CHAPTER 1 : The Reality

A Playful Destiny


I was in the middle of my dreamland when I heard a familiar voice.

"Ryan ..... Ryan wake up."

I took a peek on who was disturbing me in the middle of my precious dreams. And it was Nathan.

“Let me sleep more” I murmured.

 “No, you have to wake up now!” He eagerly said.

“Aaaish! Didn't you hear me? I said let me sleep some more.” I covered my head with my pillow.

“No Ryie! I won’t let you sleep some more. You better wake up now or else I...”

"Fine! Fine!" I cut his words before he finishes it. "You really won't let me win." 

I pushed him enough to drop out of my bed.

“Yeap! I know you don’t want me to tickle you just to wake you up. Hahaha!”

“Evil man! Ooh wait! Is there something important you want to tell me for you to disturb me at 6:00 am?”

I felt the sudden change of the atmosphere. He bowed his head and held my hand.

“What’s the problem?” I asked him. Worried that it might be a big problem.

“Hhhhmm …. Nothing” He whispered.


He tried to smile to calm me but it didn't work. I knew that there was something wrong. Something was not right. Something was bothering him, and again I asked him.

“Tell me what the problem is? You’re not good at acting Mr. Nathan!”

He then looked at me with those worried eyes that made me get nervous even more. He gave me a hug after a few seconds.

“Someone is waiting for you. She’s in the living room.”

I walked out of the room with a nervous feeling.

I really hate this kind of feeling. I can’t walk properly. My knees were both shaking!

I looked at Nathan and he held my hand.

“Don’t be so nervous.” He said.

“I’m not nervous!” I lied trying to calm myself.

“Stop lying! You’re picking your fingers again. You only do that when you’re afraid and nervous”

I looked at him and pouted.

I really can’t lie to him!


When we reached the living room I saw this woman who was sitting on the couch. Not just her but also my parents. While I was walking in front of them I saw those sad looks on their faces especially to that woman who looked at me like it’s been a long time since we saw each other. To my surprised she suddenly hugged me. I knew that she was crying because I heard her sniffed.

“My princess ..” She whisper but enough for us to hear.

I don't know what was going on? What she was talking about? My mind was full of different thought, problems and cconclusion to what was going on. I looked at my mom who was then crying already. I wondered why everyone wanted to cry?

After 5 minutes the woman slowly released her hug.


“What’s going on? Who are you?  Why are you calling me my princess?” I asked her in a hurry.

She just smiled at me and then my mom answered me.

“She is Mrs. Lee .. and she is …… she’s your mother.”

“What? My mother?  Aren’t you my mother?”

I was shocked. I clearly heard the voice in my head saying "Please say yes! Please say yes! Don’t let what I think is right!".

“Yes I am your mother.”

I let out a big sigh and smiled to my relief.

“But …” My mom continued.

“She is your biological mother.”

My world stopped when I heard those words. I didn't knew what to do. I didn’t knew what to say. I wanted to cry but I felt something. I was hurt. I felt pain! I felt pain on my chest. My chest was hurt. I can’t breath, I needed air!!

I run to my room as fast as I can.




After 15 minutes I went back to the living room and saw that they was still there. I sat down at my mom’s side and my father on the other side. They are both holding my hand.

“Your mom is back to take you now” Mom said while looking into my eyes.

There was so many questions on my mind that I wanted to ask to her but I can’t speak even just a single word! 

Aaish! Anika you better ask questions if you want to know what is the truth.

After being quiet for almost I think an hour I finally spoke.

“How all these things happen?” It was the only thing I can asked her.

“When you were still young you’re always at the hospital because you are always sick. A t that time we don’t have enough money to pay for your medicines and hospital bills. That’s why we decided to give you to them because we know that they can give you a good life that we can’t give you back then” Said Mrs. Lee.

“Then why you show up to me right now?”

“Because now I already saved enough money to give you what you need. And also I already miss you and your brothers are already excited to see you again.”

“Then what? After spending all the money that you saved what are you going to do? Give me back to them again?”

I can tell that she was surprised on what I said. Her eyes got bigger but when I saw her smile disappeared I suddenly felt guilty.

Why did I even said that? I should think first before saying stupid words! Aaish! Stupid me!

I didn't wait for her answer. My conscience was killing me already. I stood up and walked outside while Nathan was following me.

“Ryie …”

“What should I do?” I weakly spoke to him.

“All you have to do is to accept her and live with her in Korea. She’s your real mother Ryie. I know its hard for you but that’s life. Maybe you’ll hate her because of what she did but soon you have to accept and forgive her. Don’t worry, I will be right here for you. You don’t have to be afraid.”

While I was listening to those words tears just fell into my eyes. Nathan hugged me and patted my head. As much as I wanted to stop crying, tears just fell continuously so I hugged him tight and cried even more.

“Ssshh .. Uljima, everything will be fine”

I just nod my head while still hugging him.




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