Chapter 4

Blood- Problems

I stood quietly in front of Chanyeol, my eyes lifeless and dull. It was time for the wedding ceremony. Chanyeol gently took my shoulders. I looked up at him quizzically, not really understanding his intention. Chanyeol said nothing as he slipped a necklace around my neck.


I looked at it and saw a pretty ring looped in the chain. To my utmost shock, Chanyeol gently kissed my temple. “This might hurt.” he said quietly and I was a little confused.


Before I could say anything else, Chanyeol ed the polo I was wearing. My breathing hitched and I let out a gasp as the taller moved the shirt to reveal my milky shoulder blades. My mind was racing but surprisingly I was stock still. He kissed the top of my shoulder then placed a seemingly loving kiss on my neck before it. My eyes widened and I whimpered in astonishment. Then I felt Chanyeol’s fangs rip my skin. I clutched on the taller male’s shoulders and gripped it hard when I felt the pain.


Chanyeol rubbed my back in an attempt to comfort me. My death grip on Chanyeol slowly loosened as I began to relax. Chanyeol drank my blood then pulled back. He gave the wound until it disappeared before completely detaching from me. I looked at my ‘husband’ as his eyes flashed crimson before it reverted to a warm chocolatey hue.


I felt my heart beat faster as I stared at the taller. I was well aware that Chanyeol’s hands were still on my waist and that I was still partly . But I couldn’t care less, a little enthralled by this glorious being before me. A sting on my shoulder snapped me out of my trance. I looked at my shoulder to see a mark on my skin. It looked like a phoenix and it glowed in the dimly lit room. I touched it in wonder, a little awestruck and fascinated. It was beautiful, entrancing even that I just couldn’t quite peel my eyes off of it. I looked up to see Chanyeol giving me a tiny smile.


“That’s my symbol.” was his only response to my silent question. “Oh.” was the only thing I could say, the mark. “It tells other vampires that you’re mine.”


I flushed at his words. He sounded a little possessive and I hated to admit that being ‘owned’ by someone -especially someone so attractive was quite nice. I dropped my head so that the other male didn’t have to see my embarrassing state. My heart was beating in different intervals and a faint tint had started to color my face. Chanyeol stepped nearer and brought my face up.


“Your mine, and mine alone. Remember that.” I reddened a bit more. Chanyeol was deadly serious about it and for some reason I found the way his dark brooding eyes look at me intensely, quite bewitching.






I soon discovered that like my initial impressions, Chanyeol was indeed a prim man. He was silent and stiff at most times but even so, I found myself chattering away with him. I was quite a chatterbox and thankfully the taller male was kind enough to listen to my stories. To me, Chanyeol’s muted silence was comforting, the reason why I always jabbered nonsense.






In truth be told, Chanyeol also enjoyed listening to the smaller talk. His little droopy eyes always seemed to sparkle when he spoke. He found it cute. Chanyeol was somewhat lonely being all alone in a big house such as this. It was a wonder he didn’t go insane. So company was more than welcome for him.





So here we were, taking our usual afternoon tea while I babbled away, as usual. I had gotten quite closer to the other in my stay here and I saw that beside being annoying, Chanyeol can be quite a gentleman. Although he has to work on his bluntness. The taller was calmly sipping his tea while I began one of my wild stories. I excitedly narrated in between bites of cookies that had been served. A treat that I love so much. I couldn’t help stuffing a lot into my mouth, it was just so heavenly. I had been quite busy talking and chowing down food that I failed to notice a crumb left in the corner of my mouth. I would have probably not notice it if it wasn’t for Chanyeol. He had stared at my lips for a good amount of time before leaning forward in his seat. I was caught off guard and stood rock still.


A surprisingly warm hand caressed my face. My heart immediately beat rapidly against my chest. My breath caught in my throat as the hand left the corner of my mouth to my bottom lip, swiping at it gently. Chanyeol looked straight into my eyes, causing my heartbeat to double even more as I stared into those pools. He gently wiped the bit of food at the corner of my mouth with his big thumb before sitting back down, breaking the little spell.


He shot me a gentle smile. It was the first time I ever saw him smile and I was completely captured. I now fully noticed how shapely and plump his lips were and just how kissable they were. The way it slightly turned upwards and the way his eyes crinkled at the side.


It was breath taking. We sat, gazes locked into each other, the air heavy with a cloud so intense. Then suddenly, Chanyeol turned away from me. His eyes clouded over and his expression unreadable. He sat fumbled on his chair for a minute before settling on looking at the floor. I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there, playing with my hands.


The air was thick with tension and it suffocated both of us. Chanyeol looked like he wanted to bang his head on the table top as a means of escape from the heavy atmosphere. I simply didn’t know what to do. Besides my crazed heart rate was making it hard to think straight. Chanyeol looks so handsome.


Wait, what?


I shrugged the thought away, cheeks aflame. After a few minutes of panicked silence I decided to end this torture and just continue on with my story.


The tension between us started to slowly dissipate and Chanyeol visibly relaxed and listened once more. He sat quietly as he seemed to be observing me rather intensely. I didn’t know what was going on through his head but he seemed to have snapped out of his daze as he caught my gaze and smiled again. I gave a pleased smile in return, happy to witness the miraculous teeth flash. I quickly picked up the part from my story from which I stopped and soon, we were in a lively conversation. Well, I was but at least he reciprocated if not subtly. The afternoon sped by fast and soon night had fallen.


We slipped indoors and Chanyeol excused himself, offering to cook. I tried to help him but he seemed pretty well off by himself so I left him after being ignored. We- I ate dinner quickly and after the dishes were done, slipped to bed. I slinked into a separate room from the taller as I had wanted a room of my own. Chanyeol let me do as I pleased and I suspected a lingering guilt somewhere but I completely disregarded it. Besides, there were too many rooms in this darned house anyway. We should at least occupy some space.


We bid a soft goodnight to each other and I immediately flopped down on the bed upon retiring. After a few minutes, I drifted off to dreamland.






“Aren’t I allowed to atleast go to the convenience store?” I pressed again. We were sitting in the library as usual and I had been itching to go out. It had been days since I’ve gotten a taste of the outside air. “It’s not really that far and-”


“No.” Chanyeol replied surly. He went back to reading his book. I huffed in annoyance. It was unfair. He gets to go out but I’ve been trapped like a caged animal here. “You can’t go out to the convenience store you dolt.”


I looked up in astonishment. I thought Chanyeol was done speaking. “Have you not thought that the convenience store is the exact place where most people would go into. They can’t see you Baekhyun. You’re supposed to be dead already.”


I fell silent. He was right. I was an idiot for not thinking of the consequences. I slumped back on my seat in defeat. Looks like I’ll be stuck. I fiddled around with a book before losing interest. I decided to stare at Chanyeol instead. He was so mysterious. He lived all alone and from what I can see, he didn’t look like he had friends. I had been surrounded by good friends and I couldn’t imagine life without them.


Wasn’t he lonely?


“So were done with moping and were starting a game of let’s-stare-at-people-blatantly now?” I flushed a deep red and quickly evaded my gaze. I hadn’t noticed that I had been staring rather intensely. God, how embarrassing can I be?


Suddenly he got up. Startled, I stared at him as he approached me. “Come with me.” I just gawked at him blankly. He sighed again.


“You want to do something fun or not?” I immediately stood up and I swore I could see a faint smile lingering somewhere. I followed him out of the door to the familiar oak doors. We stepped inside the dance room. To my surprise, the instruments were polished and shined. They gleamed under the lights and I could finally see how intricate and glamorous the pieces were.


The tall man walked to a speaker that magically appeared out of nowhere. A lively tune filled the lonely room and I could feel myself smile. I glanced at the taller but he was the guitar so I kept quiet. This was actually a pretty popular song and I began to prance around with the beat. I scurried to Chanyeol and held his hands. He seemed surprised but he concealed it well.


I began to guide him to the beat and even though his face was stoic I could see the glimmer in his eyes. He playfully twirled me around and I laughed as I spun. We danced for a while before I jostled him jokingly. I saw his eyes flicker with mischief and he softly pushed me but I wasn’t going to be beaten easily. I shoved him laughing but my victory was short lived when I felt myself going down with him. He had latched his arms to my wrist and as he fell, he tugged me with him.


We fell on the floor, me on top of him. I giggled like a school girl and looked him in the eye. He offered me a tiny smile and I grinned back.








I lost myself in his warm pools of chocolate eyes. I saw it darken as he looked at me with an emotion  unrecognizable to me. I felt my heart start to beat faster as we continued to stare at each other. The laughter had long since died down on my throat. I noticed the close proximity of our bodies and the warm hands wrapped across my back, caressing gently. My hands were pressed flat on his chest and I could feel the taut muscles underneath the cloth.


I began to redden. That brought him out of his daze and he coughed to bring my attention. I quickly got off him as he released his hold on me. I helped him off the floor as we stood awkwardly after. He suddenly spoke.


“How was that for fun?” I smiled at him. “Great.”




Who knew he could be quite considerate under all that bitter façade? I smiled after his retreating back. He was such a softie inside. I began to see Chanyeol in a new light after that.




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LaFey77 #1
Chapter 17: I thought theres an update. Its okay author nim. I'll wait for u :)
Chapter 16: Hummmm!evil Lu!
Hhhhh.... Nice update author-nim!! Waiting for the next one! Update sooooon pleaaaaase!
apinkcrcr #3
Chapter 15: updated soon please ~~
LaFey77 #4
Chapter 15: I know u can do it... I'll be waiting for another update :)
Chapter 14: Author nim! Your story is amazing and i really like it... I really hope you will back to update it...
nuneno #6
Chapter 2: OMG i really love the plot ❤ gonna continue reading it . keep up the goodwork author-nim
Chapter 13: Wahhh. Please update soon.!! ~~ this is really interesting!!
LaFey77 #8
Chapter 12: Please update soon. I'm waiting for u author nim :)