

It took a while for the dust to settle down, finally revealing the mighty silhouette inside it. A man, in mid 20. Tall, gigantic body, tough built, strong muscular arm, blond hair, sharp chin, fair skin - which rounds up to make a handsome man - walking towards them.

All three of them were shocked, and just looked at the unknown man.

"Hey, you guys are alright? Sorry, but I'm still getting the hang of it. You know, being in the air and stuff, especially the landing part." The stranger said coolly, smirking.

Baekhyun gasped at the man. He looked at Kyungsoo, before whispering to him.

"His voice is deep."

Kyungsoo just nodded at Baekhyun's statement, agreeing readily.

Suho stood up, brushing the dust of his clothes.

"Who are you? I'm Suho. This is Baekhyun and Kyungsoo." Suho politely introduced all of them, smiling gently at the man in front of him.

"Ah Suho. Nice meeting you. I'm Wu Yifan. But Kris will do." The other said, bowing his head a little, before looking up.

"I was told to find all of you and brings you back to safety." He said, before looking at Kyungsoo, eyeing him before slowly looking at Baekhyun. Both of them stood up, and looked at Kris in disbelief. 

"Back to safety? You mean?" Baekhyun asked, looking at Kris.

"Yeah. We need to gather together. The Invasion is about to happen. Come, I'll tell you on the way there." Kris said, gesturing Suho to take his hand.

"Hyung, wait!" Kyungsoo said, when Suho was about to hold the other's hand. "How do we know we can trust you?" Kyungsoo said, eyeing Kris with doubts.

"Because you have no choice but to believe in me. Besides, I promise that I won't harm you in any ways possible. Is that okay?" Kris said, before looking at Suho.

"Hold my hand tight, and you hold onto Suho. We're flying up. It's faster." Kris commanded, taking Suho's hand and pull Suho closer to to him, while gesturing for Baekhyun and Kyungsoo to hold onto Suho tight.

Seeing Suho obeyed, both of them hesitantly hold onto Suho, before they slowly floats upwards, and shot forward at quite a high speed.


Baekhyun slumped down, his face was pale. Height has always been something scary for Baekhyun, although he had tried so hard to overcome it in time. Suho kneeled down, slowly rubbing Baekhyun's back, trying to make Baekhyun feels better.

Kris had put them down, in front of what seemed like a huge mansion. Kyungsoo looked at the mansion in awe, inspecting every inch on the mansion from the outside. Kris smirked at Kyungsoo's reaction, clearly amused. Chuckling a little, he took a look at Suho and Baekhyun, before gesturing all of them to get inside.

Suho immediately helped Baekhyun to get on his feet and asked Kyungsoo to go in. Kyungsoo nodded, before following Kris inside, where all of them are greeted by another three man. One of them quickly attended to Baekhyun, bringing him to sit on the nearest couch.

"Hello. I'm Huang ZiTao. You can call me Tao. What had happened?" The boy asked, kneeling down to check on Baekhyun. Suho looked at the boy silently. He doesn't looked like Korean, and certainly he cannot speak Korean well. Suho's best guess was the boy is Chinese. He was tall and lanky. Small eyes, with dark circles under the eyes like he didn't sleep for one thousand years. Suho then looked at Baekhyun, who by now had calmly breathed; colour had return to his face.

"I'm Suho. This is Baekhyun. He had height phobia, so he became a little disoriented when Kris made us fly." Suho said, caressing Baekhyun's forehead. Tao looked at Baekhyun, before smiling.

"Don't worry, I'll cook you something to make you feel better. Anyway, my element is Time. What's yours?" Tao asked, looking at both Suho and Baekhyun.

"Element? What element?" Baekhyun asked, dumbfounded.

Tao looked at them with wide eyes. "You...don't know?" He turned towards Suho, who shake his head. Tao turned his head and looked towards Kris, before sighing. "It's okay, let's gather round tonight and I'll explain everything. Meanwhile, you guys should rest. Come with me. I'll show you to your room."

Both of them nodded, before standing up, and joining Kyungsoo, who meanwhile was listening attentively to what Kris and the other two was talking. Tao gestured the three of them to follow him, which they obeyed.

Tao brought them across a hallway, and turned himself before the staircase.

""Hye. I'm Tao. And you are?" He asked Kyungsoo, to which Kyungsoo replied, "I'm Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo."

Tao nodded. "Great. I believe that all of you did not know your elements yet do you?"

Suho, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo nodded, looking at Tao.

"Okay. Here, we have 12 rooms, each rooms are for each elements. These rooms were designed to fit the owner of the element, so that the owner of the room can be comfortable resting in it. However, since we didn't know which one of you belongs to which elements, so we have to visit all 12 rooms until we found yours." Tao smiled.

"12? But how do we know that it is our element?" Kyungsoo asked curiously.

"Yes. There are currently 12 elements, which means that there are 12 elements manipulator exist. We are one of them. Like me, I can manipulate time. As for how do you know, well, you always have the element inside your body. However, it is bound until all 12 of us has reached 18 years old, where we will get full access of our power." Tao paused, before continuing sheepishly.

"Outside each room, there will be a symbol carved on the door. These symbol marked each elements. When a certain elements are near it, it will corresponded against it, by emitting out a coloured light. When the symbol glows gold, it means that you've found your elements. Simple." Tao explained, while walking up the stairs, with them followed behind.

"Okay, there will be two level. Here is the first level, where 6 of the elements are situated here, while another 6 is on level 2. The elements in level 1 are mostly comprise of magnifier elements, while elements in level 2 consists of main elements. Come, lets not waste anymore time." Tao said, smiling.

"Okay, the first room is flight element. Its Yifan gege's room. The second one, right in front of Yifan ge's room is Minseok hyung's. He's manipulating frost. The third room is the room next to the first one. It belongs to the element telekinesis. The fourth room is the healer's room, while the fifth one is Jongdae hyung's. He's in charge of lightning. And lastly, it's my room~ Wanna see my room?" Tao asked, smiling cheerfully.

"Come on~". He gestured the others to follow him. Tao skipped towards his room when suddenly SuHo gasped.

"Wait, Tao. Why was Minseok's symbol glowing?" He said, looking at the frost symbol that glowed bright blue.

Tao just smiled, before pulling SuHo closer to the symbol, making the symbol glowed brighter.

"Interesting. Suho hyung, it seems like frost is your companion element. Companion element comes when main element has a connection or relation with a magnifying element. When these two elements are together, they'll support each other, making the power more stronger." Tao added, patting behind SuHo.

"This means that your element is one of the main element. Possible water or air, since it has to do with frost. We'll see to it." Tao said, then keep moving towards the other room. "Let's see if any of you got the room on this level." He said, before walking forward, followed by the other three. This time, the healing symbol on the fourth room glowed blue.

"Here's another. Kyungsoo hyung, can you move forward to the door please?" Tao said, pulling Kyungsoo closer to the door.

"Nope. Not you. Baekhyun hyung? Come forward please?" He said, before slowly Baekhyun stepped on beside Tao, where the symbols glowed brighter.

"Yes. Your element is the main element too. Something that associates with healing. Water?" Tao deduced.

Baekhyun just shrugged his shoulder. Tao then continue walking to his rooom, before he notices Kyungsoo was walking towards Jongdae's room, where the symbol lit up in blue.

"Ah, you are Jongdae hyung's companion. He is lightning element. So, this means you three have the main element. We'll see to it soon when we get upstairs. Wanna see my room?" Tao asked, before opening the door.

Stepping into the room, everything was silent. There were rose petals frozen in midair everywhere. The room were decorated in Chinese style, with a few fighting equipment like sticks and swords on the wall.

"You train?" SuHo asked, to which Tao quickly nodded, before adding. "Wushu. Helps me to calm down."

"Tao, you made the petals stop?" Kyungsoo asked.

Tao nodded. "Yes, with the help of the room of course. You see, the room was designed to support and enhance our power, creating an environment comfortable for us to be in."

All of them nodded, before Tao brought them out his room, and went to the stairs to go up.

"Now, you should rest in your room. Let's go."

Arriving upstairs, Tao turned around and giggled excitedly. "Now let's see which room my three hyungs here will go in."

Turning around, Tao take a good look at each of the room.

"Alright, the first room here, is water element. The second one is light element, third will be fire, fourth is earth element, fifth will be teleportation and lastly is the air element. Oh, looks like we have water, light and earth element here." Tao smiled, looking at the three symbol that emits golden light.

"Well, by now you can already sense the elements resonating within your body, so you will immediately know which way to go." Tao said, before giving them signal to the respective room.

SuHo made the first step, taking his time to slowly go, until he was in the middle between the first room and the second one. He looked around, glancing at the symbol before he stepped towards the water element, touching the door knob. The symbol gave out a bright light, and before he knew it a few bubbles of water floated around him.

"Good job! Suho hyung is the water element. Next, who would want to go?" Tao asked.

Kyungsoo took a deep breath, before going straight towards the fourth room, earth. He then looked at the door, before slowly holding the the knob, when he felt himself falling into a deep dark hole. He screamed up, panicking before he slowly floats up, out the hole and back in front of the room.

"Woah Kyungsoo! You okay?" Baekhyun asked, standing in front of the second room, next to his. Kyungsoo just nodded and smiled sheepishly.


It's time for Baekhyun to turn the knob for his room. He was scared, yet curious at the same time. He slowly hold the knob in his hand, waiting for some sign, before he slumped down. He can't move; his surrounding was into darkness that he can't see anything. He tried looking out, but he can't see anything. He couldn't see anything. But then, his hand suddenly lit up, a small ball of white soothing light comes out, and went to his chest, before it seeped into his body. Suddenly, everything became brighter, and he just realized that SuHo was shaking his body hard, looking at his worriedly.

"Baek, what happened?" Suho asked, clearly surprised.

Baekhyun just shake his head. "It's nothing...just...nothing. I guess I'm too tired after flying." He said, before slowly standing, and went into his room, leaving the other three dumbfounded. He lie down on the bed, and closed his eyes, before darkness engulfed him again.

A?N: Thank you thank you for supporting this story~


Special shoutout to sweety_pup for the subs~ :3

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soonyngs #1
Chapter 15: omg i just can't wait for the next chapter ;;;
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 15: ahh~ krisyeol my feelings of this twin tower gone higher
Catalina390 #3
Chapter 13: Ooh sekai why so cute
Mi-syel #4
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'm curious why Sehun hates Baekhyun. :o
DinojiRyeo #5
Chapter 10: OuO im very excited to the next chapters :)
Catalina390 #6
Chapter 12: please update~ please update soon~
Chapter 11: YAY!! Chanyeol arrived! \(^^)/
AFDHDKSMC please update soon >_<
sweety_pup #8
Chapter 10: Hey! ^^ I really like your story so far. I'm always really happy when I see that you updated a new chapter! =D Now Chanyeol is the only one left that hasn't appeared yet. I'm really curious what's going to happen when they find him! So looking forward to that! ;)
ill_llamanati #9
Chapter 9: Ooh my gwaddddddd!!!
sweety_pup #10
Chapter 3: I just love your story already!! I'm SO looking forward to them meeting the others, especially Baekhyun and Chanyeol! (>.<) Please keep up the great work! ;)