Capture The Moment



When the best and the not so experienced photographers were joined for the first time.



Hallo. Hullo. Hello! I AM SO BAEK. With a Luhan short story~ I've been into photography nowadays, like I wanted to learn how to take great photos and such because of Instagram lol, so a plot suddenly popped out in my mind while I was daydreaming so yeah. There you go! I don't know if you guys will relate to this or something, but I inserted fluff as always so I'm just hoping for the best >w<

PS. It's my first time actually making a wallpaper for my story, claps for myself lol

Enjoy reading EXO stans! And don't forget to subscribe and comment! ♥



Much love,

boxians; xoxo



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Chapter 2: OMMGG I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY!ANDUR STORY !!plz update soon author nim