If You Jump (Kid, Don't Be Scared To Fall)


Kris is a fallen angel, and Suho is there to help him back on his feet. 


“Do… Do I know you?,” Kris asks hesitantly.

Suho barks out a laugh, and Kris shies away.

Do you know me?,” Suho echoes rhetorically. The question brings Kris back in time, until he feels nostalgia for things he doesn't remember, and sentiments for this man he’s never met.

“Who are you?,” he whispers in awe as flashes of half-developed memories come flooding back into his mind. A woman's smile. A vast forest. Suho. Flying. And falling - no, plummeting. But the more he grapples at the thoughts, the further out of reach they get.  

“The question should be who are you?”



This would be my first attempt at a chaptered fic in over four years.

HIGHLIGHT FOR WARNINGS: suicidal themes, mention of self harm

This is based on a hybrid of prompts. One being the lyrics of Battle Scars by Paradise Fears, especially this verse:

Do you remember when we learned how to fly?
We'd play make believe, we were young and had time on our side
Now we're stuck on the ground
Got lost, can't be found
Just remember that you're still alive

(The title also comes from this song.)

The second being a Native American story I learned about in Canadian History. It tells that there is a paradise above the Earth where nobody is born and nobody dies. One day, a woman becomes pregnant and is thrown down to Earth as punishment. I've altered this story for my fic, but the idea still stems from this. I honsetly can't remember to which people this story belongs, so please tell me if you know! 

A third prompt that I added later on is the quote "i think suicidal people are just angels that want to go home" from this tumblr post

This is my entry for the Oxymorons Writing Contest, and my chosen prompt is "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." - Mark Twain.

(I know. This fic is just a melting pot of prompts at this point.)


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2442 streak #1
Chapter 2: oh goodness, i think this could've been such a deep and meaningful story... wish this was continued
Chapter 2: This seems like an interesting story! I can't wait to find out more
Chapter 1: the plot is quite interesting and i adore your writing style. the first chapter was really good and now i'm really intrigued by kris and suho's characters. thanks for sharing this!^^