Unexspected Friends


Lynn had always loved EXO enough to be noticed as a fan but not enouhg to be labled as a saesang. She like many others had wanted to meet them but has never had the chance. Main problems because of age as well as money but th emain things is the Country. Living nearly on the other side of the world to korea dosn't help. But after saving enough money and continues begging to her parents she was finally able to travel to Korea and see and EXO concert live for the first time ever. This is gonna be a little adventure with a young girl on her first time traveling and EXO making friends with the most unesxpected type of person.


I'm just gonna give you a description of Lynn so you know how to picture her and gonna try to make this story as realistic as possible.This story has no romance just a little funny story on a lucy fan

Personality: Positive and slightly on the weird side. Has the innocent look as her friends say but her mind is slightly of (lol) Knowing things people wouldn't exspect her Lynn can make sharp comments but keeps her to herself until she burst ending in tears. She likes to see the bright side of thing and likes to keep her friends happy but not always knowing what to do. Is slow, naive, smart, fun and weird. But with strangers shes shy, polite and can be a little mouse thats sticks to the shadows. 

Appearance: 160cm 60kg Has mid length hair with a full fringe wich would at times go to the side. Her eyes are at times looking large and at times looking smaller but when smiling her eyes turn into deep cresent. she has a baby face with chubby cheeks and fangs on her teeth. Un-like her face Lynns body is mature with bumps at the right place.She dosn't look her weight but definetly weighns it. She's a soft and huidable person.

Age: 19years

I habe annother fanfic  http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/673348


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