

I woke up back on the camp, "how the hell did I get back over here?" I asked. "Soldiers found u so we took u over here so u could recover... We tried to take ur friend but sadly, there was no way he could've survived that shot. I'm even suprised that u survived yours, u were losing to much blood. " the doctor said checking up on me. I tried to get up, but I winced because of the pain on my side. "Wow..So there's no chance of Bronn being alive...are they still going to bury him?" I said laying back down. "Yes" "can I go?" "O yes, by the time u recover, u can go, wich is tomorrow. Plus remember that tomorrow, u are also free for a few months of the Marines." 

*skip burial of Bronn"

So I have about 1/2 a year am I goin to make money now? I got into my car and My train of thought got interupted as I got a call. "Um...Hello? Who's this?" "Hello Knox, no need to worry about me, I heard that ur off the marines for a while, and that u probably needed a about I assign u to do something and I give u $1 million?" "Sounds great..what's the job sir?.." "I need u to come to the subway and tell a tall guy wearing a tux in the front that u came to see Mr.Rubiano, ok? Then we'll talk from there son." "Wa-..., he hung up on me..". Should I take the job? I mean, that's a lot of money, and the job is probably simple, all I need to do is meet up wit the guy at subway and we'll see what happens from there. Sounds simple to me. I got to the subway and met up with the guy in the tux,"Hello sir, I Need to speak with Mr.Rubiano, he said he has a job for me." "Ok, come with me boy." He then took me to a steel  door. WTF? When was this at the subway?..It looks like an interrogation room, I sat down and saw a man with a tux, gold watch, must be a rich Italian, he also has 4-5" scar across his cheek. "Knox, I want you to do a big favor for me" "wat is it?" "I want you to kill your boss. He's been having trouble with us lately, I heard that u are pretty good with a gun, and I knew that u needed a job so I got u one. Do we have a deal Knox?" "Um...You sure that your not lying about the money?" "Ha, of course I'm not lying! I have the money right here! Sansa, open the case." The tux guy, Sansa, then opened the case with a million dollars. " weren't lying.." "So do we have a deal Knox? You assassinate your boss and I give you the money?" He grinned and took his hand out, I shook it and said, "Deal Mr. Rubiano"

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Im just making sure I cant get any more
Last one !! ^.^
2 more ! Sorry ana ._.
3 is all I need now .. I think
4 is coming +
Now just 5 !
I'll just do 6 more
Im soooooo bored !!!
I'm such a dork ._.
Demi Lovato is my favorite person in the world !!