Chapter 1

Blood- Problems

I walked home alone from school. The sun had begun to fade away and the darkness seeped its way through the sky. I felt a shiver run along my spine as I hugged my coat closer to my body. I inwardly cursed myself for coming home so late. I had to take extra singing lessons for an upcoming contest I was to join in a few weeks and because of that, I was forced to stay until long after school hours. Now that was fine with me but I only wished I didn’t have to go home alone, not in the dark. I had a feeling that something bad would happen if I dawdled any longer so I began speed up.




I thought my heart would leap out of my chest when I heard the noise. I heard the sound of footsteps after me but I kept my gaze ahead fearing that if I looked, I would see something terrible. I kept walking and willed my already weakening knees to move forward. To hurry home and lock myself inside my warm abode.




Another noise broke the steely air that surrounded me and I made a run for it, heart pounding.


Oh God, please make me go home safe. Please make me go home safe.


I chanted the words inside of my head repeatedly like a mantra. I felt a sudden relief wash over me when I saw the familiar line of shrubbery to my street. Feeling pumped I tried to hurry home but I took no more than two steps when I was disrupted. A hand had roughly grabbed me and dragged me back to a dark alley nearby. I wanted to scream but a firm grip on my mouth prevented any noise from coming out.


I was beginning to panic as tension and fear ate at me. I was pushed into the wall and a strong grip on my shoulders kept me in place. I gulped as sweat ran down my forehead to my cheeks. All this time, I had kept my gaze downwards but now, I let it travel along the arms up to the body and now to the face that was connected.


The guy standing in front me was unfamiliar. I carefully studied the gnarled features but nothing seemed to fit. My gaze locked with the strangers and I felt the bite of fear heightening when I saw the look on the boy’s face.






I held my breath as the boy just stood there like an idiot, revelling at the boy he had trapped. I squirmed against his hold but the boy held me firmly. We stood like that a for a few more minutes before the boy spoke. “Oh, Baekhyun…” the boy said in a hushed tone. “Baekhyun, Baekhyun, Baekhyun.”


To my utmost horror, the boy caressed my face lovingly. “So beautiful…” he whispered, entranced. “W-who are you?” I choked out.


“It’s best you don’t know my dear.” was his only reply.


I wanted to puke but the anxiety eating at me held me from doing so. This guy was creeping the hell out of me and the way he spoke about me like I was some precious jewel was appalling. I wanted nothing more than to go home and rest my dead tired body but this damn kid was preventing me to do so. Suddenly the boy unbuckled his pants and my eyes widened into tiny saucers.


What the hell is he doing?


He pushed me down on the dirty floor and started removing his pants. I could feel a cold sweat appear again and I wriggled to free myself. The boy grunted and tried to keep me still. I instinctively writhed about as I screamed for help but unfortunately, no one was around to hear my call. I was hyperventilating as I struggled for my life and my ity.


The wheels in my brain began to work and without hesitating , I kicked the guy in the balls…hard. The boy howled in pain as he crouched down holding . Disgustingly he held it, massaging the sore area as if soothing it.


Ugh, how revolting.


I felt nauseous but I had to act. I used his loss of momentum to make a run for it. I barely made it a few inches away from him when I felt a hand grip on my hair, pulling me back. I yowled in pain and tears sprung into my eyes. “Let me go!” I screeched, clawing at his hand in an attempt for freedom.


“You little brat! Screw ing you. If you don’t want me then die!” he took a blade out of his pocket and my eyes widened when I saw the murderous intent on his twisted mind. I plead the guy not to do it but he only shushed me. “Shh…It’s okay baby. I promise to make it quick.”


He raised the blade and I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the pain. A searing burn on my stomach made me scream out. Another sting was felt near my heart and I cried out in agony. My body was aching as I felt the knife rip through my skin continuously. Tears flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably as I was stabbed again and again.


I felt darkness seep in as the smarting began to fade away. I felt numb. So dazed that I barely noticed that the crazed boy had stopped his abuse and had run off in terror over his crime. I tried to move but intense pain shot up through my body. Everything was too painful that I could barely move at all. I winced as I shifted my head. I was lying in a pool of my own blood. I closed my eyes as I felt the feeling of death overcome me.



So this it.



I’m gonna die.



I was about to black out when I felt someone move me. It hurted but it was nothing compared to the pain that came after. A stinging to my neck brought me back to my senses. I remembered staring into chocolate eyes before it turned blood red, running my hands through styled midnight hair and staring at a pair of lovely, sensual lips. It opened to reveal razor sharp teeth.


I looked on hazily unable to comprehend what happened. Before I could grasp what was happening, a severe ache spread on my body. It started in my neck before I felt it crawl to every part of my body. I screamed as the pain engulfed me, my entire body thrumming with an ache so severe it was unbearable. I curled myself into a ball as my tear stained face was washed with fresh tears.


I clawed at myself trying to take away the pain. I shrieked and I wildly flung my arms grabbing everything, just anything to ease my agony. My hands curled on to cloth, ripping it to shreds as the stinging pain continued to torment me. My body felt like it was on fire and I wanted nothing more but for the pain to disappear. I was in so much anguish already. I could see spots line my vision as my body began to shut down, the ache too much for it to handle. But before I could completely black out, I heard a voice call out to me.




“You’ll be alright now.”




Sunlight peeked past heavy curtains to come to rest on my face. I slowly stirred from sleep as I opened my eyes. I looked at the unfamiliar surroundings presented before me. Posh and exquisitely carved furniture decorated the room. Velvet curtains hung on the wall and the floor was decked with Persian rug. I looked at the scene with awe. Never had I seen this much beauty and elegance in my life. Then the question struck me in the head.


What was I doing here? Where in the world is I?



I made my way to door noticing the slight pain coursing through my body. I disregarded it and continued on with my investigation. On my way out, stood a full length mirror. I stopped to stare at myself, inspecting the damage on my body. I studied my creamy white skin which seemed to have gone paler than normal. Then to my amazement, my russet hair began to change color. My shack of brown hair slowly turned to platinum blonde.


I could not believe my eyes. I stared at my reflection, mouth hanging open. This must be some sick joke right? This can’t be happening right now. I suddenly felt a discomforting feeling in my mouth and when I opened it I saw a pair of sharp teeth gleaming in the sun. My breath was suddenly caught in my throat as my cocoa eyes flashed crimson.



I had turned into a vampire!



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I'm back and ready to update~!!


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LaFey77 #1
Chapter 17: I thought theres an update. Its okay author nim. I'll wait for u :)
Chapter 16: Hummmm!evil Lu!
Hhhhh.... Nice update author-nim!! Waiting for the next one! Update sooooon pleaaaaase!
apinkcrcr #3
Chapter 15: updated soon please ~~
LaFey77 #4
Chapter 15: I know u can do it... I'll be waiting for another update :)
Chapter 14: Author nim! Your story is amazing and i really like it... I really hope you will back to update it...
nuneno #6
Chapter 2: OMG i really love the plot ❤ gonna continue reading it . keep up the goodwork author-nim
Chapter 13: Wahhh. Please update soon.!! ~~ this is really interesting!!
LaFey77 #8
Chapter 12: Please update soon. I'm waiting for u author nim :)