↭A Beauty Gangstar?! ↭

Eunji's POV


'I need to go back and pack some clothings and also inform Bomi and Minah about it.' I said to them then they nodded.


~Eunji's house~


'Wait for me here.' I said to them then when to take some clothings.


'Where are you going?' I heard appa's voice.


'Appa.' I turned around and saw him with Bomi and Minah.


'Where are you going?' Appa repeated the same question.


'Somewhere.' I replied.


'Are you going there to take care of Naeun?' Minah asked.


'Naeun? The 2nd vice head of G4NG5T4R?!' Appa exclaimed while i nodded.


'No. I dont allow.' He said.


'I will still go.' I replied firmly while he stared at me angrily.


'Are you going against me just because of one girl?!' He shouted angrily.


'Naeun is not just a girl!!' I said angrily and went to appa, staring right into his eyes.


'Naeun is my EVERYTHING! I love her! Now that she's in coma state, i cant just lesve her alone! I have to help her!!! I don't give a crap if you were to reject Naeun because i know you will reject. I will just move into their "apartment" and live there forever with-' i didnt even finished my sentence and the next thing i knew was appa just slapped me on my right cheek.


'JUNG APPA!' Minah and Bomk gasped.


'You... this crap.. fine with me. Get out of here and never come back!' He stormed off while i went to zip up my bag and carry it on my shoulder ready to  get out of this house.


'Eunji..' i turned towards my cousins.


'I'm sorry.' I apologized to them.


'Its alright.. you just fighting for what you believe.' Minah said.


'We will support you! Fighting!' Bomi smiled while i gave them the last hug before going back to the apartment with Chorong and Yoontae unnies.




'Did your father slapped you? We heard a slap sound from outside.' Taeyeon unnie asked while i nodded and unpacked my belongings.


'I'm okay.' I smiled at them then went to Naeun's room.


'How's her condition?' I asked Yoona unnie who is the one updating her conditions.


'Not much progress.' She replied.


'Talk to her more.' Taeyeon unnie said while i nodded.


'We will prepare some food.' Chorong unnie said then the three of the went out.



'Hello Naeun-ahh..' i smiled. 


'You looked so beautiful even when you're sleeping.. but... i miss your beautiful eyes and charming smile even more.. so quicky wake up and smile.. because i want to see them soon! What can i do to wake you up from your 2 years dreamland? Arent your body stiffy? I will bring you out and play right after you wake up!' 


'So... please just quickly wake up. I will grant any wishes you want. Even its a hundreds, thousands of them!' 


'Can't you hear my voice? You know i'm eunji right??' I asked then i felt her fingers moved.


'Unnie!!!' I exclaimed then all of them rushed in.


'What what what??' They asked.


'H...her finger moved!!' I said happily.


'Did you mention your name?' Taeyeon unnie asked.


'How did you know?' I asked.


'When we mentioned your name, everytime her fingers would move but its just that much. Nothing more.' Chorong unnie replied.


'But its still an progress.' Yoona unnie smiled.


'Talk to her about your past momments. Maybe it will help.' Taeyeon unnie smiled.




No one's POV


《In Naeun's Dream》


'Naeun-ahhh don't be angry anymore...' Eunji begged Naeun who were still sulking over Eunji-Yoona interactions earlier on.


'Go away.' Naeun stood up and turned away from Eunji who pouted.


'You are just jealous isnt it..?' Eunji asked.


'I already said that i'm not.' Naeun replied while Eunji frowned.


'Then what is it!! Ahhhhh you're so difficult to handle.' Eunji complained.


'Then go out!' Naeun retorted angrily and attemped to push Eunji out of her room.


'Eunji!!' Naeun sqeaked when she felt the strong Eunji pushed her against the cold wall.


'Naeun.' the younger girl could feel her heart thumping wildly with butterfiles all over her stomach. This is when she knew that she indeed has feeling for the older girl.


'Wha..t do you want?' Naeun asked as she looked away from Eunji's cute eyes.


'Look at me.' Eunji commanded but Naeun refused to.


'I have nothing with Yoona unnie. She told me that she likes Taeyeon unnie and i was just helping her to ,ake Taeyeon unnie jealous.' Eunji explained.


'S...So?' Naeun asked, 'its none of my business.'


'Really? So why are you so angry?' Eunji teased.


'W..Why do i have to tell you! Get away from me!' Naeun struggled but Eunji was too strong.


'Damn! What does this girl eat?! Why is she so strong?!' Naeun thought.


Then Eunji dares herself to in lean closer to Naeun making the latter froze in the same position.


'W...What.. th-' Naeun was cut off by Eunji's sweet lips.


Eunji wraped her hands around Naeun's tiny waist as she kissed Naeun.


'Ha... why are you not responding?' Eunji frowned as she broke the kiss and continue staring at the froze Naeun.


'W..what did you just did?' Naeun questioned.


'Kissed you.' Eunji replied.


'WHAT?! DID I ALLOW IT HUH?! YOU TELL ME?!!' Naeun blushed as she used her pillows and throw them at Eunji who were giggling at how flustered Naeun was.


Then Eunji caughted Naeun's waist and pull her closer to her.


'Respond this time okay?' Eunji smirked then captured Naeun's lips once again. 

But this time, Naeun responded.



Naeun's POV


'..E.Eunji??' I let out a very soft whisper as i opened my heavy eyes.. 


Where am i? I looked to my right and saw it was night time but then i felt something grabbing my hand i turn and saw a shape of a person but i cant make it out who is that.


I feel really sleepy and soon fall asleep again.

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Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Is also pretty awesome story.
Chapter 18: This really good fics^^.. about power, gangster and love..i love it<3
Chapter 18: gaaaaaaaaaah this is too much XDDD them feels!! 2eun <3 too sweet and the chomi too <3 ahh thanks so much for writing such a lovely fic author <3 i hope you continue writing more of them :D
Chapter 17: Eheh mission " her girlfriend" : failed !
Just one last chapter ? Awww.....:s
Chapter 17: yay finally i'm so happy! the 2eun feels <3 thanks so much for updating aww sad to hear it's almost near the ending.
Chapter 17: Double update ^^ next chap would be the last >< thanks for the comments ♡
Chapter 15: Yeahh naeun...im glad you're still alive. Eunji please brong bacl naeun into this world.
Chapter 15: Oh thank God naeun is not dead ;) please save her eunji! Thanks for updating!
Chapter 15: So Naeun isn't dead and Eunji's gonna savez her Eheh.
What is she going to do to wake her up ? Just talk and take her hand ? Or.... Kiss her ...? Eheheh I vote for the second x)