We won’t ask you for help. we don’t want to cause you problems…” He glances at Kyungsoo again and smiles. Kyungsoo smiles back. “Try at night. There are still cameras but the visibility it’s always worse.” Chen looks at him curious. “If we try to open the door at night , the alarm won’t ring?”

Kyungsoo shocks his head. “There’s not an alarm…In fact,you can go out to the yard and the backyard at night. The problem is the door to the outside, the one on the barrier. It’s been watched all day and at night it’s electrified so I think it's difficult to escape..." Chen looks at his hand and after at Kyungsoo. " Electrified, you said?"

Kyungsoo nods. "That's why only Kai is able to run away and they control him... The others including me we can only look." Curious Chen asks how they are controlled as Kai power was difficult to localize. Kyungsoo sighs before explaining him that they count with a beeper but as they don't know where is it, they can't avoid it. Chen looks away and then looks at him again asking if what he had read about all of them having a tattoo was true.

Kyungsoo nods. " It's a birthmark. That's why you are in danger, above all he" He points to Sehun." This tattoo are in hidden places and they grow as our power grows. It was a mistake draw Sehun's tattoo in his wrist. I hope it didn't caught their attention. Chen sighed telling him it was drawn there to control if it was going away and be able to draw it again." We just wanted to enter here, that's all."

Meanwhile they both were talking, in the other side of the room Sehun and Kai were in their own world but not with less worries. When Kai is done with kissing Sehun,  he  leans his forehead in Sehun's one. He gives him short kisses whispering between kiss and kiss and caressing his cheek. "What are you doing here?"

"I came for you" Sehum grabs strongly  Kai shirt afraid someone would separate them again. Kai smiles relieved and hugs tightly Sehun. "So, this tattoo is fake,right?" Sehun tells Kai it is fake and he explains everything they have read about this place."That's why we did that..." Kai nods and kisses him again. " I missed you...But this is dangerous... You should go back before they discover this is fake..." Sehun shocks his head." No... I won't be able to see you again if I go back..."Kai Sehun head. "I rather not see each other than you staying here..."

"But... How can I pretend my life is fine if I know you are here locked? I'm not going..." Sehun tightens more the hug than before. Kai kisses his temple and whispers to him. " I don't want you staying here... You don't  have powers. You don't have anything to do here. They can't hurt you and I can't protect you..." Sehun tries to complain but not knowing what to say he closes his mouth surrendering.

Kai talks to him eye to eye still holding him in his arms. " I'm very grateful for what you did... but I can go out from here and it's not a great place to stay. " He doesn't say anything for a few seconds before  talking again. "Believe me when I say I missed you so much... and I love you... but... there's nothing I can do against them" Sehun grabs Kai's shirt again and hides his face in Kai's neck. "A-are you telling me to go?" Kai gulps and stays quiet. He just hugs Sehun and leans his own head on Sehun's. After a while he answers Sehun with a short yes.

Without saying anything, Sehun starts crying but he hides it as he doesn't want Kai to feel guilty. Kai takes a deep breath trying to suppress his tears. " I'm so sorry, Sehun... It's my fault... I thought this time they wouldn't catch me but I was wrong" Kai kisses Sehun's hair. " I hope in our next lives we would be part of the same world..." Kai glances at Sehun hands grabbing his shirt and he does the same to Sehun, his heart breaking as he was saying this words. Hearing that words, Sehun hits him on the chest. “Don’t say things like that...It’s not your fault… And we will meet again in this life, I’m sure of it…”

Kai smiles hearing Sehun’s optimist attitude. “ I really hope so and that it’ll last forever… But I don’t want you to be in danger, never… “ Kai caresses Sehun hair and takes him to sit to his own bed. Sehun just follows him. When they are sitting, Kai holds tightly Sehun hand staring at him. As Sehun realizes that, he turns his head to Kai and the later smiles.

“I don’t know when we will see each other, so I wanna memorize every and each of your features to recognize you later…” He gets closer to Sehun ear. “ And now kiss me until you lose your breath…” Sehun laughs and dropping himself on top of Kai, he starts kissing him. Kai hugs him by the waist while one of his hands Sehun back.

Seeing where this was going, Chen and Kyungsoo look at each other. Chen grabs Kyungsoo hand and remembering about the little accident with Sehun he prefers to grab his shirt, they get up and walk to the door deciding to leave the lovebirds alone. Before closing the door, Chen pokes his head through the door. “ Sehun!! This time keep an eye on the tattoo!” before Sehun could answer him, he runs along the corridor laughing dragging Kyungsoo with him.

Sehun really wants to answer Chen but as Kai kiss prevented him from doing that, he decides to forget about it. When Sehun is out of air, he leans his head next to Kai and laughs. “ I’m not over, it’s just a little break…” Kai smiled turning to look at him and gets on top of him. “What was your friend talking about?”

Sehun hugs Kai’s neck and kisses his nose laughing. “He asked me if you had a tattoo, I told him I didn’t know and now he wants me to confirm it. Let him be…” Kai looks at him yearningly. “ You can tell him that unfortunately I have one, if not, I wouldn’t be here…” He laughs. “ I tried to remove it… I think it’s where the beeper is… and as the tattoo determines if you have powers or not, I thought I would stop having powers if I erased it… I was wrong and know it has became bigger…” He looks worried but tries to smile. Sehun, worried as well, his face. “ How in the world did you think about doing that? I’m sure you hurt yourself…”

Kai looks at him serious and grabs his chin. “ It can’t compare to the pain I’m feeling right now thinking I have to be away from you.” As he finishes saying this, he kisses Sehun again. Sehun kisses him back caressing Kai’s face and hair with one hand while still hugging him by the neck with the other and whispers ‘ I love you’ between kisses.


Kyungsoo tells Chen to lower the volume of his laughter and walking in front of him, he starts to explain him where’s the exit and  the cameras pretending to speak about other things. When they’re finished Kyungsoo stays quiet looking at Chen without knowing what to say. “ Well, that’s everything I know….” He looks away. Chen looks afraid to the door in case it caused some kind of effect on him and starts going away from the door." I understand.. Well... if we fail, we'll see each other again and Kai and Sehun's farewell would have been useless... " He laughs and Kyungsoo laughs with him.

“I really hope it works… “Realizing what he said he starts moving his hands denying.” Not that I don’t want to see you both or something like that … You seem great people… That’s why you shouldn’t be here…” Chen sighs putting his hands in his pockets. “ I don’t know what I really want, I want to go out of here, but… It seems as Sehun has really fell in love with Kai”  He looks up to the sky laughing and then let go a little scream clutching at his head.

Kyungsoo approached him and his back. “You don’t have any reason to be here. Get out. I believe Kai will persuade Sehun too” Still looking at the sky, Chen drops his arms down and looks at him trying to laugh. “ I don’t the deny the fact that Kai will convince Sehun, but Sehun won’t be himself once we are gone…”

“He can always find a new love. As time passes by he will forget about it or he will learn to live with it, he can’t become embittered by it…” He looks at Chen and to the sky.” Full moon…” Chen laughs at Kyungsoo way of thinking. “ You are very positive about love…” He sighs.” The full moon’s light will help us to see when we’ll run away” Kyungsoo opens his mouth to speak but closes it again.* I don’t want to discourage them, but a full moon is lots of times synonymous of death and bad luck. I won’t be so confident…*

Midnight is near and with it the moment of the escape. Before departing ways, another farewell is necessary as Sehun begged to Chen to see Kai one last time. When they enter the room, Sehun gives a long and tight hug  to Kai kissing him after. He looks with pity at his wrist and takes off one bracelet, a gift from his sister, and gives it to Kai kissing him again. Kai repeats again his love for him wishing him to take care. Saying goodbye to Kyungsoo who waves back, he follows Chen who knew what to do.




A/N : I'm sorry it took me so long. I expected to finish it way before but no ;; If the feeling it's different from the previous chapters I'm sorry. I have worked on it during different days and with diverse humour each day, so forgive me <3 Also I realized there are lot of dialogues in the next chapters so : Is okay if I do it like that or do you want me to mark it better like...?


-hello, how are you?

-I'm fine

Tell me how do you prefer, please. And about the next update I don't really know when I'll be able. My co-author is going to help me to translate ( if you didn't know this is first written in our own language so it's double work (?)) but still I won't risk setting a date. New characters are coming up too~ So I'm in half hiatus. 




If you want to be friends Twitter / Tumblr / kakao talk: pjhk04

LOL this was longer than expected, I'm going now before annoying you more.Bye~


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[Sorry column lol] Tomorrow I'll start working on the next chapter. I had complicated days but i'll try to do it ♡


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Chapter 7: Poor sehun.......
opikonew #2
Chapter 7: its okay tho, study still no.1 kekekee
Chapter 7: Yehet~ I read it again from chapter 1 then thought that it kinda feels that I've read it already, guess I have;))
zaraaki #4
Chapter 5: so sad~~~~~..i want my sekai to be happppyyyyy~~~
Chapter 4: take care of ur health first and focus on school first this can be wait
gazagezug #6
Chapter 4: Its okay, author-nim^0^ I'll wait for you~~ get well soon and good luck on your study^0^
Chapter 3: yes thank you!!! i thought u will end it just like that it disappointed me for awhile but since u are going to continue it yes thank you so much T-T i llove u
Chapter 3: YAAAAAY /flying kisses/ thank u so much <3333