Forgive me!


"Do I really have to forgive him?"



"Lu Han?" I whispered to myself after seeing the familiar figure from a distance. "Sungie," his voice vibrates quickly through my entire body. I unlock the door inviting him into my house. "Why are you here," I sneer angrily throwing my keys on the table along with the bags with the goods. I rummage through the cupbroad for a glass, to pour water for him. "Why am I not here?" he said calmly. "Indirect answer. Lu Han why are you here?" I say slightly calming down. "When were you pregnant?" He asks ignoring my question. "Four months ago." I stated before gulping my glass of water down. He takes a sip of his water and heaves a sigh. "Why didnt yo..." I shot him a glare before he could finish the sentence. "Do not give me a third degree. I strongly suggest you leave." I say pouring more water out for myself. With no doubt he got up and walked to the door. "I love you Sung Hee." "I love you too." I whisper to him as he leaves. Gladly not hearing me. *I am soo stupid.*  Cautiously I struck myself in the head with my throbing hand. I gulped down the glass and rinsed the glass putting it away. As the hot water struck my soft skin in the shower I thought of Lu Han. His smile, his beautiful dark,hazel,brown eyes, his ... His... Him. I miss him, the cheating scumbag I fell for.

        The unfaithful, partner I had for 2 years. Finishing my shower I wiped myself down applying coconut scented lotion to my own skin. I sat on my soft, comfortable bed thinking why I missed him. In the mist of my thoughts my phone rung. "Yifan" my phone displayed. "Yaebasaeyo Yi Fan. " I say on the phone. "Sung Hee. I didnt except you to pick up...." Kris somewhat whisphered in a soft tone. "I haven't heard your voice in four months how have you been? Hey, do you wanna get drunk? " Kris says excitedly. I sigh "Do you mean drunk on water?" I chuckle to myself imagining his face expression. "No.. No not on water on whiskey, shots, tequila,  beer , alcohol. " I smirk and let out a laugh. "I'm pregnant. " I said calmly as I climb down the stairs to the kitchen. "Not exactly how I imagined telling you, or the guys." I say after getting impatient with the slients Kris was giving after telling him I'm Pregnant. "Where are you? Come to the.. the dorm, everyone wants to see you. We miss you," I hear Chen shout. "Is Lu Han there?" I ask somewhat concerned. "Nope. He isn't come back to the dorm. He said he was going to his Auntie's" Suho said after taking the phone from Kris. "Alright. I will come." I said gently, as I grabbing my keys.

     "YES!!" I hear them all scream. "Goodbye." I said as I hung up. I also grabbed the bag of goods. Locking the door to the house. I walked to my car on the driveway. As I started the car, my heart raced. "Lu Han I miss you." I whisper to myself. "I miss you," Lu Han's voice rung in my head. "No. No no" I shout to myself for just thinking about him. As I pull up to the dorm I had second thoughts.

*These people, people like family, are Lu Han's friends. This isn't right.*

But I went into the dorm. "SUNG HEE!" they all screamed as I walked
through the doorway, were they left the door unlocked. "So careless." I said pointing to the lock. Making a face Sehun jumped over t couch and bowed. "May I have this dance?" He said in as a  scotish person accent. Pushing him practically rejecting him. I seat myself onto the couch smiling at the faces staring at me looking at my baby bump. I sat there examing their faces as they themselves examed me. "You're glowing. " Baekhyun said after the silence. He hugged me and kissed my nose.  "Oppa!" I shouted hitting him. "Same girl I know there." he says laughing. "Sung Hee, I, I mean we missed you." Tao said holding my hand. "Tao, all of you. I think this s be the last time I see all of you." I sadly say hanging my head low. The gasp from them, made me feel terrible. Kris let out a chuckle. " But Jongin is the only one who can see you then." Kris says pratically protesting to the idea. "Let's just have fun." Chen says lazily laying himself flat on the floor. Chanyeol quickly sits on Chen's back making faces. Lay kicks Chen's leg before saying, "Such a immature guy." Chen lifts his head making eye contact with me.

      "Well Sung Hee likes my immaturity better than your gigglely side." I stook my tongue out and shrugged my shoulders. "She likes me better, I am her Oppa." Baekhyun said sliding his arm around my neck. D.O quickly states, "She likes us equally." I nod agreeingly "Let's play games!" xuimin say happily. "Okay, so four people play Monopoly, 6 of us play Headbanz, and 4 play cards, hold on wait what I am confused." Lay says lost in his thoughts. "Alright fixing Lay's mistake. Our options are Monopoly, Dirty Minds, Headbanz, cards, poker, truth or dare, or pictionairy." Chanyeol states punching Chen in the back time to time. I laugh as they decide amongst themselves. "Okay Teams, team 1 is Chen, Chanyeol, Kai, and Baekhyun. Team 2 is Kris, Sehun, Suho, and D.O. Team 3 is Me, Sung Hee, Lay and Tao." Xuimin shouts over the aguring boys. "Pictionairy is first." D.O says firmly. One hour past as we played pictionairy.  "Next is Dirty Minds" Kai says smirking devilishly. 1 hour past. "I wanna play sarades." Chanyeol suggests. "That's not what's called you dimwith." Suho says chuckling.

    "Whatever, I call I the
guessing game." Chanyeol says shruggling his shoulders. "Alright, but it's my last game I bwst be on my way home." I said lazily. "NO!" Chen says shaking his head. "Wae? If it's our last day with y it will be all night." Xuimin says nodding while he plants himself firm. "Fine, but if I fall asleep it's because the baby boy is tried." I said yawning. "You are just making it tried." Chen insists. "It is a boy not a it. Because you did that you have to make ME tea." I said shaking my head slowly in disbelief.  He sighs and says "Anything for my love." Hours pasts with us playing games,
but soon we past time by watching movies. And it finally became midnight. "I am soo tired." I sigh. Jongin whose arms where wrapped around me sighed heavily," Go to sleep then, I will take you home later. And tell the guys you fell asleep during the one of the movies." I smiked at him and mouthed 'thank you' and finally shut my eyes. The sounds from the movie stopped and I heard almost all of them say awe. "She looks so angelic even when she is sleeping." D.O said, I could practically could hear him smile. Suho pulled a blanket over me. I could tell it was suho because of the scent of cologne.  Sehun chuckled and whispered, "Why did Lu Han even cheat on such a beautiful,  innocent, generally kind hearted, and sweet."  " If I didnt know better I'd think you have a crush on her," Lay says laughing. "Dumby, Taken!" Sehun says probably doing something funny,  because everyone started laughing. "Goodnight Sung Hee." They all said. Just as Xuimin was about to put back on the movie after being yelled to start it up again.

     Chanyeol quickly said, " Boy I hope Lu Han doesn't come back in the morning to see her in Jongin's bed." "I told her I would just take her home Hyung!" Jongin said shaking his head. " Just leave her here, you will just make her upset if you wake up the beautiful princess." Baekhyun says. "Well, Alright but if she yells at me you will all take the fall." Jongin says angrily. "Fine!" Tao shouts. I heard a whack, "You stupid kid, She is going to wake up." Kris said in a soft yet angry tone. "But, you didn't have to hit me that hard on the head." Tao say innocently. "Alright you two just shut up." Chen said.

      "Hey! I AM  YOUR HYUNG and don't treat me like you treat Tao." Kris said with anger. "Alright, people calm down let's watch Transformers already." Chanyeol says. "Fine." Baekhyun said happily. "You weren't even involved." Suho said. Before Baekhyun could reply Xuimin hit play. And everybody stopped talking. Slowly the voice of Optimus Prime became quiet. Awaken from the sunshine that shown through Jongin's curtains. I groaned after waking up. I washed my face and conveniently I had a tooth brush still here and my hairbrush in Jongin's room. After getting ready I walked out slowly. "Yaebo!" I heard Baekhyun's voice call. "Oppa," I said jokingly. "See?" He said pointing to me. Gladly no one heard me call him Oppa so he had no proof. "Ugh. I will get this recorded one day." He says angrily, I just shrug and walk to the kitchen-like corner. I gulped down water, which felt like a forced addiction. " Anyone wanna ride with me to the grocery store, but remember you have yo cover your face the whole time." I said after I drank several cups of water.

       "Oh. I wanna come." Jongin said smiling. "Alright, beside you have plans with Rein later so I will drop you off there. Anyone else?" I asked one last time. "I wanna go too!" Sehun said quickly before I walent out the door with Jongin. In the car Jongin sat in the front with a scarf that cover half his face, and his sunglasses, plus his hat and a nice thin winter coat. Sehun had basically the same thing just different styles and colour. At the grocery store, I bought the groceries I needed to make the feast I promised Rein I would make her today, and extra dishes I wanted to eat. I bought chocolate bars, ice cream and a lot of more stuff. But most importantly I bought toys, not for my baby for my two kids that tagged along; Sehun and Jongin. Bouncy balls, a basketball and soccer ball, a lot of different things kids would want. I spent a grand total of $456.860 00₩. "Yeah! I am going to have a feast just me, Rein, and Sung Hee." Jongin bragged. "Meanie," Sehun said from the back. " Yehett,  Sehun I will drop you off at the dorm; Jongin, Me and You will go baby shopping. " I smiled. Sehun really did want to go home after what I told Jongin what we were going to do. Jongin was happy to help.

     " A y, generous man Rein calls you." I said rolling my eyes, as Sehun left the car when we arrived back at the dorm. "That's why I love her , and why I love you for introducing us. " He shyly said. "Not to curse your relationship,  but if you two don't work out. I am still going t stay friends with you and her." "I know." he plainly said. We got to the baby store, and I bought everything Jongin said he liked as a kid and all cute stuff and I bought a bunk bed and a crib; plus a playpin and a
rocking chair. And a baby monitor. I bought paint too! Jongin carried everything into the house when I got home.

      " Woah, I can't believe we spent 2 000 000 00₩" "I do plus you're the one carrying everything." I laughed at him struggling. Jongin dropped everything into the kitchen. The bunk bed and the crib, We had to ask my neighbor to help Jongin.  His daughter gladly accepted when she saw Jongin at the door. Her father carried the stuff with Jongin. We thanked him, and apologized for causing him trouble. "I, my friend, will start cooking you can start painting or builing something." I said tiredly.  "Alrighty, but tell Rein I am already here, and you gave us the okay for our thing." he said smiling devilishly. 

     "Okay, you little boy." I stook my tongue as he did the same. I cut the green onions throwing them into the pan and pouring wine into the pan too. Adding the seasoned chicken as the wine popped. I proveeded to chop garlic for the shanghai noodles Jongin requested.  I set the table as the soup and wine chicken were boiling. I poured myself water and the two wine glasses with 2005 Louis Roederer
Cristal. Finally the chicken was done. I placed it onto the left side of the long squared table I had. I cut more green onions, garlic, and white onions adding into the pan that was just covered with butter. I added pieces of seasoned beef. I poured it into a bowl adding more butter, and adding rice. I fried rice then poured the beef into the pan as the rice fried. Finally finished I put that dish on the right side of the table. I lowered the heat for the soup before I walked into the baby room, now blue and covered with cute designs. And the shelves and
bookshelves completed and installed. The shelves filled with the stuff animals and balls. The bookself filled with books. The crib set up, on the left side of me. And the bunk bed across the crib. And the rocking chair in the corner. "You know I think it is cool there is a bookself in the bunk bed too, plus drawers under the bunk bed." Jongin said at sight of me. "Unbelievable! You finished. In a day." I said hugging him he gladly sighed and said " You are totally welcome." The doorbell rang. "Rein's here!" we bothe said I quickly rushed to the
door as Jongin did too. "She came in and we ate lunch and talked about our day. "Let's see thee baby room."Jongin said after lunch.



-5 months later-





Jongin came over to help with the pregnancy since they weren't do8ng anything. Rein said she would stop bt later for Jongin. When both of us heard a knock on the door, and the doorbell. Jongin quickly opened it and stuck his tongue out rejoicing he opened the door first. I giggled at his victory dance. But both our moods changed Jongin sighed and glared at Lu Han " Why are you here
Hyung?" "I could ask you the same." Lu Han fired back. I tapped my finger on my elbows furrious with this man. Lu Han looked around obviously seeing the food I made for Jongin for just helping through the pregnancy. "Sung hee I need to Talk to you in private please" he stated.  *why should I let you in?* but I noticed his face, the dark circles around his eyes, his skin tone that once was fair white, turned into a pale pale white. "Fine, come in." I said walking to the baby room. Luhan quickly followed. Jongin sighed and closed the door. "I will
stay out here." Jongin shouted. I shut the door making Lu Han jump, because he was inspecting the place. "I Love you Sung Hee I realized I made a mistake. I was a fool letting you go, I love you I am sorry, I never noticed when you got a new dress, or got your hair done, but I noticed while I thought about you." He paused. Tears rushing down his face, heavily breathing. "I .... I can't. .. Get. ... Ovvveeer youu. I llloovvee yo..u ..he.e" He said in between his sobs. He lowered his head then quickly got to knees. His head on his knees letting his cries
out. " I love you, forgive me. Let me shower you affection, I want you to forget my greatest mistake. " he went on. " I love you," I softly said, unaware of what I said. "Do you... You forgive me..?: he sadly asked not dare to meet my gaze. "I can't handle this." I confessed. I quickly fell to my knees touching Lu Han's head with my own. I felt the tears that welled behind my eyes earlier resurfaced. His hands slowly my stomach. I rubbed the tears aways chuckling. "Lu Han I forgive you."

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Chapter 2: hello author LRNLCH!!

i can see why some people say she was too quick to forgive him..however i do understand where she is coming from!!

Chapter 2: tbh luhan deserves hell, lol i'm kidding </3 nice story though hun.
sherrie1999 #3
Chapter 2: You should make luhan life miserable :3 I sounded so evil~ :)
sazuka #4
Chapter 2: awwww finally, but I think this is to easy for luhan, he should suffer more, this is not fer for me.
but, love is love right? no matter how bad the situation is you will just forgive the person, am I right? hahaha silly love.

you make a great one ^_^
rudelysweetk21 #5
Chapter 2: awww finally, but feel like luhan should have tried harder than to wait for all those months!!! and wish it was a lil longer!1 ahha but thanks anyway :D
Chapter 2: owhhhh....hehehe..nice! update soon????
aelitastones1230 #7
Chapter 2: Please continue the story