Just One Day

Just One Day

-- Jungkook walks out from the front gate with his head down. He looks up and sighs. As he does, he sees her standing down the street with her friends. He smiles and runs towards her. He gives her a back hug which startles her; but when she realizes it’s him, she smiles and then turns around to hug him tightly.

-- He takes her bag and slings it on his shoulder with his own. He grabs her hand and they walk off as they wave goodbye to her group of friends. She excitedly skips beside him while she tells him about her day. She never walks in straight line. She’s always turning to walk backwards so that she can face him as she talks; or scurrying alongside him while squeezing his arm tightly. If he had to choose, that would be his favorite thing about her. He can’t look at her and not smile. Her brightness extends to him and even the gloomiest day becomes filled with light.

-- They get on the bus and he take out his iPod. He puts one earphone in his ear and the other in hers. She wraps her arms around his and rests her head on his shoulder as they listen to music. Within moments, she’s asleep. He smiles again. Yet another thing he loves about her; she could fall asleep anywhere. They make it to their stop and he wakes her up gently. She stumbles off of the bus and almost trips, but he catches her.

-- She blinks and then looks around. All her energy returns when she remembers where they are and why they’re there. She runs off with a big smile on her face towards the beautiful blue waters of the beach. Once she reaches the sand, she hops along, trying to remove her shoes and socks without losing momentum. He follows behind her slowly. She calls for him to join her in the water, but he declines. He could stay there all day and night just watching jump around in the water.

-- Suddenly, someone bumps him from behind. He blinks and he’s back in front of the school gate. It was all just a fantasy. He forces a smile as he pretends to listen to his friends’ conversation. They start walking and he follows along. When his group passes hers, he steals one more glance at her. She looks up and their eyes meet. She smiles at him and he smiles back.

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--minyoungiie #1
Chapter 1: Kookie~ . How cuuteee~ .
Chapter 1: Aigoo.... this is so cute. I wasn't expecting the ending but it was adorable >.<
Keep writing stories like these, I promise to read them all ^^