

Minho watches Taemin's head lift itself from his bare chest and limbs untangle with his, his auburn strands messy and lips red, he reaches for his pack of cigarettes and lights it with the candle on the bedside table, placing it halfheartedly into his mouth. He takes his first draw, his lips pursing around it and then relaxing, smoke drifting out between them and floating freely up to the ceiling. He watches it drift into the air with hazy eyes, then turns his head to the sound of birds chirping outside. It was more or less morning, round about 6am. 

"So.." Minho starts, and Taemin's gaze fit's onto his mouth, "Ah, well, what are we?" 

Taemin lets out a breath and smashes his cigarette into the astrey while sighing, "Depends what you mean. We're humans, we're teenagers. We're in a bed, we're both stupid and dumb, we're both looking for the meaning of life, we'r-" 

"Taemin." Minho deadpans. 

Taemin grins lazily, "We're a lot of things, you'll have to be specific." 

"You know what I mean. I don't want to be one of those people who put a damper on whatever is going on between the two people but whatever this is has been going on for a while now, and. It's been eating me alive, Taemin. People always say that labelling a relatonship and it makes it strained but I need to know. I'm merely human, I need confirmation, assurance." 

Taemin smirks at him, throwing himself back down onto the pillow to balance his head on one hand, his elbow wobbling on the soft material. 

"Well, Minho, we're just us. Together, we are Minho and Taemin. We don't need a label. Humans have evolved and have been completely convinced and brain washed into little minded ways and routines. Conformation will only make things hurt more in the end up, let's just be us. We're Minho and Taemin. Can't that just be enough?" Taemin sleepily slurs with heavy lids, looking up at Minho. 

Minho looks out the window and back to Taemin, he has his head on the pillow now, his eyes closed lightly and sleepy sighs slipping out through the gaps of his teeth. The small light from the window shines in on him and Minho decides that yeah, it can be enough. Just Minho and Taemin, they're fine the way they are. 

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Chapter 1: this is kinda..... melancholic in a way??? i DK BUT I REALLY LOVED IT IT'S BEAUTIFuL rip <//3
alexshineeexo #2
Chapter 1: awesome and SO TRUE!!! :D