Chapter 5

Blood- Problems

“We’re going back to school.”


My eyes popped wide open upon the news. I practically leapt off the chair I had been sitting on to scamper after Chanyeol, eyes questioning. I had a teensy doubt that I may have heard incorrectly and I prayed upon every deity there is to prove me wrong. The taller quietly nodded his head in affirmation as I gave a tiny squeal. I could practically feel my eyes sparkling and I began humming and skipping all around Chanyeol.


Chanyeol followed my frisky, lithe body with his eyes as I did my victory dance. Then he suddenly put out his hand to stop my excessive prancing. I halted almost immediately when I felt strong hands grip my shoulders tightly. I looked up at Chanyeol, droopy eyes full of question.


“We’re attending my school, not yours.” he said straightforwardly.


My mood dropped promptly. My earlier liveliness was replaced by finger fiddling and feet shuffling. “You can’t go back to your old life remember?” he said gently, perhaps a little guiltily. I had forgotten for a moment.  “I knew that.” I sighed heavily. “I just wanted to see my friends so bad.”


“I’m so-” he started to say. “You don’t have to apologize.” I smiled rather bravely before clenching my fist and putting it in front of my face like those little cartoons. “I can do this!”


Chanyeol let a small smile grace his lips. He raised his hand and gently ruffled the my head. I looked up surprised but the taller had already turned his back on me, opting for a quick escape. “Typical.” I muttered after the taller’s retreating back, a smile tugging the corners of my mouth. “Just typical.”





I gulped back the lump on my throat. I was standing in front of a prestigious looking school. Chanyeol had never mentioned to me that his school was super huge! I timidly trailed after the taller as he sauntered ahead, already used to the posh nature of his academy. I was immediately discomforted as I noticed the looks people gave me. He squirmed uneasily as I stuck to Chanyeol’s side like glue.


The students seemed to be sizing me up. Judging me with their glossed lips and squinty eyes, whispering among themselves and rudely pointing. They soon lost their interest as fast as they noticed me and moved their attention to Chanyeol. I relaxed, glad that I wasn’t being scrutinized anymore.


“Chanyeol-oppa, how are you doing?” A sultry voice cooed. “It’s been a while.”


I looked up from my floor inspection to see a pretty girl standing there. It was obvious that she liked the taller just by her suggestive wave and flirty voice. For some reason I felt uneasy.  My chest constricted as I saw Chanyeol glance at the girl. But he only nodded before turning to me. I just gazed back at him blankly.


Suddenly, Chanyeol grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward. I let out a tiny gasp as I stumbled forwards. Strong arms that I knew could only belong to the taller steadied me and I ended up walking alongside the latter. I could feel a light tint starting to cover my face as I lowered my head in embarrassment.


What was his problem?


A shiver suddenly ran down my spine. I felt like I was being shot by daggers from behind. I took a hesitant peak and met with a death defying glare. I gulped and stared straight ahead again.


Why was the girl so mad at me? I didn’t do anything wrong right?


I tried to brush it off as Chanyeol ushered me inside a classroom before plopping me down on a seat, well more like shoving me in it though. I sat on it obediently and the taller took the one next to mine. Since Chanyeol seemed to not be talking to me anytime, I took the time to explore the room with my eyes. It was quite roomy although it only had a handful of students occupying it. Strange, yet that was to be expected from such a classy school.


“Chanyeol-ah!” I turned to look to find out who the voice came from only to see a sleepy looking boy waving his hand in a lazy manner. His eyes were somewhat spaced out but he had a warm smile on his face. I noticed Chanyeol flash a side smile to him and the boy approached the taller. A dimple appeared on Chanyeol’s cheek as he smiled, something I had noticed before. It was really attractive.


Upon reaching our seats the boy flopped on the chair in front of us and dropped his bag. He rummaged around for a while before finally twisting around in his chair to face us. He once again smiled, long fingers raking over his shiny brown hair. A dimple, but much deeper than Chanyeol’s appeared on his face as continued grinning.


Men, what was up with people and their dimples? How come I haven’t been blessed with them?


I thought grimly as I unconsciously rubbed my cheek. “Hey.” He finally noticed me and gave me a quizzical look, head titled to the side. “Hallo, who’s this?”


“Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun.” Came the reply from Chanyeol. Classic, short and choppy. The boy nodded his head. He seemed a bit confused at first and only stared at the both of us.


His drowsy eyes raking over to Chanyeol then stopping to me. He followed this suit for a bit before he shook his head and smiled again. He extended a hand to me.


“Hi, I’m Zhang Yixing call me Yixing yeah?.”


I awkwardly nodded my head before taking the outstretched hand in mine and giving it a small shake. I immediately retracted my hand as Yixing just smiled at me.


“This is quite rare Yeollie.” His lethargic eyes glinted with playfulness. “You bringing someone to school, sitting next him and much less taking someone this pretty!” he exclaimed.


My face tinted a slight shade of pink, as it does when I try to hide my anger. I was somewhat flattered that he acknowledged I was attractive but seriously, pretty? I was offended more than anything else. How dare he call me pretty? Pretty was for girls! I was most definitely not a girl. I scowled at Yixing who flashed me another smile when I heard a grunt from beside me.


I whipped my head to the side to see Chanyeol’s face contorted in an unreadable expression. His usual chocolate brown eyes seemed darker, hooded by thick lashes. What was odder was that I could decipher a pink tinge in his supple cheeks.


“Shut up.” he muttered weakly.


Yixing smirked triumphantly, as if he had won a game or something. I was about to prod but just then, the teacher arrived. He gave an exaggerated sigh before giving us another eating grin. He saluted once before  turning around once again to face the teacher. I huffed and brought my face to rest on my hand. I glanced at Chanyeol but the taller was already looking straight ahead. I shrugged and did the same as the man in front began to drone about the importance of math in our life.


This will be a long day.





“We’re having separate classes now.” First period has just ended and we were walking out when Chanyeol spoke. My head jerked upwards to that and my forehead scrunched into a frown. I did not like the sound of that. “Here’s your schedule.”


He handed the me a slip of paper which I took in my slim hands. I scanned the parchment and my frown deepened. “I signed you up to the same classes you had before.” I remained quiet. “I thought you’d like that and besides, you will be with Yixing most times so don’t worry.”


I could feel myself slowly pouting. I heard a sigh and I raised my head to look at Chanyeol more clearly. He was so freaking tall I had to look up most times. His face had the same exact expression he had earlier when Yixing but this time his eyes seemed softer.


Then he did the unthinkable, something that I never expected him to do. He patted my head then kissed the top of my head. It didn’t last long as he retracted immediately. My eyes widened and my grip on the schedules tightened. Chanyeol took a step back, visage back to stone but his eyes were sparkling.




“See you Baek.” With that, he turned around completely, disappearing down the hall.




I stood there like an idiot holding on to the paper as if my life depended on it, watching the path where the taller had just disappeared.




My heart was on overdrive, pumping in my chest like I had just ran a marathon. It was an uncomfortable yet a delicious feeling. I never felt like this before and somehow it felt great. A stupid smile spread across my tomato red cheeks as I touched the spot on my temple where he had kissed it. He kissed it! My smile went wider.


The moment was however ruined when I heard an obnoxious snicker beside me. Then somebody slapped my back harshly, bringing me back to reality. I glanced sideways to see Yixing with the same infuriating grin plastered to his face.


“Hey, lover boy. Time for class so if you don’t mind.” he said smugly, pointing for the door.


Before I could say anything, I felt the taller boy take my shoulder to stir me around. He pushed me inside a classroom saying it was our next class. I could only nod my head a little embarrassed with my little ‘scene’  and I slipped into a chair discretely hoping if I act low Yixing can forget about it.


My plans were ruined when said boy kept grinning at me for the rest of the class and I could only bury my head into my hands in utter shame.






I sighed in relief. It was the end of the day and I could finally go home. I was strangely uncomfortable with the people in the school except for Yixing. Perhaps it was just that the school was too posh for my liking or something. A little too uptight maybe? Oddly enough, the students didn’t seem to like me at all. It was just so weird.


Either I was overthinking stuff or they really detested me. It was just that I noticed that it was only Yixing or the rare occurrences of Chanyeol that seemed to acknowledge my existence. At some point I thought that they were gossiping about me but then I couldn’t quite be sure.


I waited in the main hall where Chanyeol told me to meet him there. I stood there patiently waiting for his arrival. I tapped my foot and clutched the strap of my bag, readjusting it on my shoulder it had been five minutes and still no lanky guy. Suddenly, a girl walked towards me.


“Hey, you.” she said snidely.


I looked up, a little confused. Was she talking to me? I glanced around me to see if the girl was talking to someone else but it seemed that I was the only one around. I made eye contact with the stranger, gulping at her cold tone and piercing stare.


“What were you doing with Chanyeol-oppa.” she said icily. “H-huh?” I stuttered, unnerved and bewildered.


I felt confused. The girl seemed older than me or Chanyeol for the matter, probably a senior yet she called the giant oppa. I frowned at her before responding.


“I don’t-”


“What’s your relationship with him?” she said coldly, cutting me off. “He doesn’t let anyone near him besides Yixing-oppa.”


“I-I…” I stammered suffering from a mild panic attack.  “He’s my betrothed.” We both whirled around to see Chanyeol standing behind us. “No, better yet he’s my husband.”


The girl’s eyes widened and dropped open. I could feel my face heat up. Chanyeol remained silent, acting indifferent as if what he said was the most normal thing in the world. The noona just kept opening then closing , glancing in my direction then to Chanyeol. Astonishment was plastered all across her face.


She acted like a fish with what she was doing. She was in so much shock that she couldn’t form anything coherent. After several minutes of playing an aquatic animal, Chanyeol became impatient. He grabbed my tiny wrist and pulled me. He dragged me towards the exit and started for home.


After we had left school we opted for walking home. Chanyeol didn’t want to wait for our service. It seemed that even though the mansion was eerily quiet, the taller still had a few helpers. They were in a separate house though and that was why I didn’t see them during my stay.


The walk for home was silent, as always. I was in no mood to chatter as I was still obviously confused with the sudden turn of events. So much was happening that I thought my brain would explode. I turned my head to look at Chanyeol.


The boy seemed to be lost in thought. A small frown was etched on his forehead and it looked like he couldn’t see anything in front of him. He barely noticed the little pebble that was ahead of him, making him stumble a bit. I grinned at him. It was endearing to see him act like a klutz. Refreshing from the usual uptight Chanyeol. Suddenly, my eyes met with warm cocoa ones and I felt his own widen. I quickly looked away, cheeks aflame and embarrassed to have been caught staring.


He must think I’m a creep!


We continued walking and I tried to resist the urge to sneak peeks at the taller. It was quite a hard task. More often than not, Chanyeol caught me staring and each time he did, my face grew redder and redder. I was so red that I was convinced I looked like a walking tomato. We finally arrived to the familiar sight of towering houses and finally the view of our abode. I slipped in as quickly as I could as Chanyeol turned the key on the lock, opening the door wide in the process. I rushed straight to my room and crashed on my bed, not even bothering to drop my bag properly.


I landed on the soft mattress and I inhaled the fragrance coming from the pillows. I sighed as I turned around, lying on my back. I stared at the ceiling for countless minutes, Chanyeol’s face lingering on the recesses of my mind before I let another exhale of breath escape my lips.


School was quite stressful. But I didn’t know what was worse, dealing with the haughty students or dealing my somewhat attraction towards the other male.







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LaFey77 #1
Chapter 17: I thought theres an update. Its okay author nim. I'll wait for u :)
Chapter 16: Hummmm!evil Lu!
Hhhhh.... Nice update author-nim!! Waiting for the next one! Update sooooon pleaaaaase!
apinkcrcr #3
Chapter 15: updated soon please ~~
LaFey77 #4
Chapter 15: I know u can do it... I'll be waiting for another update :)
Chapter 14: Author nim! Your story is amazing and i really like it... I really hope you will back to update it...
nuneno #6
Chapter 2: OMG i really love the plot ❤ gonna continue reading it . keep up the goodwork author-nim
Chapter 13: Wahhh. Please update soon.!! ~~ this is really interesting!!
LaFey77 #8
Chapter 12: Please update soon. I'm waiting for u author nim :)